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Created July 29, 2016 17:32
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type Interface interface {
// Put puts an object on a key.
// if prevVersion < 0, we will set the object with current largest resource version,
// put the object on the key, and returns the stored object.
// If prevVersion >= 0, we will use it to do Compare-And-Swap against existing object's resource version.
// Note that prevVersion = 0 means no previous object on given key.
// - If compare failed, it will return current object (nil if non-exist) and StorageError of VersionConflicts.
// - If compare succeed, it will behave like "prevVersion < 0".
Put(key string, obj runtime.Object, c *Conditions) (cur runtime.Object, err error)
// Delete a key and its object.
// If prevVersion < 0, we will try to delete the object and return the deleted object. If no object existed
// on given key, we returns nil object and nil error.
// If prevVersion > 0, we will use it to do Compare-And-Delete against existing object's resource version.
// - If compare failed, it will return current object (nil if non-exist) and StorageError of VersionConflicts.
// - If compare succeed, it will behave like "prevVersion < 0".
Delete(key string, c *Conditions) (cur runtime.Object, err error)
// Get gets the most recent version of a key.
// What is "most recent version" of a key? -- A key that was modified by this interface
// should be reflected on read after write succeeded.
// If no object exists on the key, it will return nil object and nil error.
Get(key string) (cur runtime.Object, err error)
// List lists all objects with key that has given prefix, and satisfies selectors.
// If version >=0, list should wait until we have seen object with version >= given version.
List(prefix string, version int64, ss ...Selector) (objects []runtime.Object, globalRev int64, err error)
// WatchPrefix watches a prefix after given rev. If rev is 0, we will watch from current state.
// It returns notifications of any keys that has given prefix.
// Given selectors, it returns events that contained object of interest, either of current and previous.
// If there is any problem establishing the watch channel, it will return error. After channel is established,
// any error that happened will be returned from WatchChan immediately before it's closed.
WatchPrefix(ctx context.Context, prefix string, version int64, ss ...Selector) (WatchChan, error)
AddIndex(idxName, field string, g FieldValueGetFunc) error
DeleteIndex(idxName string)
AddWatcherIndex(idxName, field string, g FieldValueGetFunc) error
DeleteWatcherIndex(idxName string)
type Conditions struct {
PrevVersion unit64
type FieldValueGetFunc func(field string, obj runtime.Object) (string, bool)
type Selector struct {
Op Operator
Field string
Values []string
FVGetFunc FieldValueGetFunc
type WatchChan <-chan WatchResponse
type WatchResponse struct {
Type watch.EventType
Object runtime.Object
PrevObject runtime.Object
Err error
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