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Last active January 3, 2016 20:39
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Option Explicit
Private Root As TreeNode
Private Values() As String
Public Sub Add(v As String)
Dim n As TreeNode
If Root Is Nothing Then
Set Root = New TreeNode
Root.Value = v
Exit Sub
End If
Set n = Root
If v < n.Value Then
If n.Left Is Nothing Then
Set n.Left = New TreeNode
n.Left.Value = v
Exit Do
Set n = n.Left
End If
If n.Right Is Nothing Then
Set n.Right = New TreeNode
n.Right.Value = v
Exit Do
Set n = n.Right
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Function Contains(v As String) As Boolean
Contains = Not Contains_(Root, v) Is Nothing
End Function
Private Function Contains_(n As TreeNode, v As String) As TreeNode
If n Is Nothing Then
Set Contains_ = Nothing
ElseIf v = n.Value Then
Set Contains_ = n
ElseIf v < n.Value Then
Set Contains_ = Contains_(n.Left, v)
Set Contains_ = Contains_(n.Right, v)
End If
End Function
Public Property Get ArrayValue() As String()
Erase Values
Walk Root
ArrayValue = Values
End Property
Private Sub Walk(n As TreeNode)
If n Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Not n.Left Is Nothing Then
Walk n.Left
End If
ReDim Preserve Values(MaxIndex(Values) + 1) As String
Values(UBound(Values)) = n.Value
Walk n.Right
End Sub
Private Function MaxIndex(a) As Long
On Error GoTo Err
MaxIndex = UBound(a)
Exit Function
MaxIndex = -1
End Function
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Const COUNT As Long = 20000
Dim SArray4 As BSTree
Dim strArray4() As String
Dim strBase(COUNT) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim t As Single
For i = 0 To COUNT
strBase(i) = Int(Rnd * COUNT)
Next i
' 二分探索木
t = Timer
Set SArray4 = New BSTree
For i = 0 To COUNT
SArray4.Add strBase(i)
Next i
strArray4 = SArray4.ArrayValue
Debug.Print Timer - t
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public Value As String
Public Left As TreeNode
Public Right As TreeNode
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