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Created October 4, 2018 01:26
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package main
import "fmt"
// StringCompression ...
// @param input string
// returns string
// given an input string
// write an algorithm which compresses the string
// by converting sequential repeats of characters
// into the count of repeats
// if the "compressed" string would be longer
// than the input string, return the input string
// assume the string has only lower case (a-z)
func StringCompression(x string) string {
replaceCount := 0
chars := []rune(x) // format the input string into a slice of runes
var retStr []rune // make an output slice of runes to return (as a string later)
for i := 0; i < len(chars); i++ {
// early return for if we ever make a string
// that would be longer than the input
if len(retStr) > i {
return string(chars)
if i == 0 {
// chars[0] always goes in
retStr = append(retStr, chars[i])
// so you can skip to next iteration
// if the char is the same as the one before it
// that means we need to count the replacement ticker up
if chars[i-1] == chars[i] {
// special case for last char always need to insert replaceCount
if i == len(chars)-1 {
retStr = append(retStr, rune(replaceCount+1)+'0') // convert the replaceCount int to it's ascii equiv rune
} else {
// otherwise since we are onto a new char we need to append
// the old char and the replaceCount
retStr = append(retStr, rune(replaceCount+1)+'0')
retStr = append(retStr, chars[i])
replaceCount = 0
return string(retStr)
func main() {
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