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Created August 4, 2016 05:11
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Maven build log file
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: Project
[INFO] Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: Parent
[INFO] Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: LDAP Server & JAAS Module
[INFO] Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: Routing
[INFO] Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: Features
[INFO] Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: Testing
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: Project 1.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ project ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ project ---
[INFO] Installing /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/pom.xml to /Users/hchin/.m2/repository/org/fuse/usecase4/project/1.0/project-1.0.pom
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: Parent 1.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ parent ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ parent ---
[INFO] Installing /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/parent/pom.xml to /Users/hchin/.m2/repository/org/fuse/usecase4/parent/1.0/parent-1.0.pom
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: LDAP Server & JAAS Module 1.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ldap ---
[INFO] Deleting /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/ldap/target
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.1:resources (default-resources) @ ldap ---
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Copying 4 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @ ldap ---
[WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding UTF-8, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Compiling 2 source files to /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/ldap/target/classes
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.1:testResources (default-testResources) @ ldap ---
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/ldap/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ldap ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) @ ldap ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.3.7:bundle (default-bundle) @ ldap ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ ldap ---
[INFO] Installing /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/ldap/target/ldap-1.0.jar to /Users/hchin/.m2/repository/org/fuse/usecase4/ldap/1.0/ldap-1.0.jar
[INFO] Installing /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/ldap/pom.xml to /Users/hchin/.m2/repository/org/fuse/usecase4/ldap/1.0/ldap-1.0.pom
[INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.3.7:install (default-install) @ ldap ---
[INFO] Installing org/fuse/usecase4/ldap/1.0/ldap-1.0.jar
[INFO] Writing OBR metadata
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: Routing 1.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ routing ---
[INFO] Deleting /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/routing/target
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.1:resources (default-resources) @ routing ---
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Copying 13 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @ routing ---
[WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding UTF-8, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Compiling 5 source files to /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/routing/target/classes
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.1:testResources (default-testResources) @ routing ---
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/routing/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ routing ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) @ routing ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.3.7:bundle (default-bundle) @ routing ---
[WARNING] Bundle org.fuse.usecase4:routing:bundle:1.0 : Instructions in Private-Package, or -testpackages that are never used: org\.fuses\.usecase\.routing
Classpath: Jar:.,Jar:ldap,Jar:apacheds-core,Jar:apacheds-core-shared,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-admin,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-authn,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-authz,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-collective,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-event,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-exception,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-normalization,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-operational,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-referral,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-schema,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-subtree,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-trigger,Jar:shared-ldap-extras-trigger,Jar:shared-ldap-extras-util,Jar:bcprov-jdk15,Jar:apacheds-core-avl,Jar:apacheds-i18n,Jar:apacheds-core-api,Jar:apacheds-core-constants,Jar:shared-ldap-client-api,Jar:mina-core,Jar:ehcache-core,Jar:apacheds-core-annotations,Jar:commons-io,Jar:apacheds-protocol-ldap,Jar:apacheds-kerberos-codec,Jar:shared-ldap-extras-codec-api,Jar:shared-ldap-extras-codec,Jar:shared-ldap-extras-sp,Jar:apacheds-protocol-shared,Jar:apacheds-server-jndi,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-changelog,Jar:apacheds-interceptors-journal,Jar:apacheds-ldif-partition,Jar:apacheds-xdbm-partition,Jar:apacheds-jdbm-partition,Jar:shared-asn1-api,Jar:shared-asn1-ber,Jar:shared-i18n,Jar:shared-ldap-codec-core,Jar:commons-collections,Jar:shared-ldap-codec-standalone,Jar:shared-ldap-net-mina,Jar:shared-ldap-extras-aci,Jar:antlr,Jar:shared-ldap-model,Jar:shared-util,Jar:shared-ldap-schema-data,Jar:apacheds-jdbm2,Jar:camel-spring,Jar:spring-context,Jar:spring-expression,Jar:spring-aop,Jar:aopalliance,Jar:jaxb-core,Jar:jaxb-impl,Jar:camel-bindy,Jar:camel-dozer,Jar:dozer,Jar:commons-beanutils,Jar:commons-lang3,Jar:jcl-over-slf4j,Jar:javax.el-api,Jar:javax.el,Jar:camel-sql,Jar:spring-jdbc,Jar:activemq-camel,Jar:activemq-pool,Jar:activemq-jms-pool,Jar:camel-jms,Jar:spring-jms,Jar:spring-beans,Jar:camel-jackson,Jar:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations,Jar:camel-ldap,Jar:commons-lang,Jar:jackson-databind,Jar:jackson-annotations,Jar:jackson-core,Jar:activemq-broker,Jar:activemq-client,Jar:geronimo-jms_1.1_spec,Jar:hawtbuf,Jar:activemq-openwire-legacy,Jar:activemq-spring,Jar:geronimo-jta_1.0.1B_spec,Jar:commons-pool,Jar:activemq-jaas,Jar:activemq-kahadb-store,Jar:activemq-protobuf,Jar:geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec,Jar:commons-net,Jar:xbean-spring,Jar:commons-logging,Jar:spring-tx,Jar:spring-core,Jar:slf4j-api,Jar:slf4j-log4j12,Jar:log4j,Jar:h2,Jar:camel-core
[WARNING] Bundle org.fuse.usecase4:routing:bundle:1.0 : Did not find matching referal for !org.fuses.usecase.routing
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:attach-artifact (attach-artifacts) @ routing ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ routing ---
[INFO] Installing /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/routing/target/routing-1.0.jar to /Users/hchin/.m2/repository/org/fuse/usecase4/routing/1.0/routing-1.0.jar
[INFO] Installing /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/routing/pom.xml to /Users/hchin/.m2/repository/org/fuse/usecase4/routing/1.0/routing-1.0.pom
[INFO] Installing /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/routing/target/classes/fabric8/ to /Users/hchin/.m2/repository/org/fuse/usecase4/routing/1.0/
[INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.3.7:install (default-install) @ routing ---
[INFO] Installing org/fuse/usecase4/routing/1.0/routing-1.0.jar
[INFO] Writing OBR metadata
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: Features 1.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ features ---
[INFO] Deleting /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/features/target
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:resources (filter) @ features ---
[debug] execute contextualize
[WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding UTF-8, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:attach-artifact (attach-artifacts) @ features ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ features ---
[INFO] Installing /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/features/pom.xml to /Users/hchin/.m2/repository/org/fuse/usecase4/features/1.0/features-1.0.pom
[INFO] Installing /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/features/target/classes/features.xml to /Users/hchin/.m2/repository/org/fuse/usecase4/features/1.0/features-1.0-features.xml
[INFO] Installing /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/features/target/classes/amq-broker.xml to /Users/hchin/.m2/repository/org/fuse/usecase4/features/1.0/features-1.0-amq-broker.xml
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Fuse :: Use Case 4 :: Testing 1.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ testing ---
[INFO] Deleting /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/target
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ testing ---
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/src/main/resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @ testing ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ testing ---
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Copying 4 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ testing ---
[WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding UTF-8, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Compiling 2 source files to /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/target/test-classes
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) @ testing ---
Running org.fuse.usecase.LDAPActiveMQTest
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled control factory:
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.7
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled control factory: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled control factory: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled control factory:
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled control factory:
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled control factory:
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled control factory:
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled control factory:
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled control factory:
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
main INFO [] - Registered pre-bundled extended operation factory:
main INFO [] - Schema directory '/var/folders/x0/y9tvpvxs6537dtyvtq7xfnp00000gp/T/server-work-default68b9ab7d-d0fb-4bcc-b292-b6608013c63f/partitions/schema' does NOT exist: extracted state set to false.
main INFO [] - Loading system enabled schema:
Schema Name: system
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: []
main INFO [] - Loading core enabled schema:
Schema Name: core
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [system]
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedsystem
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedcore
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedsystem
main INFO [] - Loading apache enabled schema:
Schema Name: apache
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system]
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedsystem
main INFO [] - Loading apachemeta enabled schema:
Schema Name: apachemeta
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [system]
main INFO [] - Loading other enabled schema:
Schema Name: other
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system, apache, apachemeta]
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedcore
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedsystem
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedcore
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedsystem
main INFO [] - Loading cosine enabled schema:
Schema Name: cosine
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system]
main INFO [] - Loading inetorgperson enabled schema:
Schema Name: inetorgperson
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system, cosine]
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedapachemeta
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedcore
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedcore
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedsystem
main INFO [] - Loading krb5kdc enabled schema:
Schema Name: krb5kdc
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system]
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedapache
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedcore
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedsystem
main INFO [] - Loading java enabled schema:
Schema Name: java
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system]
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedsystem
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedsystem
main INFO [] - Loading pwdpolicy enabled schema:
Schema Name: pwdpolicy
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [system]
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedcosine
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedcore
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedsystem
main INFO [] - Loading collective enabled schema:
Schema Name: collective
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, system]
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedcore
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedapache
main INFO [] - {} schema has already been loadedsystem
main INFO [] - Loading adsconfig enabled schema:
Schema Name: adsconfig
Disabled: false
Owner: uid=admin,ou=system
Dependencies: [core, apache, system]
main INFO [] - No version information : assuming version: 1
main INFO [] - No version information : assuming version: 1
main INFO [] - No version information : assuming version: 1
main INFO [] - No version information : assuming version: 1
main WARN [] - ApacheDS shutdown hook has NOT been registered with the runtime. This default setting for standalone operation has been overriden.
main INFO [] - no custom cache configuration was set, loading the default cache configuration
main INFO [] - fetching the cache named dnCache
main INFO [] - No version information : assuming version: 1
main INFO [] - No version information : assuming version: 1
main INFO [] - No version information : assuming version: 1
main INFO [] - No version information : assuming version: 1
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsTtl
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsIpAddress
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsIpAddress
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsClass
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaSerial
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaRefresh
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaRetry
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaExpire
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaMName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaRName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsSoaMinimum
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsMxPreference
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsCharacterString
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsServicePriority
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsServiceWeight
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsServicePort
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: apacheDnsAbstractRecord
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: automountInformation
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: corbaIor
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: corbaObject
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: corbaRepositoryId
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpSecondaryDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpSharedNetworkDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpSubnetDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpGroupDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHostDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpClassesDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpPrimaryDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpExpirationTime
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStartTimeOfState
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpLastTransactionTime
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpBootpFlag
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpDnsStatus
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRequestedHostName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAssignedHostName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpReservedForClient
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAssignedToClient
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRelayAgentInfo
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHWAddress
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAddressState
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAddressState
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpExpirationTime
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStartTimeOfState
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpLastTransactionTime
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpBootpFlag
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpDnsStatus
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRequestedHostName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAssignedHostName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpReservedForClient
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpAssignedToClient
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRelayAgentInfo
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHWAddress
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpErrorLog
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpVersion
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpImplementation
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHashBucketAssignment
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpDelayedServiceParameter
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpMaxClientLeadTime
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpFailOverEndpointState
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpServiceDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpSubnetDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpPoolDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRange
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpPoolDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpGroupDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHostDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpClassesDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpLeasesDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpNetMask
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpClassesDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpPermitList
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpLeasesDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpRange
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHostDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpLeaseDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpHWAddress
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpSubclassesDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpClassData
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOptionsDN
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpStatements
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: dhcpOption
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: xmozillanickname
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: xmozillausehtmlmail
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaSecondEmail
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaPostalAddress2
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomePostalAddress2
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomeLocalityName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomeState
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomePostalCode
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomeCountryName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: mozillaHomeFriendlyCountryName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: homeurl
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: workurl
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: custom1
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: custom2
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: custom3
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: custom4
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nsAIMid
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: loginShell
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gecos
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: uidNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gidNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: homeDirectory
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowLastChange
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowMin
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowMax
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowWarning
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowInactive
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowExpire
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: shadowFlag
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nisMapEntry
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nisMapName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: macAddress
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: bootFile
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: bootParameter
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: memberUid
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gidNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipServicePort
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipServiceProtocol
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipProtocolNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: oncRpcNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipHostNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipNetmaskNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: ipNetworkNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nisNetgroupTriple
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: memberNisNetgroup
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: nisMapName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaShareName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaBoolOption
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaIntegerOption
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaStringOption
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaStringListOption
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaOptionName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPrivilegeList
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPwdLastSet
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaNTPassword
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaTrustFlags
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSIDList
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gidNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaGroupType
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaNextRid
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaNextGroupRid
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaNextUserRid
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaAlgorithmicRidBase
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLMPassword
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaNTPassword
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPwdLastSet
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLogonTime
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLogoffTime
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaKickoffTime
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPwdCanChange
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPwdMustChange
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaAcctFlags
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaHomePath
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaHomeDrive
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLogonScript
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaProfilePath
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaUserWorkstations
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPrimaryGroupSID
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaDomainName
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaMungedDial
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaBadPasswordCount
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaBadPasswordTime
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaPasswordHistory
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaLogonHours
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: uidNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gidNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: uidNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: gidNumber
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
main INFO [] - ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE Cannot normalize the wrapped value ERR_04226 I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: sambaSID
main INFO [] - Keys and self signed certificate successfully generated.
main INFO [] - fetching the cache named groupCache
main INFO [] - Initializing ...
main INFO [] - Initialization complete.
main WARN [] - You didn't change the admin password of directory service instance 'default68b9ab7d-d0fb-4bcc-b292-b6608013c63f'. Please update the admin password as soon as possible to prevent a possible security breach.
main INFO [] - No version information : assuming version: 1
main WARN [] - The Rdn 'cn=usecase-error' is not present in the entry
main INFO [] - Successful bind of an LDAP Service (1024) is completed.
main INFO [] - Ldap service started.
main INFO [org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerFactory$1] - Refreshing org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerFactory$1@6872f9c8: startup date [Thu Aug 04 13:09:16 SGT 2016]; root of context hierarchy
main INFO [org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2.XBeanXmlBeanDefinitionReader] - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [org/fuse/usecase/activemq-broker.xml]
main INFO [] - Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService#0]; root of factory hierarchy
main INFO [] - Loaded the Bouncy Castle security provider.
main INFO [] - PListStore:[/Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/activemq-data/demo/tmp_storage] started
main INFO [] - Using Persistence Adapter: KahaDBPersistenceAdapter[/Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/activemq-data/demo/KahaDB]
JMX connector INFO [] - JMX consoles can connect to service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi
main INFO [] - KahaDB is version 5
main INFO [] - Recovering from the journal ...
main INFO [] - Recovery replayed 1 operations from the journal in 0.011 seconds.
main INFO [] - Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-621084 (demo, is starting
main INFO [] - Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-621084 (demo, started
main INFO [] - For help or more information please see:
main WARN [] - Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 0 mb). The data directory: /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/activemq-data/demo/KahaDB only has 4353 mb of usable space - resetting to maximum available disk space: 4353 mb
main WARN [] - Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb, whilst the temporary data directory: /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/activemq-data/demo/tmp_storage only has 4353 mb of usable space - resetting to maximum available 4353 mb.
main WARN [] - Broker localhost not started so using demo instead
main INFO [] - Connector vm://localhost started
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Create the LDAP initial context.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Get the user DN.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Looking for the user in LDAP with
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - base DN: ou=User,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - filter: (uid=jdoe)
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - LDAP returned a relative name: uid=jdoe
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Using DN [uid=jdoe,ou=User,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system] for binding.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Binding the user.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - User uid=jdoe,ou=User,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system successfully bound.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Get user roles.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Looking for the user roles in LDAP with
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - base DN: ou=Group,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - filter: (member= uid=jdoe)
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Roles [users] for user jdoe
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#1-1 WARN [] - Security Error occurred: User jdoe is not authorized to write to: queue://TEST.FOOOO
main INFO [] - Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-621084 (demo, is shutting down
main INFO [] - PListStore:[/Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/activemq-data/demo/tmp_storage] stopped
main INFO [] - Stopping async queue tasks
main INFO [] - Stopping async topic tasks
main INFO [] - Stopped KahaDB
main INFO [] - Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-621084 (demo, uptime 0.923 seconds
main INFO [] - Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-621084 (demo, is shutdown
main INFO [org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerFactory$1] - Refreshing org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerFactory$1@5c448433: startup date [Thu Aug 04 13:09:18 SGT 2016]; root of context hierarchy
main INFO [org.apache.xbean.spring.context.v2.XBeanXmlBeanDefinitionReader] - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [org/fuse/usecase/activemq-broker.xml]
main INFO [] - Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerService#0]; root of factory hierarchy
main INFO [] - PListStore:[/Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/activemq-data/demo/tmp_storage] started
main INFO [] - Using Persistence Adapter: KahaDBPersistenceAdapter[/Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/activemq-data/demo/KahaDB]
JMX connector INFO [] - JMX consoles can connect to service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi
main INFO [] - KahaDB is version 5
main INFO [] - Recovering from the journal ...
main INFO [] - Recovery replayed 1 operations from the journal in 0.001 seconds.
main INFO [] - Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-621084 (demo, is starting
main INFO [] - Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-621084 (demo, started
main INFO [] - For help or more information please see:
main WARN [] - Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 0 mb). The data directory: /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/activemq-data/demo/KahaDB only has 4353 mb of usable space - resetting to maximum available disk space: 4353 mb
main WARN [] - Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb, whilst the temporary data directory: /Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/activemq-data/demo/tmp_storage only has 4353 mb of usable space - resetting to maximum available 4353 mb.
main WARN [] - Broker localhost not started so using demo instead
main INFO [] - Connector vm://localhost stopped
main WARN [] - Broker localhost not started so using demo instead
main INFO [] - Connector vm://localhost started
ActiveMQ Connection Executor: vm://localhost#0 INFO [] - Connector vm://localhost stopped
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Create the LDAP initial context.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Get the user DN.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Looking for the user in LDAP with
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - base DN: ou=User,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - filter: (uid=jdoe)
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - LDAP returned a relative name: uid=jdoe
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Using DN [uid=jdoe,ou=User,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system] for binding.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Binding the user.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - User uid=jdoe,ou=User,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system successfully bound.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Get user roles.
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Looking for the user roles in LDAP with
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - base DN: ou=Group,ou=ActiveMQ,ou=system
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - filter: (member= uid=jdoe)
ActiveMQ VMTransport: vm://localhost#3-1 DEBUG [org.apache.activemq.jaas.LDAPLoginModule] - Roles [users] for user jdoe
main INFO [] - Apache ActiveMQ 5.11.0.redhat-621084 (demo, is shutting down
main INFO [] - PListStore:[/Users/hchin/Downloads/ExperienceEntInt/EEIlabsol/usecase-4/testing/activemq-data/demo/tmp_storage] stopped
main INFO [] - Stopping async queue tasks
main INFO [] - Stopping async topic tasks
main INFO [] - Stopped KahaDB
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