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Last active August 2, 2022 13:15
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  • Save honungsburk/f5897178af325141c00eef1216bb402f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
// Permissions
* microphone and camera doesn't exist on all browsers!
type AllPermissionName = "microphone" | "camera" | PermissionName;
type Permissions<Names extends AllPermissionName[]> = {
[key in Names[number]]: PermissionState;
function initPermissions<Names extends AllPermissionName[]>(
names: Names
): Permissions<Names> {
const obj: any = {};
for (let name of names) {
obj[name] = "prompt";
return obj as Permissions<Names>;
* Keep track of all granted browser permissions. Automatically updates.
* NOTE: the "microphone" and "camera" permissions are not supported by all browsers!
export default function useBrowserPermissions<
Names extends AllPermissionName[]
>(...permissionNames: Names): Permissions<Names> {
const [permissions, setPermissions] = useState<Permissions<Names>>(
useEffect(() => {
const unsubs: (() => void)[] = [];
const exec = async () => {
let localPermissions: any = initPermissions(permissionNames);
for (let permissionName of permissionNames) {
const permissionStatus = await navigator.permissions.query({
name: permissionName as PermissionName,
localPermissions[permissionName] = permissionStatus.state;
setPermissions({ ...localPermissions });
const listener: (this: PermissionStatus) => void = function () {
console.log(permissionName, ":", this.state);
if (localPermissions[permissionName] !== this.state) {
localPermissions[permissionName] = this.state;
setPermissions({ ...localPermissions });
permissionStatus.addEventListener("change", listener);
unsubs.push(() =>
permissionStatus.removeEventListener("change", listener)
return () => {
unsubs.forEach((fn) => fn());
}, permissionNames);
// IMPORTANT: do not wrapp permissionNames in a list [permissionNames] that will trigger
// effect on each render!
// This happens because the list is a new refrence each time, but by not wrapping it will look at the values
// which are strings and are refer to the same ref each time!
return permissions;
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