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Created December 9, 2019 18:49
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(4) Another (and a more universal approach) to get rid of the dependence on $\theta$ in (2) is to estimate $s$ via the sample
standard error and use approximation of $\bar{X}$ via Student t-distribution; see details in Ross textbook on statistics or in the lecture notes
for (n in c(100, 1000, 10000)) {
cat("FOR SAMPLE SIZE = ", n, ":\n")
sample_exp = rexp(n*m, lambda) # creating a single sample of exponential distribution
sample_means = colMeans(matrix(sample_exp, nrow=n)) # creating a sample of sample means
for (a in c(0.1, 0.05, 0.01)) { # iterating for each alpha
cat("for alpha = ", a, ":\n")
beta = 1 - a/2
St = qt(beta, n-1)
prob = mean(abs(1 - sample_means / theta) <= St / sqrt(n)) # divided both sides of equation by theta
cat("probability of theta being in the confidence interval = ", prob, "\n")
interval_length = mean(sqrt(n)*sample_means*2*St / (n - St*St)) # long equation transformations that result into this
cat("interval length = ", interval_length, "\n\n")
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