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Created May 5, 2018 11:09
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PureScript Transformers
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class (class MonadEff, liftEff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Ref (REF, Ref, newRef, modifyRef, readRef)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (class MonadTrans, lift)
import Control.Monad.Reader (class MonadAsk, ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
import TryPureScript
-- MonadWeather.purs
newtype WeatherData = WeatherData String
class Monad m <= MonadWeather m where
byCity :: String -> m WeatherData
-- MonadStringAppend.purs
class Monad m <= MonadStringAppend m where
appendStr :: String -> m Unit
-- StringAppendT.purs
newtype StringAppendT m a = StringAppendT (ReaderT (Ref String) m a)
runStringAppendT (StringAppendT m) = runReaderT m
derive newtype instance functorStringAppendT :: Functor m => Functor (StringAppendT m)
derive newtype instance applicativeStringAppendT :: Applicative m => Applicative (StringAppendT m)
derive newtype instance monadStringAppendT :: Monad m => Monad (StringAppendT m)
derive newtype instance applyStringAppendT :: Apply m => Apply (StringAppendT m)
derive newtype instance bindStringAppendT :: Bind m => Bind (StringAppendT m)
instance monadTransStringAppendT :: MonadTrans StringAppendT where
lift = StringAppendT <<< lift
instance monadEffStringAppendT :: MonadEff eff m => MonadEff eff (StringAppendT m) where
liftEff = lift <<< liftEff
derive newtype instance monadAskStringAppendT :: Monad m => MonadAsk (Ref String) (StringAppendT m)
instance monadWeatherStringAppendT :: (MonadWeather m) => MonadWeather (StringAppendT m) where
byCity = lift <<< byCity
instance myMonadStringAppendT :: (Monad m, MonadEff (ref ∷ REF | e) m) => MonadStringAppend (StringAppendT m) where
appendStr val = do
ref <- ask
liftEff $ modifyRef ref (\s -> s <> val)
-- MockWeatherT.purs
newtype MockWeatherT m a = MockWeatherT ( m a)
runMockWeatherT (MockWeatherT m) = m
derive newtype instance functorMockWeatherT :: Functor m => Functor (MockWeatherT m)
derive newtype instance applicativeMockWeatherT :: Applicative m => Applicative (MockWeatherT m)
derive newtype instance monadMockWeatherT :: Monad m => Monad (MockWeatherT m)
derive newtype instance applyMockWeatherT :: Apply m => Apply (MockWeatherT m)
derive newtype instance bindMockWeatherT :: Bind m => Bind (MockWeatherT m)
instance monadTransMockWeatherT :: MonadTrans MockWeatherT where
lift = MockWeatherT
instance monadEffMockWeatherT :: MonadEff eff m => MonadEff eff (MockWeatherT m) where
liftEff = lift <<< liftEff
derive newtype instance monadAskMockWeatherT :: MonadAsk r m => MonadAsk r (MockWeatherT m)
instance monadStringAppendMockWeatherT :: MonadStringAppend m => MonadStringAppend (MockWeatherT m) where
appendStr = lift <<< appendStr
instance myMonadMockWeatherT :: (Monad m, MonadEff e m) => MonadWeather (MockWeatherT m) where
byCity val = pure $ WeatherData $ "It is sunny in " <> val
-- SomeApp.purs
someApp :: forall m. Monad m => MonadWeather m => MonadStringAppend m => m String
someApp = do
appendStr " world"
(WeatherData weather) <- byCity "Amsterdam"
pure weather
-- Main.purs
type MyApp m a = StringAppendT (MockWeatherT m) a
runMyApp :: forall m a. StringAppendT (MockWeatherT m) a -> Ref String -> m a
runMyApp m ref = runMockWeatherT (runStringAppendT m ref)
main = render =<< withConsole do
ref <- newRef "hello"
s <- runMyApp (someApp *> someApp) ref
r <- readRef ref
log s
log r
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