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Last active April 16, 2021 11:44
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How to migrate ActiveStorage attachments from local (file-system) storage to S3/Amazon?

There are a couple of versions of this script floating around. My inspiration has been this great article

I went through their code and found most of it is not needed and it is a relict of days long gone. Now ActiveStorage has beautiful APIs and its all quite easy.

How to use

  1. create a new service configuration for S3 named it amazon
  2. backup everything!!!
  3. switch your default service over to :amazon so new attachments are created there
  4. run this task to copy over the blobs to S3
  5. remove the old data in rails-app/storage/* (keep the backup!)


You can run this task repeatedly and it will only touch blobs that are in the wrong place (repeatable).

Using in-memory buffer (StringIO) instead of creating a milion Tempfiles (faster).

Does not delete original data so if you have a problem the files are still there and hopefully you made a backup of your db (safe).

def migrate(from, to)
puts "Current default service: #{}"
configs = Rails.configuration.active_storage.service_configurations
from_service = ActiveStorage::Service.configure from, configs
to_service = ActiveStorage::Service.configure to, configs
ActiveStorage::Blob.service = from_service
blobs = ActiveStorage::Blob.where service_name: from
puts "Copying #{blobs.count} blobs from #{from} to service #{to}..."
blobs.find_each do |blob|
print '.'
buffer =
buffer <<
to_service.upload(blob.key, buffer, checksum: blob.checksum)
blob.update! service_name: to
rescue Errno::ENOENT
puts "Rescued by Errno::ENOENT statement. ID: #{} / Key: #{blob.key}"
rescue ActiveStorage::FileNotFoundError
puts "Rescued by FileNotFoundError. ID: #{} / Key: #{blob.key}"
puts "Done."
namespace :storage do
desc 'Migrate ActiveStorage files from local to Amazon S3'
task migrate: :environment do
migrate(:local, :amazon)
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