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Created March 6, 2014 16:53
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Nightweb Crash
03-06 18:51:07.113 1057 PanelView V animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=1776.0 v=-6000.0)
03-06 18:51:07.113 801 ActivityManager I START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=net.nightweb cmp=net.nightweb/.SplashActivity} from pid 18489
03-06 18:51:07.183 801 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3437K, 15% free 44439K/51792K, paused 68ms, total 68ms
03-06 18:51:07.193 801 InputMethodManager.. W Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@4401eaf0 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@4
03-06 18:51:07.213 801 ActivityManager I Start proc net.nightweb for activity net.nightweb/.SplashActivity: pid=22148 uid=10150 gids={50150, 3003, 1028, 1015}
03-06 18:51:07.283 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 50K, 1% free 16762K/16844K, paused 14ms, total 14ms
03-06 18:51:07.303 22148 dalvikvm-heap I Grow heap (frag case) to 25.396MB for 9437200-byte allocation
03-06 18:51:07.313 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 1% free 25978K/26064K, paused 14ms, total 14ms
03-06 18:51:07.323 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed <1K, 1% free 25978K/26064K, paused 2ms+1ms, total 10ms
03-06 18:51:07.393 22148 Adreno-EGL I <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:320>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM Build: I0404c4692afb8623f95c43aeb6d5e13ed4b30ddbDate: 11/06/13
03-06 18:51:07.423 22148 OpenGLRenderer D Enabling debug mode 0
03-06 18:51:07.523 801 ActivityManager I Displayed net.nightweb/.SplashActivity: +324ms
03-06 18:51:08.043 22148 dalvikvm I Could not find method java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo, referenced from method clojure.core$bean.invoke
03-06 18:51:08.043 22148 dalvikvm W VFY: unable to resolve static method 24102: Ljava/beans/Introspector;.getBeanInfo (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/beans/BeanInfo;
03-06 18:51:08.053 22148 dalvikvm D VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at 0x0021
03-06 18:51:08.123 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 1685K, 6% free 27319K/28984K, paused 2ms+1ms, total 29ms
03-06 18:51:08.603 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 3159K, 11% free 27671K/30860K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 35ms
03-06 18:51:09.043 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 3185K, 11% free 28138K/31352K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 33ms
03-06 18:51:09.043 22148 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 22ms
03-06 18:51:09.333 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 3598K, 12% free 28349K/31976K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 37ms
03-06 18:51:09.333 22148 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 24ms
03-06 18:51:09.403 801 ActivityManager I START u0 {act=net.nightweb.MAIN cmp=net.nightweb/.MainPage} from pid 22148
03-06 18:51:09.663 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 3621K, 12% free 28606K/32256K, paused 3ms+1ms, total 33ms
03-06 18:51:09.663 22148 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 18ms
03-06 18:51:09.983 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 3762K, 12% free 28808K/32600K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 33ms
03-06 18:51:09.983 22148 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 17ms
03-06 18:51:10.353 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 3740K, 12% free 29095K/32856K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 39ms
03-06 18:51:10.693 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 3869K, 12% free 29353K/33252K, paused 2ms+1ms, total 37ms
03-06 18:51:10.693 22148 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 23ms
03-06 18:51:10.883 22148 dalvikvm E Could not find class 'javax.naming.InitialContext', referenced from method$get_connection.invoke
03-06 18:51:10.883 22148 dalvikvm W VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 4985 (Ljavax/naming/InitialContext;) in Lclojure/java/jdbc$get_connection;
03-06 18:51:10.883 22148 dalvikvm D VFY: replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x02c0
03-06 18:51:10.883 22148 dalvikvm D DexOpt: unable to opt direct call 0x66ac at 0x2ca in Lclojure/java/jdbc$get_connection;.invoke
03-06 18:51:11.043 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 3903K, 12% free 29663K/33596K, paused 3ms+1ms, total 48ms
03-06 18:51:11.043 22148 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 30ms
03-06 18:51:11.393 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 4066K, 13% free 29913K/34008K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 39ms
03-06 18:51:11.393 22148 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 26ms
03-06 18:51:11.783 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 4135K, 13% free 30175K/34340K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 64ms
03-06 18:51:11.783 22148 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 53ms
03-06 18:51:12.063 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1756K, 12% free 30580K/34644K, paused 42ms, total 42ms
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket V After reading offset = 0 remaining = 4 countRead = 4
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket D messageLength extracted from first 4 inputStream reads = 29
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket V offset = 0 remaining = 29 countRead = 0
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket V offset = 0 remaining = 29 countRead = 29
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket D readRilMessage: Buffer = [B@426192b0 HexData = [0100000004040000110000005155414c434f4d4def0308000100000000]
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket V Read packet: 29 bytes. Data Available = 32 Position = 0
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket D processResponse. message type = 1. Data Available = 28
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket D ByteArray from parcel = 5155414c434f4d4def0308000100000000
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket D Received RIL_UNSOL_OEM_HOOK_RAW message
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket D Oem ID in RIL_UNSOL_OEM_HOOK_RAW is QUALCOMM
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket D OEM ID check Passed
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket D Response ID in RIL_UNSOL_OEM_HOOK_RAW is 525295
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket D Response ID 525295is not served in this process.
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket D To broadcast an Intent via the notifier to external apps
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelSocket V Before reading offset = 0 remaining = 4 countRead = 0
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelIfac.. D handleMessage what=0
03-06 18:51:12.273 2232 QcrilMsgTunnelIfac.. D Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
03-06 18:51:12.303 801 AlarmManagerService D Kernel timezone updated to -120 minutes west of GMT
03-06 18:51:12.313 801 MobileDataStateTra.. D default: Broadcast received: android.intent.action.ANY_DATA_STATE apnType=default
03-06 18:51:12.313 801 MobileDataStateTra.. D default: Received state=CONNECTED, old=CONNECTED, reason=(unspecified)
03-06 18:51:12.353 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 963K, 12% free 31017K/35232K, paused 58ms, total 58ms
03-06 18:51:12.673 22148 dalvikvm I Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
03-06 18:51:12.683 801 MobileDataStateTra.. D default: setPolicyDataEnable(enabled=true)
03-06 18:51:12.843 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3503K, 15% free 30765K/35804K, paused 40ms, total 40ms
03-06 18:51:13.293 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3335K, 13% free 31287K/35804K, paused 38ms, total 38ms
03-06 18:51:13.743 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 3680K, 14% free 31306K/36164K, paused 40ms, total 40ms
03-06 18:51:14.223 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 4362K, 16% free 30768K/36200K, paused 37ms, total 38ms
03-06 18:51:14.363 1342 GLSUser W GoogleAccountDataService.getToken()
03-06 18:51:14.573 22148 Choreographer I Skipped 159 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
03-06 18:51:14.573 22148 System.out I Starting I2P 0.9.11-0
03-06 18:51:14.633 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2459K, 13% free 31666K/36200K, paused 44ms, total 45ms
03-06 18:51:14.663 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 7K, 12% free 32434K/36460K, paused 34ms, total 34ms
03-06 18:51:14.703 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 11% free 33458K/37500K, paused 36ms, total 36ms
03-06 18:51:14.753 22148 System.out I Hash added to /data/data/net.nightweb/files/nwapp/user/mzhmrwulrcwu7lby2mrqul7hwcxrartx
03-06 18:51:14.803 22148 System.out I fatal Unable to connect to I2P
03-06 18:51:14.873 801 ActivityManager I Displayed net.nightweb/.MainPage: +5s465ms
03-06 18:51:14.963 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 10419K, 33% free 26190K/38948K, paused 42ms, total 42ms
03-06 18:51:15.193 18489 qtaguid I Failed write_ctrl(u 66) res=-1 errno=22
03-06 18:51:15.193 18489 qtaguid I Untagging socket 66 failed errno=-22
03-06 18:51:15.193 18489 NetworkManagementS.. W untagSocket(66) failed with errno -22
03-06 18:51:15.193 18489 Finsky D [1] 5.onFinished: Installation state replication succeeded.
03-06 18:51:15.253 22148 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 2759K, 32% free 26588K/38948K, paused 4ms+7ms, total 59ms
03-06 18:51:15.253 22148 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 44ms
03-06 18:51:15.263 22148 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 12ms
03-06 18:51:15.563 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1917K, 33% free 26218K/38948K, paused 52ms, total 52ms
03-06 18:51:15.653 22148 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 79K, 27% free 28689K/38948K, paused 47ms, total 50ms
03-06 18:51:15.693 22148 RenderScript V Application requested CPU execution
03-06 18:51:15.703 22148 RenderScript V 0x789c9838 Launching thread(s), CPUs 4
03-06 18:51:15.703 22148 rsC++ E RS CPP error: Blur radius out of 0-25 pixel bound
03-06 18:51:15.753 22148 rsC++ E RS CPP error (masked by previous error): Allocation creation failed
03-06 18:51:15.753 22148 rsC++ E RS CPP error (masked by previous error): Allocation creation failed
03-06 18:51:15.753 22148 rsC++ E RS CPP error (masked by previous error): Blur radius out of 0-25 pixel bound
03-06 18:51:15.753 22148 libc F Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000028 (code=1), thread 22148 (net.nightweb)
03-06 18:51:15.853 178 DEBUG I *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
03-06 18:51:15.853 178 DEBUG I Build fingerprint: 'google/hammerhead/hammerhead:4.4.2/KOT49H/937116:user/release-keys'
03-06 18:51:15.853 178 DEBUG I Revision: '11'
03-06 18:51:15.853 178 DEBUG I pid: 22148, tid: 22148, name: net.nightweb >>> net.nightweb <<<
03-06 18:51:15.853 178 DEBUG I signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000028
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I r0 be955ebc r1 00000000 r2 41f00000 r3 00000007
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I r4 be955ebc r5 be955ef4 r6 be955f4c r7 774c7850
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I r8 0000006b r9 00000140 sl 789d2a40 fp 0000001b
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I ip 40beec74 sp be955eb0 lr 414caff3 pc 414c89ae cpsr 600f0030
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d0 646e756f62206c65 d1 7869702035322d30
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d2 7665727020796229 d3 7272652073756f3a
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d4 0000000000000000 d5 0000000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d6 0000000000000000 d7 41f0000041c80000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d8 0000001b0000004c d9 442b400043920000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d10 0000000000000000 d11 0000000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d12 0000000000000000 d13 0000000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d14 0000000000000000 d15 0000000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d16 0000000000000000 d17 0000000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d18 0000000000000000 d19 3ff0000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d20 c022000000000000 d21 c022000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d22 0000000000000000 d23 c022000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d24 0000000000000000 d25 0000000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d26 3ff0000000000000 d27 0000000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d28 3ff0000000000000 d29 0000000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I d30 0000000000000000 d31 c022000000000000
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I scr 20000013
03-06 18:51:15.913 178 DEBUG I backtrace:
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #00 pc 0000b9ae /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #01 pc 0000dfef /system/lib/ (android::RSC::ScriptIntrinsicBlur::setInput(android::RSC::sp<android::RSC::Allocation>)+10)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #02 pc 00010829 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #03 pc 00010a15 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #04 pc 0002b9b5 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #05 pc 0001f2f3 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #06 pc 00020e23 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #07 pc 00016da1 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #08 pc 00014475 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #09 pc 000142f3 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #10 pc 0001d01b /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #11 pc 000666ad /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #12 pc 0001dbcc /system/lib/ (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #13 pc 0004e123 /system/lib/ (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+398)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #14 pc 00026fe0 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #15 pc 0002dfa0 /system/lib/ (dvmMterpStd(Thread*)+76)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #16 pc 0002b638 /system/lib/ (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+184)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #17 pc 00060865 /system/lib/ (dvmInvokeMethod(Object*, Method const*, ArrayObject*, ArrayObject*, ClassObject*, bool)+392)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #18 pc 000687c7 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #19 pc 00026fe0 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #20 pc 0002dfa0 /system/lib/ (dvmMterpStd(Thread*)+76)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #21 pc 0002b638 /system/lib/ (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+184)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #22 pc 00060581 /system/lib/ (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+336)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #23 pc 00049d0b /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #24 pc 0004cde7 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #25 pc 0004db0b /system/lib/ (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, char const*)+354)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #26 pc 0000105b /system/bin/app_process
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #27 pc 0000e34b /system/lib/ (__libc_init+50)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #28 pc 00000d7c /system/bin/app_process
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I stack:
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e70 789878b4 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e74 414c50e3 /system/lib/ (android::RSC::sp<android::RSC::Element>::~sp()+14)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e78 78985d40 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e7c 414c762f /system/lib/ (android::RSC::Type::Type(void*, android::RSC::sp<android::RSC::RS>)+30)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e80 78985d40 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e84 789878b0 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e88 78985d40 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e8c e8a26f4c
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e90 be955ef0 [stack]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e94 be955eec [stack]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e98 00000081
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955e9c 414c8359 /system/lib/ (android::RSC::Allocation::createTyped(android::RSC::sp<android::RSC::RS>, android::RSC::sp<android::RSC::Type const>
, RsAllocationMipmapControl, unsigned int, void*)+40)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955ea0 414cd4f3 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955ea4 414cda84 /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955ea8 be955eec [stack]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955eac e8a26f4c
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #00 be955eb0 774bfec0 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955eb4 414caff3 /system/lib/ (android::RSC::ScriptIntrinsicBlur::setInput(android::RSC::sp<android::RSC::Allocation>)+14)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I #01 be955eb8 774bfec0 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955ebc be955ef4 [stack]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955ec0 41f00000 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-zygote (deleted)
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955ec4 00000007
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955ec8 774c77e0 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955ecc 774bfec0 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.923 178 DEBUG I be955ed0 be955f4c [stack]
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955ed4 40bca82d /system/lib/
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I #02 be955ed8 00000081
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955edc 789d2a40 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955ee0 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955ee4 78985d40 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955ee8 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955eec 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955ef0 789878b0 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955ef4 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955ef8 789ca470 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955efc be955fac [stack]
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955f00 774c77e0 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955f04 0000006b
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955f08 00000140
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955f0c 789c1c1c [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955f10 be955ffc [stack]
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I be955f14 789ca470 [anon:libc_malloc]
03-06 18:51:15.933 178 DEBUG I ........ ........
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I memory near r0:
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955e9c 414c8359 414cd4f3 414cda84 be955eec
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955eac e8a26f4c 774bfec0 414caff3 774bfec0
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955ebc be955ef4 41f00000 00000007 774c77e0
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955ecc 774bfec0 be955f4c 40bca82d 00000081
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955edc 789d2a40 00000000 78985d40 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955eec 00000000 789878b0 00000000 789ca470
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955efc be955fac 774c77e0 0000006b 00000140
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955f0c 789c1c1c be955ffc 789ca470 0000001b
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955f1c 40bcaa19 0000001e 00000009 0000001b
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955f2c 0000004c 00000001 789ca470 00000140
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955f3c 0000006b 00000000 789c1c30 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955f4c 789ca470 40400000 3f800000 43780000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955f5c c2380000 be956040 0000001e 43080000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955f6c 763f25f4 00000009 00000000 40beeabc
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955f7c 763f25f8 789c1c1c ffffffff 00000012
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I be955f8c 40be59b9 00000000 00000012 00000009
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I memory near r2:
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I 41efffe0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I 41effff0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I 41f00000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I 41f00010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I 41f00020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I 41f00030 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I 41f00040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I 41f00050 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.943 178 DEBUG I 41f00060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I 41f00070 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I 41f00080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I 41f00090 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I 41f000a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I 41f000b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I 41f000c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I 41f000d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I memory near r4:
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955e9c 414c8359 414cd4f3 414cda84 be955eec
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955eac e8a26f4c 774bfec0 414caff3 774bfec0
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955ebc be955ef4 41f00000 00000007 774c77e0
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955ecc 774bfec0 be955f4c 40bca82d 00000081
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955edc 789d2a40 00000000 78985d40 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955eec 00000000 789878b0 00000000 789ca470
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955efc be955fac 774c77e0 0000006b 00000140
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f0c 789c1c1c be955ffc 789ca470 0000001b
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f1c 40bcaa19 0000001e 00000009 0000001b
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f2c 0000004c 00000001 789ca470 00000140
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f3c 0000006b 00000000 789c1c30 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f4c 789ca470 40400000 3f800000 43780000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f5c c2380000 be956040 0000001e 43080000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f6c 763f25f4 00000009 00000000 40beeabc
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f7c 763f25f8 789c1c1c ffffffff 00000012
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f8c 40be59b9 00000000 00000012 00000009
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I memory near r5:
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955ed4 40bca82d 00000081 789d2a40 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955ee4 78985d40 00000000 00000000 789878b0
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955ef4 00000000 789ca470 be955fac 774c77e0
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f04 0000006b 00000140 789c1c1c be955ffc
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f14 789ca470 0000001b 40bcaa19 0000001e
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f24 00000009 0000001b 0000004c 00000001
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f34 789ca470 00000140 0000006b 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f44 789c1c30 00000000 789ca470 40400000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f54 3f800000 43780000 c2380000 be956040
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f64 0000001e 43080000 763f25f4 00000009
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f74 00000000 40beeabc 763f25f8 789c1c1c
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f84 ffffffff 00000012 40be59b9 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955f94 00000012 00000009 0000001e 789c1c30
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955fa4 3eba8000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955fb4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000012
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I be955fc4 41f00000 42700000 7142cd18 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.953 178 DEBUG I memory near r6:
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955f2c 0000004c 00000001 789ca470 00000140
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955f3c 0000006b 00000000 789c1c30 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955f4c 789ca470 40400000 3f800000 43780000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955f5c c2380000 be956040 0000001e 43080000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955f6c 763f25f4 00000009 00000000 40beeabc
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955f7c 763f25f8 789c1c1c ffffffff 00000012
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955f8c 40be59b9 00000000 00000012 00000009
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955f9c 0000001e 789c1c30 3eba8000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955fac 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955fbc 00000000 00000012 41f00000 42700000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955fcc 7142cd18 00000000 00000000 3f800000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955fdc 789c1c1c 789c1c30 400ba048 40bee2c0
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955fec 00000000 00000000 00000007 00000004
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be955ffc 7142cd18 42700000 3f800000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be95600c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I be95601c 00000000 00000000 774c4810 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I memory near r7:
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c7830 00000000 00000000 774c7c38 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c7840 be956110 00000000 00000000 00000100
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c7850 789878b0 777256a0 774bfec0 0000001b
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c7860 025c0175 01a40020 789afe68 778fbea0
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c7870 3f400000 00000013 789b4a90 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c7880 00000010 0000009b 774c77e0 00000001
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c7890 42280000 00000000 00000000 3f800000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c78a0 40bc9a00 00000000 00000201 3f800000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c78b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f800000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c78c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f800000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c78d0 00000010 3f800000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c78e0 00000000 3f800000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c78f0 00000000 3f800000 00000010 40bed170
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c7900 789b2e80 0000000a 00000007 00000008
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c7910 00000000 00000001 00000000 0000004b
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 774c7920 00000001 00000119 00000042 00000031
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I memory near sl:
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2a20 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2a30 00000000 00000000 00000000 000085cb
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2a40 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2a50 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2a60 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2a70 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2a80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2a90 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2aa0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2ab0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2ac0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2ad0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2ae0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.963 178 DEBUG I 789d2af0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 789d2b00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 789d2b10 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I memory near ip:
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beec54 400d8c3d 414c4bf5 414c4f09 414c5d69
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beec64 414cacd1 414c77d1 414c8331 414c89c1
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beec74 414cafe5 414c8ee1 400d8c01 403d48dc
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beec84 400f4609 40133488 4013a5c8 400f619d
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beec94 403d4510 400ed138 403d404c 403d43f0
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beeca4 403d4100 403d4b20 403d4378 403d4328
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beecb4 403d4010 403d4088 403d42b0 403d4314
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beecc4 403d47b0 403d4364 403d5d0c 403d5d20
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beecd4 403d424c 40105187 400be570 4014ead1
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beece4 404d8435 404d8bb9 404d8bd1 4054444f
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beecf4 40544487 4054455d 40544565 4054456d
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beed04 405445a3 404d8bf1 404d8d93 404d8c7b
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beed14 405444b3 4054446b 404db7ef 404e77e1
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beed24 404de659 400be550 4014ebbf 40152963
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beed34 400df53d 400dfa2d 400f052d 400f0545
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 40beed44 400f0331 402e67e7 402e5a01 402e5e65
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I memory near sp:
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955e90 be955ef0 be955eec 00000081 414c8359
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955ea0 414cd4f3 414cda84 be955eec e8a26f4c
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955eb0 774bfec0 414caff3 774bfec0 be955ef4
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955ec0 41f00000 00000007 774c77e0 774bfec0
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955ed0 be955f4c 40bca82d 00000081 789d2a40
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955ee0 00000000 78985d40 00000000 00000000
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955ef0 789878b0 00000000 789ca470 be955fac
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955f00 774c77e0 0000006b 00000140 789c1c1c
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955f10 be955ffc 789ca470 0000001b 40bcaa19
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955f20 0000001e 00000009 0000001b 0000004c
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955f30 00000001 789ca470 00000140 0000006b
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955f40 00000000 789c1c30 00000000 789ca470
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955f50 40400000 3f800000 43780000 c2380000
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955f60 be956040 0000001e 43080000 763f25f4
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955f70 00000009 00000000 40beeabc 763f25f8
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I be955f80 789c1c1c ffffffff 00000012 40be59b9
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I code around pc:
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 414c898c bd104620 000075f4 ffffffd8 4604b510
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 414c899c ffeaf7ff f7fb4620 4620e9f8 b510bd10
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 414c89ac 6a884604 b1106020 f7fc3004 4620fe71
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 414c89bc 0000bd10 1a90ee07 7ac0eef5 4603b507
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 414c89cc eef19101 dd0cfa10 7a09eeb3 7ac7eef4
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 414c89dc fa10eef1 2100d805 2304aa01 fe4af7ff
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 414c89ec 4a03e005 68d82101 f7fc447a bd0efa8b
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 414c89fc 000050df 2310460a f7ff2101 460abe3b
03-06 18:51:15.973 178 DEBUG I 414c8a0c 21002340 be36f7ff 4a00eeb7 1a1ded9f
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414c8a1c edd1b500 b0917a00 0a01ed91 0a02edd1
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414c8a2c 7a03ed91 1a04edd1 2a05ed91 2a06edd1
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414c8a3c 3a07ed91 3a08edd1 edcd4669 ed8d7a00
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414c8a4c edcd0a01 ed8d0a02 ed8d1a03 edcd7a04
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414c8a5c ed8d1a05 ed8d2a06 edcd1a07 ed8d2a08
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414c8a6c edcd3a09 ed8d3a0a ed8d1a0b ed8d1a0c
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414c8a7c ed8d1a0d ed8d1a0e f7ff4a0f b011ffc0
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I code around lr:
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cafd0 aa032101 fb2ef7fd f7faa803 bd7ff87b
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cafe0 00002b98 4604b57f a801460d f7fd6809
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414caff0 a802fcdc f7fc9901 9e02fe02 0128f104
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb000 f7faa803 a903fcbd f7fa4630 4606fc55
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb010 f7faa803 a802f85f f85cf7fa f7faa801
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb020 b936f859 21034a09 447a68e0 ff70f7f9
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb030 4629e00b f7faa803 4620fca3 aa032101
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb040 faf8f7fd f7faa803 bd7ff845 00002d4d
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb050 4604b57f a801460d f7fd6809 a802fca6
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb060 f7fc9901 9e02fdcc 0128f104 f7faa803
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb070 a903fc87 f7fa4630 4606fc1f f7faa803
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb080 a802f829 f826f7fa 4a0fb926 68e02103
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb090 e006447a 6b189b01 4a0cb930 68e02101
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb0a0 f7f9447a e00bff35 a8034629 fc68f7fa
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb0b0 21004620 f7fdaa03 a803fabd f80af7fa
03-06 18:51:15.983 178 DEBUG I 414cb0c0 f7faa801 bd7ff807 00002d05 00002d13
03-06 18:51:16.313 801 BootReceiver I Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_06 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
03-06 18:51:16.313 801 ActivityManager W Force finishing activity net.nightweb/.MainPage
03-06 18:51:16.343 801 InputDispatcher W channel '42d8ee48 net.nightweb/net.nightweb.MainPage (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
03-06 18:51:16.343 801 InputDispatcher E channel '42d8ee48 net.nightweb/net.nightweb.MainPage (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
03-06 18:51:16.343 801 InputDispatcher W channel '42e8eca8 net.nightweb/net.nightweb.MainPage (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
03-06 18:51:16.343 801 InputDispatcher E channel '42e8eca8 net.nightweb/net.nightweb.MainPage (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
03-06 18:51:16.393 801 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1946K, 14% free 44772K/51792K, paused 60ms, total 60ms
03-06 18:51:16.393 801 InputDispatcher W Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '42d8ee48 net.nightweb/net.nightweb.MainPage (server)'
03-06 18:51:16.393 181 Zygote D Process 22148 terminated by signal (11)
03-06 18:51:16.393 801 WindowState I WIN DEATH: Window{42d8ee48 u0 net.nightweb/net.nightweb.MainPage}
03-06 18:51:16.443 801 dalvikvm D GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 876K, 14% free 44735K/51792K, paused 52ms, total 52ms
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 InputDispatcher I Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (505, 1351).
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 InputDispatcher W Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '42e8eca8 net.nightweb/net.nightweb.MainPage (server)'
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 WindowState I WIN DEATH: Window{42e8eca8 u0 net.nightweb/net.nightweb.MainPage}
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W Exception thrown during pause
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W android.os.DeadObjectException
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W at
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W at
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W at
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W at
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W at
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W at
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W at
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W at
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W at
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager W at$
03-06 18:51:16.453 801 ActivityManager I Process net.nightweb (pid 22148) has died.
03-06 18:51:16.743 1204 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 426K, 3% free 17643K/18176K, paused 3ms+1ms, total 27ms
03-06 18:51:18.033 3399 SearchControllerCa.. V creating SearchController
03-06 18:51:18.043 3399 Sidekick_LocationO.. W Best location was null
03-06 18:51:18.043 1167 Binder W Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.
03-06 18:51:18.043 1167 Binder W java.lang.NullPointerException
03-06 18:51:18.043 1167 Binder W at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodWrapper.setSessionEnabled(
03-06 18:51:18.043 1167 Binder W at$Stub.onTransact(
03-06 18:51:18.043 1167 Binder W at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
03-06 18:51:18.043 1167 Binder W at Method)
03-06 18:51:18.043 801 InputMethodManager.. W Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 22148 uid 10150
03-06 18:51:18.093 3399 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 384K, 4% free 18109K/18760K, paused 5ms+2ms, total 24ms
03-06 18:51:18.093 3399 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 19ms
03-06 18:51:18.093 3399 SearchControllerCa.. V disposing SearchController
03-06 18:51:19.123 1388 dalvikvm D GC_CONCURRENT freed 675K, 5% free 18569K/19384K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 25ms
03-06 18:51:19.123 1388 dalvikvm D WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 17ms
03-06 18:51:19.143 1388 BufferedAnalyticsS.. V Not ready for upload, 373 seconds left.
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