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bubenkoff /
Last active February 14, 2024 21:38
Endpoint Security VPN FULL start/stop script for Mac OS X
# The reason of creating this script is that Endpoint Security VPN installs it's own application firewall kext cpfw.kext
# which prevents for example PPTP connections from this computer, which is not appropriate if you need subj connection just
# from time to time
# Usage: ./
# The script checks if Enpoint Security VPN is running. If it is, then it shuts it down, if it is not, it fires it up.
# Or, make an Automator action and paste the script.
mildmojo / left_join_arel_example.rb
Last active April 5, 2024 16:00
LEFT JOIN in ARel for ActiveRecord in Ruby on Rails
# Here's a contrived example of a LEFT JOIN using ARel. This is an example of
# the mechanics, not a real-world use case.
# NOTE: In the gist comments, @ozydingo linked their general-purpose ActiveRecord
# extension that works for any named association. That's what I really wanted!
# Go use that! Go:
# - A Taxi is a car for hire. A taxi has_many :passengers.
# - A Passenger records one person riding in one taxi one time. It belongs_to :taxi.
mccv / gist:1259343
Created October 3, 2011 15:14
OAuth with finagle streaming
import java.util.UUID
import com.twitter.conversions.time._
import com.twitter.finagle.builder.ClientBuilder
import com.twitter.util._
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.{ChannelBuffers, ChannelBuffer}
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http._
cyberdelia /
Created April 3, 2010 14:05
Fabric deploy script with : south migrations, rollback and maintenance page.
from fabric.api import env, run, sudo, local, put
def production():
"""Defines production environment"""
env.user = "deploy"
env.hosts = ['',]
env.base_dir = "/var/www"
env.app_name = "app"
env.domain_name = ""
env.domain_path = "%(base_dir)s/%(domain_name)s" % { 'base_dir':env.base_dir, 'domain_name':env.domain_name }