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Last active March 11, 2021 09:47
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Super simple inverted index in Python
import re
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
def bold(txt):
return '\x1b[1m%s\x1b[0m' % txt
DATA = [
'title': 'Django',
'description': 'Django is a high-level Python Web framework that '
'encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by '
'experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web '
'development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to '
'reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.'
'title': 'Python',
'description': 'Python is a programming language that lets you work '
'more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively.'
SPLIT_RE = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]')
def tokenize(text):
yield from SPLIT_RE.split(text)
def text_only(tokens):
for t in tokens:
if t.isalnum():
yield t
def lowercase(tokens):
for t in tokens:
yield t.lower()
def stem(tokens):
for t in tokens:
if t.endswith('ly'):
t = t[:-2]
yield t
'rapid': 'quick',
def synonyms(tokens):
for t in tokens:
yield SYNONYMS.get(t, t)
def analyze(text):
tokens = tokenize(text)
for token_filter in (text_only, lowercase, stem, synonyms):
tokens = token_filter(tokens)
yield from tokens
def index_docs(docs, *fields):
index = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(Counter))
for id, doc in enumerate(docs):
for field in fields:
for token in analyze(doc[field]):
index[field][token][id] += 1
return index
def combine_and(*args):
if not args:
return Counter()
out = args[0].copy()
for c in args[1:]:
for doc_id in list(out):
if doc_id not in c:
del out[doc_id]
out[doc_id] += c[doc_id]
return out
def combine_or(*args):
if not args:
return Counter()
out = args[0].copy()
for c in args[1:]:
return out
'OR': combine_or,
'AND': combine_and,
def search_in_fields(index, query, fields):
for t in analyze(query):
yield COMBINE['OR'](*(index[f][t] for f in fields))
def search(index, query, operator='AND', fields=None):
combine = COMBINE[operator]
return combine(*(search_in_fields(index, query, fields or index.keys())))
def query(index, query, operator='AND', fields=None):
print('Search for "%s" using %s in %s' % (bold(query), bold(operator), fields or 'all fields'))
ids = search(index, query, operator, fields)
for doc_id, score in ids.most_common():
print('%s found with score of %s' % (bold(DATA[doc_id]['title']), bold(score)))
index = index_docs(DATA, 'title', 'description')
query(index, 'Python')
query(index, 'Python', fields=['title'])
query(index, 'python', fields=['description'])
query(index, 'Python web')
query(index, 'Python web', 'OR')
query(index, 'quick')
query(index, 'rapid')
query(index, 'of')
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