The JSON data is in the following format
"Genesis": {
"1": {
"1": "In the beginning..." ,
"2": "..."
"2": { ... }
"Exodus": { ... },
In JSON, keys aren't ordered and must be strings.
The goal is to parse the JSON file, order everything correctly (which means parsing the keys into integers), and produce an array that looks like this:
("Genesis", 1, 1, "In the beginning..")
("Genesis", 1, 2, "")
The data structure can be a tuple or some new type.
(ns versify.core
(:require [cheshire.core :refer :all])
(def book-order ["Genesis", "Exodus", "Leviticus", "Numbers", "Deuteronomy",
"Joshua", "Judges", "Ruth", "1 Samuel", "2 Samuel", "1 Kings", "2 Kings",
"1 Chronicles", "2 Chronicles", "Ezra", "Nehemiah", "Esther", "Job",
"Psalms", "Proverbs", "Ecclesiastes", "Song of Solomon", "Isaiah",
"Jeremiah", "Lamentations", "Ezekiel", "Daniel", "Hosea", "Joel", "Amos",
"Obadiah", "Jonah", "Micah", "Nahum", "Habakkuk", "Zephaniah", "Haggai",
"Zechariah", "Malachi", "Matthew", "Mark", "Luke", "John", "Acts",
"Romans", "1 Corinthians", "2 Corinthians", "Galatians", "Ephesians",
"Philippians", "Colossians", "1 Thessalonians", "2 Thessalonians",
"1 Timothy", "2 Timothy", "Titus", "Philemon", "Hebrews", "James",
"1 Peter", "2 Peter", "1 John", "2 John", "3 John", "Jude", "Revelation"])
(defn intify [m]
(apply assoc (sorted-map)
(fn [[k v]]
[(read-string k), v]) m)))
(defn get-books [bible]
(map (fn [book] [book, (bible book)]) book-order))
(defn get-chapters [books]
(mapcat (fn [[k v]]
(let [i (intify v)]
(map (fn [[n c]] [k, n, c]) i))) books))
(defn get-verses [verses]
(mapcat (fn [[b c d]]
(let [i (intify d)]
(map (fn [[v t]] [b, c, v, t]) i))) verses))
(def parse (comp get-verses get-chapters get-books))
(defn -main
[& args]
(let [bible (parse-string (slurp "ESV.json"))]
(first (parse bible))))
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Aeson (decode, FromJSON)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import Data.Map (Map, toList, fromList, lookup)
bookOrder = ["Genesis", "Exodus", "Leviticus", "Numbers", "Deuteronomy",
"Joshua", "Judges", "Ruth", "1 Samuel", "2 Samuel", "1 Kings", "2 Kings",
"1 Chronicles", "2 Chronicles", "Ezra", "Nehemiah", "Esther", "Job",
"Psalms", "Proverbs", "Ecclesiastes", "Song of Solomon", "Isaiah",
"Jeremiah", "Lamentations", "Ezekiel", "Daniel", "Hosea", "Joel", "Amos",
"Obadiah", "Jonah", "Micah", "Nahum", "Habakkuk", "Zephaniah", "Haggai",
"Zechariah", "Malachi", "Matthew", "Mark", "Luke", "John", "Acts",
"Romans", "1 Corinthians", "2 Corinthians", "Galatians", "Ephesians",
"Philippians", "Colossians", "1 Thessalonians", "2 Thessalonians",
"1 Timothy", "2 Timothy", "Titus", "Philemon", "Hebrews", "James",
"1 Peter", "2 Peter", "1 John", "2 John", "3 John", "Jude", "Revelation"]
type Verse = String
newtype Chapter = Chapter (Map String Verse) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype Book = Book (Map String Chapter) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype Bible = Bible (Map String Book) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype OrderedChapter = OrderedChapter (Map Int Verse) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype OrderedBook = OrderedBook (Map Int OrderedChapter) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype OrderedBible = OrderedBible (Map String OrderedBook) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance FromJSON Chapter where
parseJSON val = Chapter <$> parseJSON val
instance FromJSON Book where
parseJSON val = Book <$> parseJSON val
instance FromJSON Bible where
parseJSON val = Bible <$> parseJSON val
getBooks :: OrderedBible -> [(String, OrderedBook)]
getBooks (OrderedBible b) = map (f b) bookOrder
where f b k = (k, (x k b))
x k b = case (lookup k b) of
Just b -> b
Nothing -> error "fail"
getChapters :: [(String, OrderedBook)] -> [(String, Int, OrderedChapter)]
getChapters books = concatMap f books
where f (bookName, (OrderedBook b)) = map (g bookName) (toList b)
g bookName (chapterNumber, chapter) = (bookName, chapterNumber, chapter)
getVerses :: [(String, Int, OrderedChapter)] -> [FlatVerse]
getVerses chapters = concatMap f chapters
where f (bookName, chapterNumber, (OrderedChapter chapter)) = map (g bookName chapterNumber) (toList chapter)
g bookName chapterNumber (verseNumber, verse) = FlatVerse {
text = verse,
book = bookName,
chapter = chapterNumber,
verse = verseNumber}
flattenBible :: OrderedBible -> [FlatVerse]
flattenBible = (getVerses . getChapters . getBooks)
data FlatVerse = FlatVerse { text :: String
, book :: String
, chapter :: Int
, verse :: Int
} deriving (Show)
formatVerse :: FlatVerse -> String
formatVerse v = "\"" ++ (text v) ++ "\" - " ++ (book v) ++ " "
++ show (chapter v) ++ ":" ++ show (book v)
loadBible :: BS.ByteString -> Bible
loadBible x = do
let y = decode x :: Maybe Bible
case y of
Just b -> b
Nothing -> error "mle"
getOrderedBible :: Bible -> OrderedBible
getOrderedBible (Bible bible) = OrderedBible (fromList (c bible))
where c bible = map (g bible) bookOrder
g bible key = (key, (getOrderedBook book)) where
book = case lookup key bible of
Just b -> b
Nothing -> error "fail"
getOrderedBook :: Book -> OrderedBook
getOrderedBook (Book b) = OrderedBook (fromList (map f (toList b)))
where f (num, chapter) = (read num :: Int, (getOrderedChapter chapter))
getOrderedChapter :: Chapter -> OrderedChapter
getOrderedChapter (Chapter c) = OrderedChapter (fromList (map f (toList c)))
where f (num, verse) = (read num :: Int, verse)
main = do
putStrLn "hey"
bible <- BS.readFile "ESV.json"
let b = getOrderedBible (loadBible bible)
f = flattenBible b
putStrLn $ show $ length f
putStrLn $ show $ formatVerse (head f)
Java 8
If there is a need to run in parallel (using all the cores), replace stream to parallelStream, forEach to forEachOrdered, however