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Created October 3, 2022 19:27
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Batch Processor
#Requires -Version 7
function Invoke-HaloBatchProcessor {
Handles batch processing Halo API requests using PowerShell parallel processing.
Utility function to batch process Halo API requests supports configurable batch sizes and delays.
Outputs an object containing the response(s) from the web request.
param (
[Parameter( Mandatory )]
[Parameter( Mandatory )]
[Parameter( Mandatory )]
[ValidateSet('New', 'Set', 'Remove')]
[Int32]$Size = 100,
[Int32]$Wait = 1
$BatchResults = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag[PSObject]]::New()
$Batch = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::New()
$Batch.Add([System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::New()) | Out-Null
# Break $Input into an assoc. array of $Size-sized batches.
$BatchGroup = 0
Write-Debug "Input:`n$($BatchInput | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 5)"
Write-Debug "Entity type: $EntityType"
Write-Debug "Operation: $Operation"
$BatchInput | ForEach-Object {
if ($Batch[$BatchGroup].Count -ge $Size) {
$Batch.Add([System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::New()) | Out-Null
$Batch[$BatchGroup].Add($_) | Out-Null
# Iterate over the batches, process each batch and then wait $Wait seconds before the next batch.
Write-Debug "Batch:`n$($Batch | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 5)"
$CommandName = "$($Operation)-Halo$($EntityType)"
$CommandExists = Get-Command -Name $CommandName
$ModulePath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Path
Write-Debug "Module Path: $ModulePath"
$Batch | ForEach-Object {
$_ | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
Import-Module $Using:ModulePath
$HaloConnectionParams = @{
URL = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.URL
ClientID = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.ClientID
ClientSecret = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.ClientSecret
Scopes = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.AuthScopes
Tenant = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.Tenant
AdditionalHeaders = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.AdditionalHeaders
if ($DebugPreference -eq 'Continue') {
$HaloConnectionParams.Debug = $True
if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') {
$HaloConnectionParams.Verbose = $True
Connect-HaloAPI @HaloConnectionParams
$LocalBatchResults = $using:BatchResults
$CommandParameters = @{
$Using:EntityType = $_
if ($DebugPreference -eq 'Continue') {
$CommandParameters.Debug = $True
if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') {
$CommandParameters.Verbose = $True
if ($Using:CommandExists) {
[PSCustomObject]$Result = & $Using:CommandName @CommandParameters
} else {
Write-Error "The command $CommandName doesn't exist or isn't loaded."
if ($Batch.Count -ge 2) {
Write-Verbose "More than one batch found, waiting $Wait seconds before the next batch runs."
Start-Sleep -Seconds $Wait
Return $BatchResults
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