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Created October 22, 2020 07:31
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coinflip's old store module
"""Store functionality for the CLI
A store is an abstraction for a folder in the user's local data directory
which pertains to a specific dataset that comprises of RNG output. The store can
subsequently store test results and report markup for said results.
import pickle
import shelve
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from os import scandir
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
from typing import Dict
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from appdirs import AppDirs
from slugify import slugify
from coinflip._randtests.common.exceptions import NonBinarySequenceError
from coinflip._randtests.common.result import TestResult
__all__ = [
dirs = AppDirs(appname="coinflip", appauthor="MatthewBarber")
data_dir = Path(dirs.user_data_dir)
# Create local data directory if it does not already exist
Path.mkdir(data_dir, parents=True)
except FileExistsError:
LATEST_STORE_FNAME = "latest_store.txt"
DATA_FNAME = "series.pickle"
RESULTS_FNAME = "results" # shelve appends .db to filepaths
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Store initialisation
"bool": np.bool_,
"byte": np.byte,
"short": np.int16,
"int": np.int32,
"long": np.int64,
"float": np.float32,
"double": np.float64,
class DataParsingError(ValueError):
"""Base class for parsing-related errors"""
class TypeNotRecognizedError(DataParsingError):
"""Error for when a given dtype string representation is not recognised"""
dtype: str
def __str__(self):
f_types = ", ".join(TYPES.keys())
return f"{self.dtype} is not a recognised data type\n" f"Valid types: {f_types}"
class MultipleColumnsError(DataParsingError):
"""Error for when only one column of data was expected"""
ncols: int
def __str__(self):
return (
f"Parsed data contains {self.ncols} columns, but only 1 column was expected"
def parse_data(data_file, dtype_str=None) -> pd.Series:
"""Reads file containing data into a pandas Series
Reads from file containing RNG output and produces a representitive pandas
Series. The appropiate dtype is inferred from the data itself, or optionally
from the supplied ``dtype_str``.
data_file : file-like object
File containing RNG output
dtype_str : ``str``, optional
String representation of desired dtype. If not supplied, it is inferred
from the data.
A pandas ``Series`` which represents the data
If supplied dtype_str does not recognise a dtype
If inputted data contains multiple values per line
If sequence does not contain only 2 values
See Also
pandas.read_csv : The pandas method for reading ``data_file``
store_data : Calls this method, and handles subsequent storage of data
df = pd.read_csv(data_file, header=None)
ncols = len(df.columns)
if ncols > 1:
raise MultipleColumnsError(ncols)
series = df.iloc[:, 0]
if series.nunique() != 2:
raise NonBinarySequenceError()
if dtype_str is not None:
dtype = TYPES[dtype_str]
except KeyError as e:
raise TypeNotRecognizedError(dtype_str) from e
series = series.astype(dtype)
series = series.infer_objects()
return series
class StoreError(Exception):
"""Base class for store-related errors"""
store_name: str
class StoreExistsError(StoreError, FileExistsError):
"""Error for when a store is being assumed to not exist but does"""
def __str__(self):
return (
f"'{self.store_name}' already exists\n"
"Use the --overwrite flag to write over this store"
class NameConflictError(StoreError, FileExistsError):
"""Error for when a unique storename could not be made"""
def __str__(self):
return f"Generated name '{self.store_name}' conflicted with existing store"
def init_store(name=None, overwrite=False):
"""Creates store in local data
A name supplied or generated is used to initialise a store. If supplied,
the name is sanitised to remove invalid characters for filepaths. If
generated, the name will be a timestamp of initialisation.
name : ``str``, optional
Desired name of the store, which will be sanitised. If not supplied, a
name is generated automatically.
overwrite : ``boolean``, default ``False``
If a name conflicts with an existing store, this decides whether to
overwrite it.
store_name : ``str``
Internal name of the initialised store
store_path : ``Path``
Path of the initialised store
If attempts at generating a unique name fails
If a store of the same name exists already (and overwrite is set to
If sequence does not contain only 2 values
See Also
store_data : Parses data and calls this method, to then save data in store
if name:
store_name = slugify(name, separator="_")
if store_name != name:
warn(f"Name encoded as {store_name}", UserWarning)
for _ in range(3):
timestamp =
iso8601 = timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
store_name = f"store_{iso8601}"
if store_name not in list_stores():
raise NameConflictError(store_name)
print(f"Store name to be encoded as {store_name}")
store_path = data_dir / store_name
Path.mkdir(store_path, parents=True)
except FileExistsError:
if overwrite:
raise StoreExistsError(store_name)
return store_name, store_path
def store_data(data_file, name=None, dtype_str=None, overwrite=False):
"""Load and parse RNG output, serialised to a local data directory
Reads from file containing RNG output and produces a representitive pandas
Series. The appropiate dtype is inferred from the data itself, or optionally
from the supplied ``dtype_str``.
A name supplied or generated is used to initialise a store. If supplied,
the name is sanitised to remove invalid characters for filepaths. If
generated, the name will be a timestamp of initialisation.
The representive Series is serialised using Python's pickle module, saved
in the initialised store.
The store's name is also written to a file in the user data directory, to
be accessed later when identifying the last initialised store.
data_file : file-like object
File containing RNG output
name : ``str``, optional
Desired name of the store, which will be sanitised. If not supplied, a
name is generated automatically.
dtype_str : ``str``, optional
String representation of desired dtype. If not supplied, it is inferred
from the data.
overwrite : ``bool``, default ``False``
If a name conflicts with an existing store, this decides whether to
overwrite it.
If supplied dtype_str does not recognise a dtype
If inputted data contains multiple values per line
If attempts at generating a unique name fails
If a store of the same name exists already (and overwrite is set to
See Also
parse_data : Loads and parses ``data_file``
init_store : Initialises the store
find_latest_store : Accesses the name of the last initialised store
series = parse_data(data_file, dtype_str)
store_name, store_path = init_store(name=name, overwrite=overwrite)
series = series.rename(store_name)
data_path = store_path / DATA_FNAME
pickle.dump(series, open(data_path, "wb"))
latest_store_path = data_dir / LATEST_STORE_FNAME
with open(latest_store_path, "w") as f:
print("Data stored successfully!")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Store interaction
class NoLatestStoreRecordedError(LookupError):
"""Error for when latest store cannot be identified"""
def __str__(self):
return "No record of the last initialised store was found"
def find_latest_store() -> str:
"""Find out the last initialised store
A file is kept in the root user data directory to record the last
initialised store's name, which this method reads to identify the store.
store_name : ``str``
Name of the last initialised store
When no last initialised store is found
latest_store_path = data_dir / LATEST_STORE_FNAME
with open(latest_store_path) as f:
store_name = f.readlines()[0]
if store_name in list_stores():
return store_name
except FileNotFoundError:
raise NoLatestStoreRecordedError()
class StoreNotFoundError(StoreError, FileNotFoundError):
"""Error for when requested store does not exist"""
def __str__(self):
return f"'{self.store_name}' does not exist"
class DataNotFoundError(StoreError, FileNotFoundError):
"""Error for when requested store has no data"""
def __str__(self):
return f"'{self.store_name}' contains no data"
def get_data(store_name) -> pd.Series:
"""Access data of a store
store_name : ``str``
Name of the store
A pandas ``Series`` which represents the data
If requested store does not exist
If requested store has no data
store_path = data_dir / store_name
if not store_path.exists():
raise StoreNotFoundError(store_name)
data_path = store_path / DATA_FNAME
with open(data_path, "rb") as f:
series = pickle.load(f)
return series
except FileNotFoundError as e:
raise DataNotFoundError(store_name) from e
def drop(store_name):
"""Remove store from local data
store_name : ``str``
Name of store to remove
store_path = data_dir / store_name
def list_stores():
"""List all stores in local data"""
for entry in scandir(data_dir):
if entry.is_dir():
except FileNotFoundError:
def store_result(store_name, randtest_name, result: TestResult):
"""Store result of a statistical test
store_name : ``str``
Name of store to save result in
randtest_name : ``str``
Name of statistical test the result came from
result : ``TestResult``
Result of the statistical test
See Also
store_results : Store multiple results from multiple statistical tests
with open_results(store_name) as results:
results[randtest_name] = result
# TODO logging or warning for overwritten results
def store_results(store_name, results_dict: Dict[str, TestResult]):
"""Store results of multiple statistical tests
store_name : ``str``
Name of store to save result in
results_dict : ``Dict[str, TestResult]``
Mapping of statistical tests to their respective results
See Also
store_result : Store a single results from a single statistical test
with open_results(store_name) as results:
for randtest_name, result in results_dict.items():
results[randtest_name] = result
def open_results(store_name):
"""Context manager to read/write results of a store
store_name : ``str``
Name of store to access results in
results : ``Dict[str, TestResult]``
Previously stored results of statistical tests
If requested store does not exist
store_path = data_dir / store_name
if not store_path.exists():
raise StoreNotFoundError()
results_path = store_path / RESULTS_FNAME
with open_shelve(results_path) as results:
yield results
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers
def rm_tree(path: Path):
"""Recursively remove files and folders in a given directory"""
for child in path.glob("*"):
if child.is_file():
def open_shelve(path):
"""Adaptor of to work with pathlib's Path"""
path_str = str(path)
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