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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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-- This is a Haskell implementation of aphyr's
-- "Clojure from the ground up - modeling"
-- Compile this with:
-- $ ghc -O Rocket.hs
import GHC.Exts
data Cartesian = Cartesian { x :: Double,
y :: Double,
z :: Double } deriving (Show)
instance Num Cartesian where
(Cartesian x1 y1 z1) + (Cartesian x2 y2 z2) = Cartesian (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2) (z1 + z2)
(Cartesian x1 y1 z1) - (Cartesian x2 y2 z2) = Cartesian (x1 - x2) (y1 - y2) (z1 - z2)
(Cartesian x1 y1 z1) * (Cartesian x2 y2 z2) = Cartesian (x1 * x2) (y1 * y2) (z1 * z2)
abs (Cartesian x y z) = Cartesian (abs x) (abs y) (abs z)
signum = id
fromInteger _ = Cartesian 0 0 0
data Spherical = Spherical { r :: Double,
theta :: Double,
phi :: Double } deriving (Show)
data Craft = Craft {
time :: Int,
dryMass :: Double,
fuelMass :: Double,
isp :: Double,
maxFuelRate :: Double,
velocity :: Velocity,
position :: Position,
nextStage :: Maybe Craft } deriving (Show)
type Position = Cartesian
type Velocity = Cartesian
type Trajectory = [Craft]
initialSpaceCenterPosition :: Position
initialSpaceCenterPosition = Cartesian earthEquatorialRadius 0 0
initialSpaceCenterVelocity :: Velocity
initialSpaceCenterVelocity = Cartesian 0 earthEquatorialSpeed 0
magnitude :: Cartesian -> Double
magnitude (Cartesian x y z) = sqrt (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + z ^ 2)
scale :: Double -> Cartesian -> Cartesian
scale f (Cartesian x y z) = Cartesian (x * f) (y * f) (z * f)
unitVector :: Cartesian -> Cartesian
unitVector c = scale (1 / magnitude c) c
dotProduct :: Cartesian -> Cartesian -> Double
dotProduct (Cartesian x1 y1 z1) (Cartesian x2 y2 z2) =
x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 + z1 * z2
projection :: Cartesian -> Cartesian -> Cartesian
projection a b = scale (dotProduct a c) c
where c = unitVector b
rejection :: Cartesian -> Cartesian -> Cartesian
rejection a b = a - projection a b
cartesianToSpherical :: Cartesian -> Spherical
cartesianToSpherical c@(Cartesian x y z) =
Spherical r (atan (y / x)) (acos (z / r))
where r = magnitude c
sphericalToCartesian :: Spherical -> Cartesian
sphericalToCartesian (Spherical r theta phi) =
(r * cos theta * sin phi)
(r * sin theta * sin phi)
(r * cos phi)
-- Radius of the earth, in meters
earthEquatorialRadius = 6378137
-- Length of an earth day, in seconds.
earthDay = 86400
earthEquatorialSpeed = (2 * pi * earthEquatorialRadius) / earthDay
-- Acceleration of gravity in meters/s^2
g = -9.8
centaur = Craft {
maxFuelRate=13897 / 470,
atlasV :: Craft -> Craft
atlasV next =
Craft {
maxFuelRate=284450 / 252,
nextStage=Just next}
ascent = [0, 300]
circularization = [400, 1000]
orientation :: Craft -> Cartesian
orientation (Craft {time = t, velocity = v, position = p})
| (head ascent <= t) && (t <= last ascent) = p
| (head circularization <= t) && (t <= last circularization) = rejection v p
| otherwise = v
fuelRate :: Craft -> Double
fuelRate (Craft {time = t, fuelMass = f, maxFuelRate = m})
| f <= 0 = 0
| (head ascent <= t) && (t <= last ascent) = m
| (head circularization <= t) && (t <= last circularization) = m
| otherwise = 0
stage :: Craft -> Craft
stage c@(Craft t _ f _ _ v p n)
| f > 0 = c
| otherwise = case n of
Nothing -> c
(Just (Craft _ dm fm isp mfr _ _ n')) ->
Craft t dm fm isp mfr v p n'
thrust :: Craft -> Double
thrust c = fuelRate c * isp c
mass :: Craft -> Double
mass (Craft {dryMass = d, fuelMass = f}) = d + f
gravityForce :: Craft -> Cartesian
gravityForce c@(Craft {position = p}) =
sphericalToCartesian (Spherical r theta phi)
(Spherical _ theta phi) = cartesianToSpherical p
r = mass c * g
altitude :: Craft -> Double
altitude (Craft {position = p}) = r - earthEquatorialRadius
where (Spherical r _ _) = cartesianToSpherical p
engineForce :: Craft -> Cartesian
engineForce c = scale (thrust c) (unitVector (orientation c))
totalForce :: Craft -> Cartesian
totalForce c = engineForce c + gravityForce c
acceleration :: Craft -> Cartesian
acceleration c = scale (1 / mass c) (totalForce c)
step :: Craft -> Int -> Craft
step c@(Craft t dm fm isp mfr v p n) dt =
Craft t' dm fm' isp mfr v' p' n
t' = t + dt
dt' = fromIntegral dt
fm' = fm - (dt' * fuelRate c)
p' = p + scale dt' v
v' = v + scale dt' (acceleration c)
stagedStep :: Craft -> Int -> Craft
stagedStep c = step (stage c)
stepBackwards :: Int -> Craft -> Craft
stepBackwards dt c = stagedStep c dt
trajectory :: Int -> Craft -> Trajectory
trajectory dt = iterate (stepBackwards 1)
isAboveGround :: Craft -> Bool
isAboveGround c = 0 <= altitude c
flight :: Trajectory -> Trajectory
flight = takeWhile isAboveGround
crashed :: Trajectory -> Bool
crashed t = not (all isAboveGround (takeWhile f t))
f c = time c <= (10 * 3600)
crashTime :: Trajectory -> Int
crashTime t = case reverse (flight t) of
(x:_) -> time x
_ -> 0
apoapsis :: Trajectory -> Double
apoapsis t = maximum (map altitude (flight t))
apoapsisTime :: Trajectory -> Int
apoapsisTime [] = 0
apoapsisTime [t] = time t
apoapsisTime t = time (last (sortWith altitude (flight t)))
main = do
let trj = trajectory 1 (atlasV centaur)
let hasCrashed = crashed trj
if hasCrashed then do
putStrLn $ "Crashed at " ++ show (crashTime trj) ++ " seconds"
putStrLn $ "Maximum altitude " ++ show (apoapsis trj)
++ " meters at " ++ show (apoapsisTime trj) ++ " seconds"
putStrLn "Reached orbit!"
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