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Created January 24, 2022 18:00
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DSN Store for Cachebox which uses the DSN set in Application.cfc. This was derived from the default JDBC Store.
* Copyright Since 2005 ColdBox Framework by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp
* ---
* I am a cool cool DSN Store for CacheBox. I use the DSN set up in Application.cfc.
* Derived from the JDBCStore which comes with Coldbox/Cachebox
* You may create the table first with the following columns
* id - varchar(100) PK
* objectKey - varchar(255)
* objectValue - clob, longtext, etc
* hits - integer
* timeout - integer
* lastAccessTimeout - integer
* created - datetime or timestamp
* lastAccessed - datetime or timestamp
* isExpired - tinyint or boolean
* isSimple - tinyint or boolean
* We also recommend indexes for: hits, created, lastAccessed, timeout and isExpired columns.
* Or look in the /coldbox/system/cache/store/sql/*.sql for you sql script for your DB.
* @author Luis Majano
component implements="" accessors="true" {
* The cache provider reference
property name="cacheProvider" doc_generic="coldbox.system.cache.providers.ICacheProvider";
* The human store name
property name="storeID";
* The metadata indexer object
property name="indexer" doc_generic="";
* The object serializer and deserializer utility
property name="converter" doc_generic="coldbox.system.core.conversion.ObjectMarshaller";
* The datasource to use for the connection
property name="dsn";
* The table to use for storage
property name="table";
name ="tableAutoCreate"
type ="boolean"
* Constructor
* @cacheProvider The associated cache provider as coldbox.system.cache.providers.ICacheProvider
* @cacheprovider.doc_generic coldbox.system.cache.providers.ICacheProvider
function init( required cacheProvider ){
// Store Fields
var fields = "objectKey,hits,timeout,lastAccessTimeout,created,lastAccessed,isExpired,isSimple";
var config = arguments.cacheProvider.getConfiguration();
// Prepare instance
variables.cacheProvider = arguments.cacheProvider;
variables.storeID = createObject( "java", "java.lang.System" ).identityHashCode( this );
variables.converter = new coldbox.system.core.conversion.ObjectMarshaller();
variables.indexer = new fields, config, this );
// Get Extra config data
variables.dsn = config.dsn;
variables.table = config.table;
// Check autoCreate
if ( isNull( config.tableAutoCreate ) ) {
config.tableAutoCreate = true;
variables.tableAutoCreate = config.tableAutoCreate;
// ensure the table
if ( variables.tableAutoCreate ) {
variables.isLucee = server.keyExists( "lucee" );
return this;
* Flush the store to a permanent storage
void function flush(){
* Reap the storage
void function reap(){
* Get the store's pool metadata indexer structure
* @return
function getIndexer(){
return variables.indexer;
* Clear all the elements in the store
void function clearAll(){
"TRUNCATE TABLE #variables.table#",
* Get all the store's object keys array
* @return array
function getKeys(){
var qResults = queryExecute(
"SELECT objectKey FROM #variables.table# ORDER BY objectKey ASC",
return (
variables.isLucee ? queryColumnData( qResults, "objectKey" ) : listToArray(
valueList( qResults.objectKey )
* Check if an object is in the store
* @objectKey The key to lookup
* @return boolean
function lookup( required objectKey ){
var q = lookupQuery( arguments.objectKey );
return ( q.recordCount AND NOT q.isExpired ? true : false );
* Get an object from the store with metadata tracking, or null if not found
* @objectKey The key to retrieve
function get( required objectKey ){
var normalizedID = getNormalizedID( arguments.objectKey );
transaction {
// select entry
var q = queryExecute(
FROM #variables.table#
WHERE id = ?
[ normalizedID ]
// Update stats if found
if ( q.recordCount ) {
// Setup SQL
var targetSql = "UPDATE #variables.table#
SET lastAccessed = :lastAccessed,
hits = hits + 1
WHERE id = :id";
// Is resetTimeoutOnAccess enabled? If so, jump up the creation time to increase the timeout
if ( variables.cacheProvider.getConfiguration().resetTimeoutOnAccess ) {
var targetSql = "UPDATE #variables.table#
SET lastAccessed = :lastAccessed,
hits = hits + 1,
created = :created
WHERE id = :id";
var qStats = queryExecute(
lastAccessed : { value : "#now()#", cfsqltype : "timestamp" },
id : { value : "#normalizedID#", cfsqltype : "varchar" },
created : { value : "#now()#", cfsqltype : "timestamp" }
// end transaction
// Just return if records found, else null
if ( q.recordCount ) {
return (
q.isSimple ? q.objectValue : variables.converter.deserializeObject( binaryObject = q.objectValue )
* Get an object from cache with no metadata tracking
* @objectKey The key to retrieve
function getQuiet( required objectKey ){
// select entry
var q = queryExecute(
FROM #variables.table#
WHERE id = ?
[ getNormalizedID( arguments.objectKey ) ]
// Just return if records found, else null
if ( q.recordCount ) {
return (
q.isSimple ? q.objectValue : variables.converter.deserializeObject( binaryObject = q.objectValue )
* Expire an object
* @objectKey The key to expire
void function expireObject( required objectKey ){
// select entry
var q = queryExecute(
"UPDATE #variables.table#
SET isExpired = ?
WHERE id = ?
[ 1, getNormalizedID( arguments.objectKey ) ]
* Expire check
* @objectKey The key to check
* @return boolean
function isExpired( required objectKey ){
// select entry
var q = queryExecute(
"SELECT isExpired
FROM #variables.table#
WHERE id = ?
[ getNormalizedID( arguments.objectKey ) ]
return ( q.recordCount && q.isExpired ? true : false );
* Sets an object in the storage
* @objectKey The object key
* @object The object to save
* @timeout Timeout in minutes
* @lastAccessTimeout Idle Timeout in minutes
* @extras A map of extra name-value pairs to store alongside the object
void function set(
required objectKey,
required object,
timeout = "0",
lastAccessTimeout = "0",
extras = {}
var normalizedId = getNormalizedID( arguments.objectKey );
var isSimple = true;
// Test if not simple to serialize
if ( !isSimpleValue( arguments.object ) ) {
isSimple = false;
arguments.object = variables.converter.serializeObject( arguments.object );
transaction {
if ( !lookupQuery( arguments.objectKey ).recordCount ) {
var q = queryExecute(
"INSERT INTO #variables.table# (id,objectKey,objectValue,hits,timeout,lastAccessTimeout,created,lastAccessed,isExpired,isSimple)
id : { value : "#normalizedId#", cfsqltype : "varchar" },
objectKey : { value : "#arguments.objectKey#", cfsqltype : "varchar" },
objectValue : { value : "#arguments.object#", cfsqltype : "longvarchar" },
hits : { value : "1", cfsqltype : "integer" },
timeout : { value : "#arguments.timeout#", cfsqltype : "integer" },
lastAccessTimeout : {
value : "#arguments.lastAccessTimeout#",
cfsqltype : "integer"
now : { value : now(), cfsqltype : "timestamp" },
now : { value : now(), cfsqltype : "timestamp" },
isExpired : { value : "0", cfsqltype : "bit" },
isSimple : { value : "#isSimple#", cfsqltype : "bit" }
var q = queryExecute(
"UPDATE #variables.table#
SET objectKey = :objectKey,
objectValue = :objectValue,
hits = :hits,
timeout = :timeout,
lastAccessTimeout = :lastAccessTimeout,
created = :now,
lastAccessed = :now,
isExpired = :isExpired,
isSimple = :isSimple
WHERE id = :id
id : { value : "#normalizedId#", cfsqltype : "varchar" },
objectKey : { value : "#arguments.objectKey#", cfsqltype : "varchar" },
objectValue : { value : "#arguments.object#", cfsqltype : "longvarchar" },
hits : { value : "1", cfsqltype : "integer" },
timeout : { value : "#arguments.timeout#", cfsqltype : "integer" },
lastAccessTimeout : {
value : "#arguments.lastAccessTimeout#",
cfsqltype : "integer"
now : { value : now(), cfsqltype : "timestamp" },
now : { value : now(), cfsqltype : "timestamp" },
isExpired : { value : "0", cfsqltype : "bit" },
isSimple : { value : "#isSimple#", cfsqltype : "bit" }
* Clears an object from the storage
* @objectKey The object key to clear
function clear( required objectKey ){
FROM #variables.table#
WHERE id = ?
[ getNormalizedID( arguments.objectKey ) ],
result = "local.q"
return ( q.recordCount ? true : false );
* Get the size of the store
function getSize(){
var q = queryExecute(
"SELECT count( id ) as totalCount
FROM #variables.table#
return q.totalCount;
* Get the cached normalized id as we store it
* @objectKey The object key
function getNormalizedId( required objectKey ){
return hash( arguments.objectKey );
// ********************************* PRIVATE ************************************//
* Get the id and isExpired from the object
* @objectKey The key of the object
private query function lookupQuery( required objectKey ){
return queryExecute(
"SELECT id, isExpired
FROM #variables.table#
WHERE id = ?
[ getNormalizedID( arguments.objectKey ) ]
* Create the caching table if necessary
private function ensureTable(){
var qCreate = "";
var tableFound = false;
var create = { afterCreate : "", afterLastProperty : "" };
datasource = "#variables.dsn#",
name = "local.qDBInfo",
type = "version"
// Get Tables on this DSN
datasource = "#variables.dsn#",
name = "local.qTables",
type = "tables"
// Choose Text Type
switch ( qDBInfo.database_productName ) {
case "PostgreSQL": {
create.valueType = "text";
create.timeType = "timestamp";
create.intType = "integer";
create.booleanType = "boolean";
case "MySQL": {
create.valueType = "longtext";
create.afterCreate = "ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
create.timeType = "datetime";
create.intType = "int";
create.booleanType = "tinyint";
create.afterLastProperty = "INDEX `hits` (`hits`),INDEX `created` (`created`),INDEX `lastAccessed` (`lastAccessed`),INDEX `timeout` (`timeout`),INDEX `isExpired` (`isExpired`)";
case "Microsoft SQL Server": {
create.valueType = "ntext";
create.timeType = "datetime";
create.intType = "int";
create.booleanType = "tinyint";
case "Oracle": {
create.valueType = "clob";
create.timeType = "timestamp";
create.intType = "int";
create.booleanType = "boolean";
default: {
create.valueType = "text";
create.timeType = "timestamp";
create.intType = "integer";
create.booleanType = "tinyint";
if ( listToArray( valueList( qTables.table_name ) ).findNoCase( variables.table ) == 0 ) {
"CREATE TABLE #variables.table# (
objectKey VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
objectValue #create.valueType# NOT NULL,
hits #create.intType# NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
timeout #create.intType# NOT NULL,
lastAccessTimeout integer NOT NULL,
created #create.timeType# NOT NULL,
lastAccessed #create.timeType# NOT NULL,
isExpired #create.booleanType# NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
isSimple #create.booleanType# NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
) #create.afterCreate#
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