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Created April 5, 2013 17:13
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Non-minimal example
%% We require ``twoside'' in order for the left/right pages to have different headers
%% But this then requires us to solve some problems with margin pars not showing up
%% That
%% For double spacing
%% For turning off hyphenation globally
% \usepackage[none]{hyphenat}
\setmathsfont(Digits,Latin,Greek)[Numbers={Lining,Proportional}]{Linux Libertine O}
\setminwhitespace % not sure if this helps
\setmathrm{Linux Biolinum O}
\setmainfont[Mapping= tex-text,
SmallCapsFont={Linux Libertine O},
SmallCapsFeatures= {Color=FF2400, RawFeature={+smcp,+hlig,+dlig}}]{Linux Libertine O}
% This gets around having too few math fonts in a cheap way.
% However you can't just copy and paste mathcal stuff
% Not sure why!
\newfontfamily\calligraphicfont{Linux Biolinum Shadow O}
\newcommand\calP{\text{\calligraphicfont P}}
\newcommand\calU{\text{\calligraphicfont U}}
\newcommand\calV{\text{\calligraphicfont V}}
\newcommand\calF{\text{\calligraphicfont F}}
% Fun colors and ligatures - maybe too fun
%% \setmainfont[Mapping= tex-text,
%% SmallCapsFont={Linux Libertine O},
%% SmallCapsFeatures= {Color=000000, RawFeature={+smcp,+hlig,+dlig}},
%% BoldFont={Linux Libertine O Bold},
%% BoldFeatures={Color = 000000,SmallCapsFont={Linux Libertine Capitals O Bold},%
%% SmallCapsFeatures = { Color=70CF14, RawFeature={+smcp,+hlig,+dlig}} },
%% ItalicFont={Linux Libertine O Italic},
%% ItalicFeatures={Color = 000000, RawFeature={+liga,+hlig,+dlig}, %
%% SmallCapsFont={Linux Libertine Capitals O Italic}, %
%% SmallCapsFeatures = {Color=000000,RawFeature={+smcp,+hlig,+dlig}}},
%% BoldItalicFont={Linux Libertine O},
%% BoldItalicFeatures={ Color = 000000, %
%% SmallCapsFont={Linux Libertine Capitals O Bold Italic}, %
%% SmallCapsFeatures = { Color=000000,RawFeature={+smcp,+hlig,+dlig}}} ]{Linux Libertine O}
%% Use ``ex'' to make the spacing depend on current font, cool!
% The ``side'' where this goes is set above.
% Contrary to page 250 of the memoir manual, it seems the default is ``inner''.
%%% but Alex and Peter don't seem to think it is that important to have any endnotes
%%% in any case, so I'm taking this out for now
\tikz[baseline=(C.base)]\node[draw,circle,inner sep=0.5pt](C) {#1};\!
%% Thesis guidelines:
%% your full name and degrees
%% the title
%% the degree for which it is offered
%% the discipline or disciplines to which it pertains
%% the date of submission
%% inside margin 40 mm
%% top and outside margins 15 mm
%% bottom margin 20 mm
%% With the ``twoside'' setting for the document class, these
%% accomplish the above, giving 5mm extra on the outside margin
%% and 5mm extra for the top margin
%% Another version that's a little more comfortable
%% but not usable for the standards of the Open University
% \setlrmarginsandblock{23mm}{23mm}{*}
% \setulmarginsandblock{23mm}{28mm}{*}
% Parameters here are: { separation }{ width }{ push }
\setsecnumformat{\hspace{-.82in}{\HUGE \thesection}\hspace{.23in}}
%% ``promote'' sections to format them like chapters:
%% Tip c/o egreg at
% following a nice tip from
\let\footruleskip\relax % for compatibility of memoir and fancyhdr
\let\proportional\ttfamily % for compatibility of memoir and blindtext
% This is the header implementation, it took me a little while to figure out why
% it works like this!
\fancyhead[LE]{\slshape \thesection.~ \nouppercase{\leftmark}}
\fancyhead[RO]{\slshape \nouppercase{\rightmark}}
%\DisemulatePackage{moreverb} % compatibility with pdftricks
\parindent = 1.4em
%%% Legacy math stuff
%\usepackage{makeidx} % allows for indexgeneration
%% \newcommand{\sidequote}[1]{
%% \marginpar{{ \begin{rotate}{270}
%% \raisebox{4mm}{\HUGE #1}
%% \end{rotate}
%% }}}
% Actually we won't use this in ``production''
\marginpar{{ \begin{rotate}{270}
\raisebox{8mm}{\hspace{-5mm}\tiny #1}
\marginpar{{ \begin{rotate}{90}
\raisebox{-10mm}{\hspace{-15mm}\tiny #1}
% so let's switch back
\indent \begin{list}{\arabic{123listcolonstylectr}:}{\usecounter{123listcolonstylectr}}}
\def\defn#1{{\footnotesize \indent
\setlength{\parsep}{0em} #1 \end{123listcolonstyle}}}
%%% End of legacy math stuff
\usepackage{xcolor} % colors
%% Can use this to make the labels in the back a different font or color
%\renewcommand\@biblabel[1]{{\sc #1.}}
%% frenchlinks here will make all the links show up in small caps font
\usepackage[frenchlinks, pdfborderstyle={/S/U/W .5},citebordercolor={1 1 1},linkbordercolor={1 1 1},urlbordercolor={1 1 1}]{hyperref}
%% really useful TOC configuration - turn off the far-too-many links!
% \usepackage{pifont}
\newcommand{\rem}[2]{\begin{center}\framebox[1\textwidth]{\parbox{.92\textwidth}{\hspace{-.037\textwidth} \lefthand \hspace{-.002\textwidth} \emph{\bf#1}\\ #2}}\end{center}}
\MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}
% \newcommand{\inlineboxb}[1]{\shifttext{.7in}{\framebox{\parbox{.8\textwidth}{#1}}}\\}
\MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}%
\hspace{-.048\textwidth} \lefthand \hspace{-.003\textwidth}
{\bf \thechapter.\theexample~\emph{#1}} \emptybar \noindent \hspace{-.5em}}
{\endemptybar \vspace*{-1em} \endframed}
{\begin{nota}[{\bf {\em #1}}]}%
%%% Integrating commands from various papers + compatibility stuff
%%% end of integrating commands from various papers
%% some additional TOC configuration options
\renewcommand*{\cftfigurename}{{\bf Fig.}\space}
\renewcommand*{\listfigurename}{List of Figures and Tables} % NOT WORKING
% scshape to set these to red
% \multicolumn{1}{p{.25\textwidth}}{\textbf{Relevance}}
Ultimately relevance depends on peer review, and irrelevant content
may be deleted. Mechanisms to ensure that relevant content
\emph{will} be added could be improved. &
People contribute articles about what
they're interested in; apart from this, rules like WP:WEIGHT come into
Anyone can upload projects (for ``full projects'', one time approval
is needed), but getting changes into the core requires considerably
more vetting. \\
Quality control is handled with corrections and the ``orphaning'' mechanism
in case of nonresponsive authors. Some articles are world-writeable,
as in the wiki model. & Automated tools for spam and vandalism detection
combined with a system of editorial oversight, in which Jimmy Wales
has last say. & In addition to bug reports and feature requests handled
through the issue tracker, modules can make use of an automated patch
testing system.\\
Peer review is distributed. Links are handled automatically. Caching
is deployed where relevant; in particular, interlinking features are
kept up to date. & The database and other infrastructure is massively
scaled. There are many bots that help with small tasks. & In theory,
anyone can join. Earl Miles, NYCCamp 2012 keynote: ``\emph{There are
no insiders, except Dries; there are no outsiders, only resumes.}''
% \multicolumn{1}{p{.25\textwidth}}{\textbf{Consistency}}
Although automatic links and corrections can help with consistency,
mainly PM relies on standards for proof and expository quality.
&NPOV is the key rule, which works together with templates and other
process tools to maintain community standards about style and
content. & The project issue queues are the place to go when one
module's changes breaks another's. The core of the project has
considerable oversight in these
% \multicolumn{1}{p{.25\textwidth}}{\textbf{Motivation}}
People are solving some of their learning, exposition, and social
needs on the site by writing and reviewing articles and posting in the
forums.& As of 2006, over 50\% of the site had been written by less
than 1\% of the users; these days, paid editing is somewhat
notorious.& Miles continued: ``\emph{To build a resume, find someone
who needs help, and help them. Find something that needs doing, do
it.}'' \\ \hline
\caption{As typeset ``out of the box''}
% \multicolumn{1}{p{.25\textwidth}}{\textbf{Relevance}}
Ultimately relevance depends on peer review, and irrelevant content
may be deleted. Mechanisms to ensure that relevant content
\emph{will} be added could be improved. } &
\nohyphens{ People contribute articles about what
they're interested in; apart from this, rules like WP:WEIGHT come into
Anyone can upload projects (for ``full projects'', one time approval
is needed), but getting changes into the core requires considerably
more vetting.} \\
\nohyphens{Quality control is handled through corrections and the ``orphaning'' mechanism
in case of nonresponsive authors. Some articles are world-writeable,
as in the wiki model.} &\nohyphens{ Automated tools for spam and vandalism detection
combined with a system of editorial oversight, in which Jimmy Wales
has last say.} &\nohyphens{ In addition to bug reports and feature requests handled
through the issue tracker, modules can make use of an automated patch
testing system.}\\
\nohyphens{Peer review is distributed. Links are handled automatically. Caching
is deployed where relevant; in particular, interlinking features are
kept up to date. }& \nohyphens{The database and other infrastructure is massively
scaled. There are many bots that help with small tasks. }& \nohyphens{In theory,
anyone can join. Earl Miles, NYCCamp 2012 keynote: ``\emph{There are
no insiders, except Dries; there are no outsiders, only resumes.}''}
% \multicolumn{1}{p{.25\textwidth}}{\textbf{Consistency}}
\nohyphens{Although automatic links and corrections can help with consistency,
mainly PM relies on standards for proof and expository quality.}
&\nohyphens{NPOV is the key rule, which works together with templates and other
process tools to maintain community standards about style and
content.} & \nohyphens{The project issue queues are the place to go when one
module's changes breaks another's. The core of the project has
considerable oversight in these
% \multicolumn{1}{p{.25\textwidth}}{\textbf{Motivation}}
\nohyphens{People are solving some of their learning, exposition, and social
needs on the site by writing and reviewing articles and posting in the
forums.}& \nohyphens{As of 2006, over 50\% of the site had been written by less
than 1\% of the users; these days, paid editing is somewhat
notorious.}& \nohyphens{Miles continued: ``\emph{To build a resume, find someone
who needs help, and help them. Find something that needs doing, do
it.}}'' \\ \hline
\caption{Attempt to control hypenation by using $\backslash$nohyphens\{...\}}
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