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Created January 22, 2022 09:17
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var model functions
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from stargazer.stargazer import Stargazer
from arch.unitroot import ADF
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import grangercausalitytests
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm import coint_johansen
# augmented dickey fuller test
def adf_test(df, lags=None, trend='c', max_lags=None, method='AIC', low_memory=None):
data : {dataframe}
The data to test for a unit root
trend : {'nc', 'c', 'ct', 'ctt'}, optional
The trend component to include in the ADF test
'nc' - No trend components
'c' - Include a constant (Default)
'ct' - Include a constant and linear time trend
'ctt' - Include a constant and linear and quadratic time trends
lags : int, optional
The number of lags to use in the ADF regression. If omitted or None,
`method` is used to automatically select the lag length with no more
than `max_lags` are included.
trend : {'nc', 'c', 'ct', 'ctt'}, optional
The trend component to include in the ADF test
'nc' - No trend components
'c' - Include a constant (Default)
'ct' - Include a constant and linear time trend
'ctt' - Include a constant and linear and quadratic time trends
max_lags : int, optional
The maximum number of lags to use when selecting lag length
method : {'AIC', 'BIC', 't-stat'}, optional
The method to use when selecting the lag length
'AIC' - Select the minimum of the Akaike IC
'BIC' - Select the minimum of the Schwarz/Bayesian IC
't-stat' - Select the minimum of the Schwarz/Bayesian IC
report : {Stargazer}
A stargazer model report
# variable names
variable_names = list(df.columns)
# list of ones
list_of_ones = [1] * len(variable_names)
# model list
model_list = []
for v in variable_names:
df_test = ADF(df[v], lags=lags, trend=trend, max_lags=max_lags, method=method, low_memory=low_memory)
df_test_reg =
# stargazer table
stargazer = Stargazer(model_list)
stargazer.custom_columns(variable_names, list_of_ones)
# add caption
if trend == 'nc':
stargazer.title("ADF test without constant and trend")
elif trend == 'c':
stargazer.title("ADF test with constant")
elif trend == 'ct':
stargazer.title("ADF test with constant and linear trend")
elif trend == 'ctt':
stargazer.title("ADF test with constant, linear trend and quadratic trend")
stargazer.title('ADF test')
return stargazer
# granger causality matrix
def granger_causality_matrix(data, variables, test="ssr_chi2test", maxlag=None, verbose=False):
data : {dataframe}
The data to test for a unit root
variables : {list}
The variables to test for granger causality
test : {'ssr_chi2test', 'ssr_ftest', 'lrtest', 'granger_causality', 'ljungbox'}, optional
The test to use when testing for granger causality
'ssr_chi2test' - The sum of squares test for granger causality
'ssr_ftest' - The F-test for granger causality
'lrtest' - The likelihood ratio test for granger causality
'granger_causality' - The granger causality test for granger causality
'ljungbox' - The ljung-box test for granger causality
maxlag : {int}, optional
The maximum lag to use when testing for granger causality
verbose : {bool}, optional
Whether or not to print the results of the test
df : {dataframe}
A dataframe with the results of the test
# create the granger causality matrix
df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(variables), len(variables))), columns=variables, index=variables)
for c in df.columns:
for r in df.index:
test_result = grangercausalitytests(data[[r, c]], maxlag=maxlag, verbose=False)
p_values = [round(test_result[i+1][0][test][1],4) for i in range(maxlag)]
if verbose: print(f'Y = {r}, X = {c}, P Values = {p_values}')
min_p_value = np.min(p_values)
df.loc[r, c] = min_p_value
df.columns = [var + '_x' for var in variables]
df.index = [var + '_y' for var in variables]
return df
# johansen cointegration test
def cointegration_test(df, alpha=0.05):
df : {dataframe}
The data to test for a unit root
alpha : {float}
The significance level to use when testing for cointegration
prints the results of the test
# cointegration test
out = coint_johansen(df,-1,5)
d = {'0.90':0, '0.95':1, '0.99':2}
traces = out.lr1
cvts = out.cvt[:, d[str(1-alpha)]]
def adjust(val, length= 6):
return str(val).ljust(length)
# Summary
print('Name :: Test Stat > C(95%) => Signif \n', '--'*20)
for col, trace, cvt in zip(df.columns, traces, cvts):
print(adjust(col), ':: ', adjust(round(trace,2), 9), ">", adjust(cvt, 8), ' => ' , trace > cvt)
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