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Created August 10, 2016 16:21
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Sitecore PowerShell script to list all short urls
Lists all the short URLs () respectively the set aliases in the system
Manuel Fischer
$database = "master"
$aliasFolder = "$($database):\sitecore\system\Aliases"
$FolderExists = Test-Path -Path $aliasFolder
function Get-AllAliases {
Get-ChildItem -Path $aliasFolder -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.TemplateName -eq "Alias"}
function Get-PageName ($currentItem) {
$field = [Sitecore.Data.Fields.LinkField] $currentItem.Fields["Linked item"]
function Get-LongURL ($currentItem) {
$field = [Sitecore.Data.Fields.LinkField] $currentItem.Fields["Linked item"]
$urlOptions = [Sitecore.Links.UrlOptions]::DefaultOptions
$urlOptions.Site = [Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext]::GetSite("website")
[Sitecore.Links.LinkManager]::GetItemUrl($field.TargetItem, $urlOptions)
if(!$FolderExists) {
Show-Alert "Der Alias-Ordner wurde unter sitecore\system\Aliases nicht gefunden!"
} else {
$items = Get-AllAliases
if($items.Count -eq 0){
Show-Alert "Es wurden keine gesetzten Short-URLs bzw. Aliases gefunden."
} else {
$props = @{
Title = "Short-URLs - Resultate"
InfoTitle = "Gesetzte Short-URLs"
InfoDescription = "Zeigt die gesetzten Short-URLS bzw. Aliases an."
PageSize = 25
$items | Show-ListView @props -Property @{Label="Short URL"; Expression={$_.Name} },
@{Label="Page Name"; Expression={Get-PageName -currentItem $_} },
@{Label="Long URL"; Expression={Get-LongURL -currentItem $_} },
@{Label="Item path"; Expression={$_.ItemPath} }
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For external links , need to be modified by adding
if($field.LinkType -eq "external")

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