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Last active June 13, 2021 05:03
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class DetailViewModel @Inject constructor(
savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
private val repository: Repository
) : ViewModel() {
private val houseName = savedStateHandle.get<HouseType>(KEY_HOUSE)?.name
private val _isLoadingFlow = MutableStateFlow(false)
val isLoadingFlow: StateFlow<Boolean> = _isLoadingFlow.asStateFlow()
private val _selectedCharacter = MutableSharedFlow<Character?>()
val selectedCharacter: SharedFlow<Character?> = _selectedCharacter.asSharedFlow()
val characterListFlow: StateFlow<List<Character>> = flow {
houseName?.let {
scope = viewModelScope,
started = WhileSubscribed(5000),
initialValue = emptyList()
fun showCharacterDialogEvent(character: Character) = viewModelScope.launch {
fun hideCharacterDialogEvent() = viewModelScope.launch {
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