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Last active December 2, 2021 10:18
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Want more from your frontend framework!

Source code for my Telia Full Stack Feast talk "Want more from your frontend framework!" (slides) (6/2020), comparing Redux with REST and a Fulcro with Pathom (Graph API).

Use case we are implementing: Show “hot deals” in your webshop, loaded on-demand.

PS: For the sake of simplicity I am cheating a little and presenting the Fulcro HotDeals component as a root component. If it was used as a child, we would need to either change the a Link Query or make sure that the :deals are presented as a property on the parent component. Also, I use unqualified keys for brevity. This is not recommended in practice.

/** Traditional Redux + REST implementation */
import React from 'react';
import Redux from 'react-redux';
// ################################################# FRONTEND
// FRONTEND 1 - UI: HotDeals.jsx
export default HotDeals = Redux.connect(
(state) => _.pick(state, ["deals", "dealsError", "dealsLoading"]),
{ loadHotDeals } // defined below
)(function HotDeals({deals, dealsError, dealsLoading, loadHotDeals}){
React.useEffect(() => loadHotDeals(), []) // on mount
if (!deals || dealsLoading) return <p>Loading....</p>
if (dealsError) return <p>Something went wrong</p>
return <ul>{ => <Deal {}/>)}</ul>
// FRONTEND 2: actions.js
export function loadHotDeals() {
return {
promise: fetchHotDeals()
// FRONTEND 3: backend-client.js
export function fetchHotDeals() {
return fetch('https://backend/hot-deals')
.then(res => res.json())
// FRONTEND 4: reducer.js
//import { handle } from 'redux-pack'; // 1 Promise action -> 4 events
export function reducer(state = myInitialState, action) {
const { type, payload } = action;
switch (type) {
// The UI expects deals, dealsLoading, dealsError:
return handle(state, action, {
start: prevState => ({
dealsLoading: true, dealsError: null
finish: prevState =>
({ ...prevState, dealsLoading: false }),
failure: prevState =>
({ ...prevState, dealsError: payload }),
success: prevState =>
({ ...prevState, deals: payload })
// ... repeat ∀ data sources ...
// ################################################## BACKEND
// BACKEND - BUSINESS: webshop.js
async function hotDeals(env) { return ...; }
// BACKEND - PLUMBING: controller.js
router.get('/hot-deals', async(req, res) =>
res.json(await webshop.hotDeals(req.env)));
;; Implementation based on Fulcro and Graph API (via Pathom)
;; ################################################# FRONTEND
;; FRONTEND - all of it: deals.cljs
;; Fulcro calls start with 'f', as in 'ffetch/..'
(def deal-factory (fcomp/factory Deal)) ;; Deal component not shown
;; Syntax: [1, 2, ...] = "array", {:key "value", ...} = map, (something ...) = invoke something (a function, ...)
(defsc HotDeals [this props]
{:query [{:deals (fcomp/get-query Deal)} [ffetch/marker-table :deals-marker]] ; (1) (**)
:use-hooks? true}
(fhooks/use-effect (fn [] (ffetch/load! ; (**)
this :deals Deal ; (2)
{:marker :deals-marker})) ; (**)
;; NOTE: We say we need :deals in the query (1), we get them from props (3),
;; we load! them from the server (2) - all 3 must match (and Fulcro checks it)
(let [marker (get props [ffetch/marker-table :deals-marker])]
(ffetch/loading? marker) (p "Loading...")
(ffetch/failed? marker) (p "Something went wrong...")
:else (ul (map deal-factory (get props :deals)))))) ; (3)
;; (**) - highlights: 1) declarative data needs; 2) built-in load!; 3) built-in loading/failed tracking
;; ################################################# BACKEND
;; BACKEND - BUSINESS: webshop.clj
(defn hot-deals [env] ...)
;; BACKEND - PLUMBING: graph-api.clj
(pc/defresolver hot-deals [env _]
{::pc/input #{}
::pc/output [{:deals [:deal/id :deal/title ...]}]} ; (4)
{:deals (hot-deals env)})
;; NOTE: The output key :deals, (4) matches the key FE queries for
;; In config:
... (pc/connect-plugin {::pc/register [hot-deals ...]}) ...
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