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Last active October 15, 2021 13:59
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Macro to create a decorator (wrapper) for a objects implementing a Java interface
;; A macro to create a decorator (wrapper) for a objects implementing a Java interface
;; Disclaimer: The code most certainly is not perfect and does not handle some corner cases
;; License: The Unlicense
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(defn type->tag [parameter-type]
(let [array? (-> parameter-type name (str/ends-with? "<>"))
primitive? '#{int long float double short boolean byte char}
type (if array?
(-> parameter-type name (str/replace #"<>$" "") symbol)
;; handle ints, bytes etc:
(and array? (primitive? type))
(-> type name (str "s") symbol)
(str "[L" type ";")
(with-meta type nil))))
(defn type-hint
[sym type]
(vary-meta sym assoc :tag (type->tag type)))
(defn wrap-method [target-sym ^clojure.reflect.Method {:keys [name return-type parameter-types flags ::typehint?]}]
(let [args (vec (map #(symbol (str "arg" %)) (range (count parameter-types))))]
(list ;; name
(if typehint?
(type-hint name return-type)
;; args
(into ['_]
(if typehint?
(mapv type-hint args parameter-types)
;; body
(concat (list '. target-sym name) args))))
(defn wrap-methods [target-sym members]
(let [methods (filter #(instance? clojure.reflect.Method %) members)
overloaded-arity-methods (->> methods
(group-by (juxt :name (comp count :parameter-types)))
(mapcat (fn [[_ vals]] (when (next vals) vals)))
(remove nil?)
(into #{}))]
(->> methods
(sort-by :name)
(map #(cond-> %
(overloaded-arity-methods %) (assoc ::typehint? true)))
(map #(wrap-method target-sym %)))))
(defn wrap-interface
"Return a map from interface to wrapped methods (delegating all calls to the provided `target-sym`"
[target-sym interface]
(let [{:keys [bases flags members]}
(clojure.reflect/type-reflect interface)]
;; NOTE: I could (clojure.reflect/type-reflect java.sql.Connection :ancestors true) =>
;; `members` would include all methods incl. inherited => easier to find such duplicated;
;; I could then group-by `:declaring-class`
(assert (and (:interface flags) (:public flags)) "must be a public interface")
(into {(with-meta interface nil) (wrap-methods target-sym members)}
(map #(wrap-interface target-sym %) bases))))
(defmacro defdecorator
"Create a [Decorator]( for the given interface,
delegating all calls to a target object. The decorator is a `deftype` and expects one constructor argument,
the target object.
Parent interfaces are included.
Ex.: `(do (defdecorator WrappedConn java.sql.Connection) (.close (WrappedConn. original-connection)))`
You typically want to use it to generate the code to copy-paste into your source code (since you likely want to
modify the code by changing some of the generated method bodies). To do that:
(binding [*print-meta* true] ; so that type hints are included
(prn (macroexpand-1 '(defdecorator WrappedConnection java.sql.Connection))))
which, after some formatting (e.g. with cljstyle) will produce something like
(deftype WrappedConnection [^java.sql.Connection target]
(abort [_ arg0] (. target abort arg0))
(beginRequest [_] (. target beginRequest))
;; the following are type hinted due to overloaded arities:
(^java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement [_ ^java.lang.String arg0 ^int arg1] (. target prepareStatement arg0 arg1))
(^java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement [_ ^java.lang.String arg0 ^ints arg1] (. target prepareStatement arg0 arg1))
(^java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement [_ ^java.lang.String arg0 ^\"[Ljava.lang.String;\" arg1] (. target prepareStatement arg0 arg1))
(isWrapperFor [_ arg0] (. target isWrapperFor arg0))
(unwrap [_ arg0] (. target unwrap arg0)))
You could also use dfdecorator directly in your code, but what is the point, if it just passes all calls
through as-is?
* If an interface and an ancestor interface declare the same method then an implementation will be provided twice
(example: java.sql.Connection/close and AutoCloseable/close)"
[typename interface]
(let [specs-map (wrap-interface 'target interface)
specs-list (mapcat (fn [[iface methods]]
(into [iface] methods))
`(deftype ~typename [~(with-meta 'target {:tag interface})]
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bsless commented Oct 13, 2021

the same method with the same number arguments but different types

That's what I meant

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