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Generate docusaurus sidebar from folder structure
// Generates a sidebar based on file structure and
// markdown frontmatter properties.
// ---
// title: My Cool Feature
// sidebar_label: Introduction
// ---
// sidebar_sort_order: the sort order of this page in the sidebar
// sidebar_label: the link text to show for this page
// To determine the name of categories and their sort order,
// we look in the frontmatter of the first child page (after sorting) for
// the following properties:
// sidebar_category: the name of the category
// sidebar_category_order: the sort order of the category
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const isMarkdown = /\.md$/i
// TODO: use a more efficient way to achieve this
function findInFrontMatter(contents, property) {
const regMatch = new RegExp(`^${property}:\\s+(.*?)$`, 'i')
let frontmatter
let value = contents.split('\n').find((line, i) => {
if (line === '---') {
frontmatter = !frontmatter
else if (frontmatter) {
return line.indexOf(`${property}: `) === 0
return false
return value ? value.match(regMatch)[1] : null
function generateSidebar({ baseDir, sourceDir }) {
const searchIn = path.join(baseDir, sourceDir)
const files = fs.readdirSync(searchIn, { withFileTypes: true })
const items = files.sort().map(dirent => {
const { name } = dirent
const filePath = path.join(sourceDir, name)
if (dirent.isDirectory()) {
const items = generateSidebar({ baseDir, sourceDir: filePath })
const introItem = items.find(item => typeof item === 'string')
let label
let sortOrder
if (introItem) {
const contents = fs.readFileSync(path.join(searchIn, `${introItem}.md`), 'utf8')
label = findInFrontMatter(contents, 'sidebar_category')
sortOrder = findInFrontMatter(contents, 'sidebar_category_order')
return {
type: 'category',
label: label || name,
sortOrder: sortOrder ? Number(sortOrder) : Infinity,
if (!filePath.match(isMarkdown)) {
const contents = fs.readFileSync(path.join(searchIn, name), 'utf8')
let sortOrder = findInFrontMatter(contents, 'sidebar_sort_order')
sortOrder = sortOrder ? Number(sortOrder) : Infinity
const fileId = filePath.replace(isMarkdown, '')
return {
type: 'doc',
id: fileId,
}).filter(i => !!i).sort((a, b) => {
if (a.sortOrder != null && b.sortOrder != null) {
return a.sortOrder - b.sortOrder
if (a.sortOrder != null & b.sortOrder == null) {
return -1
return 1
// remove additional sidebar properties not supported
// by docusaurus to avoid errors and warnings.
return{ id, sortOrder, ...item }) => id || item)
module.exports = generateSidebar
const generateSidebar = require('./generate-docusaurus-sidebar.js')
const guides = generateSidebar({ baseDir:'./guides', sourceDir: '' })
module.exports = {
docs: [
{ Intro: ['doc2', ], },
'More Docs': ['doc1', 'doc3'],
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