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Created June 10, 2013 15:12
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genetic algorithm experiment
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.Random
class Guess {
class GeneticSolver {
def getBest(toMatch: String) = {
def random: Stream[Char] = toMatch(Random.nextInt(toMatch.length)) #:: random
def iterate(parent: Seq[Char], score: Int, generation: Int): Seq[Char] = if (score != toMatch.length) {
def mutate = parent.updated(Random.nextInt(toMatch.length), toMatch(Random.nextInt(toMatch.length)))
val child = mutate
val childScore = getFitness(child)
if (childScore > score) {
println(s"generation\t${generation + 1}\tfitness\t${childScore}\t${child.mkString}")
iterate(child, childScore, generation + 1)
} else iterate(parent, score, generation + 1)
} else parent
def getFitness(seq: Seq[Char]) = (0 until toMatch.length) count { i =>
toMatch(i) == seq(i)
val init = random take toMatch.length
val score = getFitness(init)
iterate(init, score, 1)
class StringDuplicator {
def duplicate(toMatch: String) = new GeneticSolver().getBest(toMatch)
println(new StringDuplicator().duplicate("hello world!") mkString)
new Guess()
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