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Last active January 7, 2016 17:35
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links for pentacast "rust"
author title subtitle
Hendrik Sollich
Rust Themenabend



  • originally conceived by Graydon Hoare (nicht Charles Antony Richard Hoare)
  • Lang by Mozilla Re, used in next-gen browser-engine Servo
    • developed since ~2007
    • uses LLVM toolchain
    • type system based on Hindley-Milner type system (similar to Haskell)
    • stdlib intended for concurrent and memory safety (Arc, Mutex)
    • stdlib and syntax fixed since May 2015

Cool Stuff

  • pattern matching
  • expressions vs statements
  • closures
  • macros
  • documentation comments
  • in-line tests #[test] and benchmarks #[bench]

Original Advertisement

  • zero-cost abstractions
  • move semantics
  • guaranteed memory safety
  • threads without data races
  • trait-based generics
  • pattern matching
  • type inference
  • minimal runtime
  • efficient C bindings
  • SML, OCaml: algebraic data types, pattern matching, type inference, semicolon statement separation
  • C++: references, RAII, smart pointers, move semantics, monomorphization, memory model
  • ML Kit, Cyclone: region based memory management
  • Haskell (GHC): typeclasses, type families
  • Newsqueak, Alef, Limbo: channels, concurrency
  • Erlang: message passing, thread failure
  • Swift: optional bindings
  • Scheme: hygienic macros
  • C#: attributes
  • Unicode Annex #31: identifier and pattern syntax

What Rust shipped without

  • null pointers
  • array overruns
  • data races
  • wild pointers
  • uninitialized, yet addressable memory
  • unions that allow access to the wrong field

Less-well-known things I'm very proud that rust shipped 1.0 without:

  • a shared root namespace
  • variables with runtime "before main" static initialization (the .ctors section)
  • a compilation model that relies on textual inclusion (#include) or textual elision (#ifdef)
  • a compilation model that relies on the order of declarations (possible caveat: macros)
  • accidental identifier capture in macros
  • random-access strings
  • UTF-16 or UCS-2 support anywhere outside windows API compatibility routines
  • signed character types
  • (hah! vertical tab escapes (as recently discussed) along with the escapes for bell and form-feed)
  • "accidental octal" from leading zeroes
  • goto (not even as a reserved word)
  • dangling else (or misgrouped control structure bodies of any sort)
  • case fallthrough
  • a == operator you can easily typo as = and still compile
  • a === operator, or any set of easily-confused equality operators
  • silent coercions between boolean and anything else
  • silent coercions between enums and integers
  • silent arithmetic coercions, promotions
  • implementation-dependent sign for the result of % with negative dividend
  • bitwise operators with lower precedence than comparison operators
  • auto-increment operators
  • a poor-quality default hash function
  • pointer-heavy default containers

Memory Model

  • no garbage collection, low level access possible
  • variables immutable by default
  • real innovation: borrow checker -> enforces Ownership and Move Semantics
  • a reference to a resource is "borrowed"
  • only one party can mutate resources
  • Move Semantics are implicitly part of the language
  • there is one concrete owner to everything
  • racing code would not even compile

Type System

  • Type safety at compile time -> no implicit coercions/casting
/// Example of Enums and Structs here
  • Traits vs Object Orientation -> composition vs inheritance
  • Trait based Generics vs Templates -> no ducktyping in "template" expansions
  • no nullpointers => functions return Option<T> or Result<T>
  • functional style Error Handling, no exceptions :)


  • mpsc channels
  • ownership is enforced -> no Dataraces
  • shared access through Arc
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let data = Arc::new(
            vec![1, 2, 3]

    for i in 0..3 {
        let data = data.clone();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut data = data.lock().unwrap();
            data[i] += 1;



  • very unlike C/C++ Macros
  • work on AST after parser
  • example

HandsOn: Life Coding Examples


#. (im)mutability #. primitives and tuple, enum, struct #. control flow (if, loop, while) #. expressions vs statements #. println!()

Get Rusty

#. references (e.g. String vs &str) #. Option and Result #. pattern matching (match, if let) #. error handling, simple


#. collections #. iterators


#. closures #. traits, trait bounds #. documentation comments, in-line tests #[test] and benchmarks #[bench] #. error handling, closer look

For Completeness Sake

#. modules #. macros ( please don't )

Extension Slides

alternatives to Rust?


  • (+) compiles faster than rust
  • (+) statically compiled and linked
  • (-) strange design decisions
  • (-) nothing groundbreaking
  • (-) garbage collected
  • (-) completely separate toolchain
  • -> more competition to java

C++17 + GSL

  • (+) fits in existing codebase
  • (-) reiteration of codebase necessary
  • (-) large language, old style still possible
  • (-) language makes static compile time checks nontrivial


  • (+) safe
  • (-) not intended for systems programming


  • no garbage collection, by reference counting
  • Optional is similar to Option<T>, but equivalent to Result<T> is 3rd party

disadvantages of Rust

  • price of safety: may slightly reduce performance
  • bigger bins
  • ABI compatible with C but not with C++, requires wrappers or extern c
  • static linking by default
  • builds against glibc, musl (experimental), uclibc (not tested)

State of the Art

Community and Documentation

eco system

  • cargo as package manager and build system
  • as repo, extern git repositories, explizite
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