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Last active January 26, 2021 15:40
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Rational numbers in Swift 3.0
// RationalNumber.swift
// A basic implementation of Rational numbers in Swift 3.0.
// (c) 2016 Hooman Mehr. Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
/// A data type to model rational numbers in Swift.
/// It always uses fully-reduced representation for simplicity and clarity of comparisons and uses LCM
/// (lowest common multiple) for addition & subtraction to reduce the chance of overflow in the middle
/// of computations. The disadvantage of these design choices are: It is not guaranteed to keep the numerator
/// and denominator as specified during construction, and GCD / LCM computations reduce its performance.
/// The performance trade-off is not huge and is usually acceptable for typical rational number use cases.
/// Preserving denominator can be addressed with a number formatter for rational numbers that I will
/// add later.
/// Basic comparision and math operators are defined, along with initializers and additional
/// operator overloads to ease mixing rational number calculations with integer (Int) and
/// floating point (Double) numbers.
/// A new ± operator is defined to help create rational numbers from floating point numbers by specifying a
/// conversion tolerace, e.g.: 0.109±0.0005 gives ⁵⁄₄₆.
public struct Rational {
/// The numerator of the fraction.
/// Also carries the sign of the Rational number.
public let numerator: Int
/// The denominator of the fraction.
/// - Precondition: `denominator > 0`
public let denominator : Int
/// Main initilizer to make a rational from the given numerator and denominator.
/// - Precondition: `denominator != 0`
public init(_ numerator: Int, over denominator: Int) {
precondition(denominator != 0, "Denominator can't be zero.")
let divisor = gcd(Swift.abs(numerator), Swift.abs(denominator))
let num = (denominator > 0 ? numerator : -numerator) / divisor
let denom = Swift.abs(denominator) / divisor
self.init(numerator: num, denominator: denom)
/// Returns a rational that is the inverse of `self`.
/// More efficient than computing `1/self`.
/// - Precondition: `self != 0`
public func inverted() -> Rational {
precondition(numerator != 0, "Zero can't be inverted.")
return Rational(numerator: numerator < 0 ? -denominator: denominator,
denominator: Swift.abs(numerator))
/// Returns a rational that has the smallest possible denominator that does not exceed the specified tolerance.
/// Note that tolerance is a value, not a ratio.
public func rounded(withTolerance tolerance: Double) -> Rational {
precondition(tolerance >= 0 && tolerance < 1, "Tolerance value should be less than one and greater than or equal to zero.")
return Rational(Double(numerator)/Double(denominator), tolerance: tolerance)
/// Returns a rational that has the smallest possible denominator that does not exceed the specified tolerance.
/// Note that tolerance is a relative percentage.
public func rounded(withTolerance tolerance: Percentage) -> Rational {
return rounded(withTolerance: self*tolerance)
/// Returns a rational rounded to the specified denominator.
/// The resulting denominator may be smaller than the specified denominator, as any rational is always
/// kept in fully reduced form.
/// - Precondition: `self != 0`
public func rounded(toDenominator newDenominator: Int) -> Rational {
precondition(newDenominator > 0, "Denominator can't be negative or zero.")
return Rational(Int((Double(numerator)/Double(denominator) * Double(newDenominator)).rounded()), over: newDenominator)
/// Internal memberwise initializer without validation.
/// Only use with pre-validated parameter values.
/// - Precondition: `denominator > 0 && gcd(numerator,denominator) == 1`
internal init(numerator: Int, denominator: Int) {
// Assertion of design assumptions:
assert(denominator != 0, "Can create Rational with denominator of zero.")
assert(denominator > 0, "Can create Rational: Sign should be carried by numerator.")
assert(gcd(Swift.abs(numerator),denominator) == 1, "Can create Rational: Greatest common divisor of numerator & denominator should be 1.")
self.numerator = numerator
self.denominator = denominator
// MARK: Hashable
extension Rational: Hashable {
public var hashValue : Int {
return numerator.hashValue ^ denominator.hashValue
//MARK: AbsoluteValuable
extension Rational: AbsoluteValuable {
public static func abs(_ x: Rational) -> Rational {
return Rational(numerator: Swift.abs(x.numerator), denominator: x.denominator)
// AbsoluteValuable implies: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Equatable, Comparable, SignedNumber
//MARK: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
public init(integerLiteral value: Int) {
//MARK: Equatable
public static func ==(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Bool {
return lhs.numerator == rhs.numerator && lhs.denominator == rhs.denominator
//MARK: Comparable
public static func <(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Bool {
return lhs.numerator * rhs.denominator < rhs.numerator * lhs.denominator
//MARK: SignedNumber
public prefix static func -(x: Rational) -> Rational {
return Rational(numerator: -x.numerator, denominator: x.denominator)
public static func -(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Rational {
let (lnum, rnum, denom) = numsWithCommonDenom(lhs, rhs)
return Rational(lnum - rnum, over: denom)
extension Rational: Strideable {
public func advanced(by n: Rational) -> Rational {
return self + n
public func distance(to other: Rational) -> Rational {
return other - self
extension Rational: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
let superscriptDigits: [Character:Character]
= ["-":"⁻", "0":"⁰", "1":"¹", "2":"²", "3":"³", "4":"⁴", "5":"⁵", "6":"⁶", "7":"⁷", "8":"⁸", "9":"⁹"]
let subscriptDigits: [Character:Character]
= ["-":"⁻", "0":"₀", "1":"₁", "2":"₂", "3":"₃", "4":"₄", "5":"₅", "6":"₆", "7":"₇", "8":"₈", "9":"₉"]
let absnum = Swift.abs(numerator)
let num = String(absnum % denominator)
let denom = String(denominator)
let sign = numerator>=0 ? "" : "-"
let whole = absnum<denominator ? "" : String(absnum/denominator)
let frac = denominator==1 ? "" : "\(num.mapped(with: superscriptDigits))⁄\(denom.mapped(with: subscriptDigits))"
return "\(sign)\(whole)\(frac)" }
extension Rational {
/// Convert from an Int.
public init(_ value: Int) {
self.init(value, over: 1)
/// Convert from a Double.
/// By default, creates a rational with the smallest denominator that satisfies the tolerance.
/// The default tolerance is 0.00005. If you pass a tolerance of zero, an exact conversion
/// of the binary floating point representation will be performed, which may not be what you want.
/// You may pass a list of preferred denominators to try first before falling back to smallest
/// denominator algorithm.
/// - Parameter x: A Double value to convert to rational.
/// - Parameter tolerance: The maximum acceptable amount of error of the conversion. Defaults to
/// 0.00005. A tolerance of 0.0 causes an exact conversion of binary floting point which
/// may itself be in error as a result of a previous convertion of a rational (such as decimal
/// fraction) to binary floating point.
/// - Parameter preferredDenominators: An array of denominators to use for the rational in the
/// order of preference. The first denominator that produces a result within the tolerance
/// will be selected. Defaults to empty array [].
/// - Precondition: 0.0 <= tolerance < 1.0
public init(_ x: Double, tolerance: Double = 0.00005, preferredDenominators: [Int] = [] ) {
precondition(tolerance >= 0 && tolerance < 1, "Tolerance value should be less than one and greater than or equal to zero.")
if tolerance == 0.0 {
if x.isZero {
self.init(numerator: 0, denominator: 1)
} else {
guard x.isNormal else { fatalError("Floating point number can't be represented as Rational.") }
// `x.significandBitPattern == 0` is a workaround for bug SR-2868
let width = x.significandBitPattern == 0 ? 0 : x.significandWidth
var num = 1 << width
num += Int(x.significandBitPattern >> UInt64(Double.significandBitCount - width))
if x.sign == .minus { num = -num }
let denom = width > x.exponent ? 1 << (width - x.exponent) : 1
self.init(numerator: num, denominator: denom)
//FIXME: Detect and throw a fatal error message for overflow to aid in debugging.
} else {
for denom in preferredDenominators {
let num = denom.scaled(by: x)
if Swift.abs(Double(num)/Double(denom) - x) <= tolerance {
self.init(num, over: denom)
var num = (1, 0)
var denom = (0, 1)
var fractional = x
var integral: Int
repeat {
integral = Int(fractional.rounded(.down))
num = (integral * num.0 + num.1, num.0)
denom = (integral * denom.0 + denom.1, denom.0)
fractional = 1.0/(fractional-Double(integral))
} while Swift.abs(x-Double(num.0)/Double(denom.0)) > tolerance
self.init(num.0, over: denom.0)
/// Convert from a Double.
public init(_ x: Double, tolerance: Percentage = 0.01%, preferredDenominators: [Int] = [] ) {
self.init(x, tolerance: x*tolerance, preferredDenominators: preferredDenominators)
public static func +(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Rational {
let (lnum, rnum, denom) = numsWithCommonDenom(lhs, rhs)
return Rational(lnum + rnum, over: denom)
public static func *(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Rational {
return Rational(lhs.numerator * rhs.numerator,
over: lhs.denominator * rhs.denominator)
public static func /(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Rational {
return Rational(lhs.numerator * rhs.denominator,
over: lhs.denominator * rhs.numerator)
public extension Double {
init(_ r: Rational) {
self = Double(r.numerator)/Double(r.denominator)
//MARK: Convenience Extras
/// Tolerance infix operator
infix operator ± : BitwiseShiftPrecedence
public func ±(x: Double, tolerance: Double) -> Rational { return Rational(x, tolerance: tolerance) }
public func ±(x: Rational, tolerance: Double) -> Rational { return x.rounded(withTolerance: tolerance) }
public func ±(x: Rational, tolerance: Rational) -> Rational { return x.rounded(withTolerance: Double(tolerance)) }
/// Percentage postfix operator
postfix operator %
/// A representation of a ratio (percentage).
/// It is used to distinguish absolute vs relative tolerance.
public struct Percentage {
let value: Double
internal init(_ value: Double) {
precondition(value >= 0.0, "Negative percentage is undefined.")
self.value = value / 100.0
public postfix func %(lhs: Double) -> Percentage { return Percentage(lhs) }
public func *(lhs: Double, rhs: Percentage) -> Double { return lhs * rhs.value }
public func *(lhs: Rational, rhs: Percentage) -> Double { return lhs * rhs.value }
public func ±(x: Double, tolerance: Percentage) -> Rational { return Rational(x, tolerance: tolerance) }
public func ±(x: Rational, tolerance: Percentage) -> Rational { return x.rounded(withTolerance: tolerance) }
public func +(lhs: Rational, rhs: Int) -> Rational { return lhs + Rational(rhs) }
public func -(lhs: Rational, rhs: Int) -> Rational { return lhs - Rational(rhs) }
public func *(lhs: Rational, rhs: Int) -> Rational { return lhs * Rational(rhs) }
public func /(lhs: Rational, rhs: Int) -> Rational { return lhs / Rational(rhs) }
public func +(lhs: Int, rhs: Rational) -> Rational { return Rational(lhs) + rhs }
public func -(lhs: Int, rhs: Rational) -> Rational { return Rational(lhs) - rhs }
public func *(lhs: Int, rhs: Rational) -> Rational { return Rational(lhs) * rhs }
public func /(lhs: Int, rhs: Rational) -> Rational { return Rational(lhs) / rhs }
public func +(lhs: Rational, rhs: Double) -> Double { return Double(lhs) + rhs }
public func -(lhs: Rational, rhs: Double) -> Double { return Double(lhs) - rhs }
public func *(lhs: Rational, rhs: Double) -> Double { return Double(lhs) * rhs }
public func /(lhs: Rational, rhs: Double) -> Double { return Double(lhs) / rhs }
public func +(lhs: Double, rhs: Rational) -> Double { return lhs + Double(rhs) }
public func -(lhs: Double, rhs: Rational) -> Double { return lhs - Double(rhs) }
public func *(lhs: Double, rhs: Rational) -> Double { return lhs * Double(rhs) }
public func /(lhs: Double, rhs: Rational) -> Double { return lhs / Double(rhs) }
//MARK: Internal Utilities
/// Returns the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two non-negative integers
/// For convenience, assumes gcd(0,0) == 0
/// Implemented using "binary GCD algorithm" (aka Stein's algorithm)
/// - Precondition: `a >= 0 && b >= 0`
internal func gcd(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
assert(a >= 0 && b >= 0)
// Assuming gcd(0,0)=0:
guard a != 0 else { return b }
guard b != 0 else { return a }
var a = a, b = b, n = Int()
//FIXME: Shift loops are slow and should be opimized.
// Remove the largest 2ⁿ from them:
while (a | b) & 1 == 0 { a >>= 1; b >>= 1; n += 1 }
// Reduce `a` to odd value:
while a & 1 == 0 { a >>= 1 }
repeat {
// Reduce `b` to odd value
while b & 1 == 0 { b >>= 1 }
// Both `a` & `b` are odd here (or zero maybe?)
// Make sure `b` is greater
if a > b { swap(&a, &b) }
// Subtract smaller odd `a` from the bigger odd `b`,
// which always gives a positive even number (or zero)
b -= a
// keep repeating this, until `b` reaches zero
} while b != 0
return a << n // 2ⁿ×a
/// Given two rational numbers (left & right), returns a tuple containing scaled
/// left & right numerators and their common denominator.
/// The common denominator is the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators.
internal func numsWithCommonDenom(_ left: Rational, _ right: Rational) -> (lnum: Int, rnum: Int, denom: Int) {
let leftNumerator: Int
let rightNumerator: Int
let commonDenominator: Int
if left.denominator == right.denominator {
leftNumerator = left.numerator
rightNumerator = right.numerator
commonDenominator = left.denominator
} else {
let commonDivisor = gcd(left.denominator, right.denominator)
let leftMultiplier = right.denominator / commonDivisor
let rightMultiplier = left.denominator / commonDivisor
leftNumerator = left.numerator * leftMultiplier
rightNumerator = right.numerator * rightMultiplier
commonDenominator = left.denominator * leftMultiplier
return (lnum: leftNumerator, rnum: rightNumerator, denom: commonDenominator)
extension String {
func mapped(with lookupTable: [Character:Character]) -> String {
return String({ lookupTable[$0] ?? $0 })
/// Utility protocol to help write more readable code.
/// One alternative is overloading multiplication / division operators, but it would
/// pollute operator space and lead to ambiguity.
internal protocol Scalable {
associatedtype ScaleFactor
/// Returns a new item by scaling the current item.
func scaled(by factor: ScaleFactor) -> Self
extension Int: Scalable {
typealias ScaleFactor = Double
func scaled(by factor: Double) -> Int {
return Int((Double(self) * factor).rounded())
extension Rational: Scalable {
typealias ScaleFactor = Double
func scaled(by factor: Double) -> Rational {
// To improve accuracy, always scale up:
if factor > 1.0 {
return Rational(numerator.scaled(by: factor), over: denominator)
} else {
return Rational(numerator, over: denominator.scaled(by: 1.0/factor))
//MARK: For Playground or main.swift
let r: Rational = 18/64 // ⁹⁄₃₂
// or
let x = 5 + 2/3 as Rational // 5²⁄₃
let r2 = 2.109±0.0005 // 2⁵⁄₄₆
let r3 = r + r2 // 2²⁸⁷⁄₇₃₆
let r4 = r3.rounded(withTolerance: 0.0005) + 3 / (5 as Rational) // 2⁸⁹⁄₉₀
print(r, r2, r3, r4, r4.rounded(toDenominator: 32))
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btc commented Jan 17, 2017

Have you considered packaging this as a framework for users whose projects use Carthage?

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