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Stripped-down example of Multi-layer Perceptron MLP in Theano
"""A stripped-down MLP example, using Theano.
Based on the tutorial here:
This example trims away some complexities, and makes it easier to see how Theano works.
Design changes:
* Model compiled in a distinct function, so that symbolic variables are not in run-time scope.
* No classes. Network shown by chained function calls.
Some features of original have been dropped:
* Inputs streamed to model, not pre-loaded as given
* Minibatch size 1, i.e. `true' stochastic update
* No early stopping
Released under MIT license
Copyright Matthew Honnibal, 2015.
import os
import sys
import time
from os import path
import numpy
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import gzip
import cPickle
def load_data(dataset):
''' Loads the dataset
:type dataset: string
:param dataset: the path to the dataset (here MNIST)
# Download the MNIST dataset if it is not present
data_dir, data_file = os.path.split(dataset)
if data_dir == "" and not os.path.isfile(dataset):
# Check if dataset is in the data directory.
data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "..", "data")
if not path.exists(data_dir):
print "No data directory to save data to. Try:"
print "mkdir ../data"
new_path = path.join(data_dir, data_file)
if os.path.isfile(new_path) or data_file == 'mnist.pkl.gz':
dataset = new_path
if (not os.path.isfile(dataset)) and data_file == 'mnist.pkl.gz':
import urllib
url = ''
print 'Downloading data from %s' % url
urllib.urlretrieve(url, dataset)
print '... loading data'
# Load the dataset
with, 'rb') as f:
train_set, valid_set, test_set = cPickle.load(f)
return _make_array(train_set), _make_array(valid_set), _make_array(test_set)
def _make_array(xy):
data_x, data_y = xy
return zip(
numpy.asarray(data_x, dtype=theano.config.floatX),
numpy.asarray(data_y, dtype='int32'))
def _init_logreg_weights(n_hidden, n_out):
weights = numpy.zeros((n_hidden, n_out), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
bias = numpy.zeros((n_out,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
return (
theano.shared(name='W', borrow=True, value=weights),
theano.shared(name='b', borrow=True, value=bias)
def _init_hidden_weights(n_in, n_out):
rng = numpy.random.RandomState(1234)
weights = numpy.asarray(
low=-numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_in + n_out)),
high=numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_in + n_out)),
size=(n_in, n_out)
bias = numpy.zeros((n_out,), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
return (
theano.shared(value=weights, name='W', borrow=True),
theano.shared(value=bias, name='b', borrow=True)
# Define how an input is fed through a layer of the network, and how a step of
# the stochastic gradient descent is computed.
# Note that these are *symbolic expressions* --- we are just compiling code here.
# These functions are only called during compile_model. The *actual* feed-forward
# and SGD update procedures, which happen iteratively on each example, are
# Theano-internal.
def feed_forward(activation, weights, bias, input_):
return activation(, weights) + bias)
def sgd_step(param, cost, learning_rate):
return param - (learning_rate * T.grad(cost, param))
# These are also symbolic.
def L1(L1_reg, w1, w2):
return L1_reg * (abs(w1).sum() + abs(w2).sum())
def L2(L2_reg, w1, w2):
return L2_reg * ((w1 ** 2).sum() + (w2 ** 2).sum())
def compile_model(n_in, n_classes, n_hidden, learning_rate, L1_reg, L2_reg):
'''Compile train and evaluation functions, which we'll then call iteratively
to train the parameters. This function is called exactly once --- think of
it like a compiler. We declare variables, allocate memory, and define some
# allocate symbolic variables for the data
x = T.vector('x') # Features
y = T.iscalar('y') # (Gold) Label
# Allocate and initialize weights. These are stored internally, and updated.
hidden_W, hidden_b = _init_hidden_weights(n_in, n_hidden)
logreg_W, logreg_b = _init_logreg_weights(n_hidden, n_classes)
# Estimate P(y | x) given the current weights
p_y_given_x = feed_forward(
x)) # <--- Our input variable (the features)
cost = (
-T.log(p_y_given_x[0, y]) # <-- Negative log likelihood of gold label
+ L1(L1_reg, logreg_W, hidden_W)
+ L2(L2_reg, logreg_W, hidden_W)
# Compile the training function. Successive calls to this update the weights.
# Internal state is maintained.
# The output is "cost", which requires the computation of p_y_given_x. We
# also define how to update the weights based on the input label.
train_model = theano.function(
inputs=[x, y],
outputs=cost, # <-- Output depends on cost, which depends on P(y | x)
(logreg_W, sgd_step(logreg_W, cost, learning_rate)),
(logreg_b, sgd_step(logreg_b, cost, learning_rate)),
(hidden_W, sgd_step(hidden_W, cost, learning_rate)),
(hidden_b, sgd_step(hidden_b, cost, learning_rate)),
# Compile the evaluation function, which returns a 0/1 loss wrt the true
# label. Note that the output depends on p_y_given_x, so the program must
# compute it.
evaluate_model = theano.function(
inputs=[x, y],
outputs=T.neq(y, T.argmax(p_y_given_x[0])),
return train_model, evaluate_model
def main(learning_rate=0.01, L1_reg=0.00, L2_reg=0.0001, n_epochs=1000,
dataset='mnist.pkl.gz', n_hidden=500):
train_examples, dev_examples, test_examples = load_data(dataset)
print '... building the model'
train_model, evaluate_model = compile_model(28*28, 10, n_hidden, learning_rate, L1_reg, L2_reg)
print '... training'
for epoch in range(1, n_epochs+1):
for x, y in train_examples:
train_model(x, y)
# compute zero-one loss on validation set
error = numpy.mean([evaluate_model(x, y) for x, y in dev_examples])
print('epoch %i, validation error %f %%' % (epoch, error * 100))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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anhlt commented Sep 17, 2015


create data directory by yourself

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fzenke commented Oct 12, 2015

Hi @honnibal, nice example. Could you attach a license to this?

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Sure --- added MIT license.

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