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Created April 13, 2022 19:54
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Bulk update plugins for runcloud
# Change directory to /home
cd /home
# Iterate through all users directories
for user in * ; do
# For every webapp under the user directory
# Count wp-config files to make sure its Wordpess
# If its Wordpress, then run the WP CLI Script, which calls wp-cron.php
cd /home/$user/webapps
for d in * ; do
count_file=`ls -1 /home/$user/webapps/$d/wp-config.php 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
if [ "$count_file" != "0" ]
echo $d 'is WordPress'
cd /home/$user/webapps/$d
sudo -u $user wp plugin update --all --quiet
sudo -u $user wp wc update
sudo -u $user wp cache flush
sudo -u $user wp plugin update --all --quiet
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