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Created December 19, 2011 03:50
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SF Logo (svg and Raphael)
container = 'rsr',
scale = 1.00, /* TODO: doesn't work atm */
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// Upper quadrant
upper = rsr.path("M12.8667 108.58 C25.7315 121.445 46.5903 121.445 59.4561 108.58 C59.9434 108.094 60.4053 107.592 60.8555 107.083 C66.2852 101.653 85.3579 82.5806 97.2632 70.6743 L81.2163 54.6274 L75.3472 48.7563 C74.8579 48.3716 74.3814 47.9614 73.9302 47.5102 C67.6616 41.2407 67.6616 31.0791 73.9292 24.8115 C80.1968 18.5439 90.3589 18.5439 96.6265 24.8125 C102.894 31.0801 102.894 41.2427 96.6265 47.5102 C94.5523 49.5845 92.0484 50.9575 89.4019 51.6587 C87.6206 52.1294 85.7798 52.2973 83.9546 52.147 L99.8726 68.0649 C104.035 63.9028 106.861 61.0786 107.124 60.813 C107.617 60.3755 108.101 59.9282 108.574 59.4556 C121.439 46.5903 121.439 25.7314 108.574 12.8662 C95.7066 0 74.8491 0 61.9829 12.8652 C49.1167 25.7314 49.1187 46.5903 61.9839 59.4556 C64.4981 61.9692 67.3203 63.9848 70.3252 65.5181 C71.5112 66.1216 72.7251 66.6489 73.9605 67.1001 C73.9624 67.1001 73.9644 67.1001 73.9663 67.102 L51.6582 89.4087 C50.957 92.0552 49.5845 94.5591 47.5098 96.6333 C41.2422 102.901 31.0801 102.901 24.813 96.6352 C18.5444 90.3657 18.5444 80.2036 24.812 73.936 C31.0796 67.6684 41.2417 67.6684 47.5103 73.938 C50.2446 76.6704 51.7842 80.147 52.1328 83.7173 L65.5176 70.3325 C63.9859 67.3266 61.9702 64.5044 59.4561 61.9907 C46.5899 49.1255 25.7315 49.1235 12.8657 61.9907 C0 74.8559 0.0005 95.7153 12.8667 108.58 Z");
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// Text "SF FUND"
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path_d.transform("t80.8198, 185.846").data('id', 'path_d');
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// Gruops
var rsrGroups = [background, text];
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