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Last active December 30, 2018 09:29
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// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
// Notifications.swift
// Created by Hooman Mehr ( on 7/26/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Hooman Mehr. New BSD License.
// WARNING: This is a sample code to study and to demostrate some Swift capabilities
// and limitations. Use it at your own risk.
// This source file should work as a module if you place it a framework project.
// It should work both on OS X and iOS. The entry points of the module are 'post()' function
// 'notificationCenter' singleton and 'ObservationSession' helper class for observers
// which automates observer lifecycle and handler typing. The key data object is a struct named
// 'Notification'. There is also a couple of optional components, 'PostsNotifications' is a protocol
// for publishing posted notifications of a type, and an 'Observable' boxing class that is used to
// define observable properties.
// Alternate naming style:
// Notification --> Event
// Observer --> Listener
// Center --> Manager
// WARNING: Not tested, Not thread-safe, Not scalable, Not async, ... & sequential lookup
/// The data object (struct) that is passed between subject (notification publisher) and observer.
public struct Notification {
public enum Kind: Int {
case Generic // Generic notifications (distinguished with name only)
case DidSet // Property didSet notifications
case WillSet // Property willSet notifications
case System // System generated notifications such as low memory, locale change
case Cloud // Cloud generated push notifications
case Action // User interface action notifications such as button tap.
case NotificationCenter // Notifications posted by the notification center itself.
// Extendable with more event types.
let kind: Kind = .Generic
let name: String = "" // "": anonymous notification (any name in criteria)
let senderId: ObjectIdentifier? // nil: anonymous sender (any object in criteria)
let senderClass:AnyClass? // nil: anonymous sender class (any class in criteria)
let data: Any? // nil: no attached data
// All initializer functions are optional to make it easy to build different types of
// notifications or observer paterns:
prototype: Notification? = nil,
kind: Kind? = nil,
name: String? = nil,
sender: AnyObject? = nil,
senderId: ObjectIdentifier? = nil,
senderClass:AnyClass? = nil,
data: Any? = nil )
if prototype.hasValue { self = prototype! }
if kind.hasValue { self.kind = kind! }
if name.hasValue { = name! }
if data.hasValue { = data! }
if sender.hasValue {
self.senderId = ObjectIdentifier(sender!)
self.senderClass = sender!.dynamicType
} else {
if senderId.hasValue { self.senderId = senderId }
if senderClass.hasValue { self.senderClass = senderClass }
/// Notification utility extensions.
public extension Notification {
/// Returns a copy of the notification with the specified changes.
func with(
kind: Kind? = nil,
name: String? = nil,
sender: AnyObject? = nil,
senderId: ObjectIdentifier? = nil,
senderClass:AnyClass? = nil,
data: Any? = nil ) -> Notification
return Notification(prototype: self, kind: kind, name: name, sender: sender, senderId: senderId, senderClass: senderClass, data: data)
/// post this notification and return it to possibly chain it with another with() or subscript followed by another post.
func post() -> Notification {; return self }
func postWith(
kind: Kind? = nil,
name: String? = nil,
sender: AnyObject? = nil,
senderId: ObjectIdentifier? = nil,
senderClass:AnyClass? = nil,
data: Any? = nil ) -> Notification
return with(kind: kind, name: name, sender: sender, senderId: senderId, senderClass: senderClass, data: data).post()
func didSet<T> (from oldVal: T, to newVal: T) -> Notification {
//FIXME: What if T is a reference type? You need to determine what to do to prevent memory leak, while retaining as long as needed.
return postWith(kind: .DidSet, data: (oldVal, newVal))
/// Returns a copy of the notification with the name specified by subscript.
subscript(name: String) -> Notification { get { return with(name: name) } }
/// Returns a copy of the notification with the sender (source) object specified by subscript.
subscript(sender: AnyObject) -> Notification { get { return with(sender: sender) } }
extension Notification: StringLiteralConvertible {
public static func convertFromStringLiteral(value: StringLiteralType) -> Notification {
return Notification(name: value)
public static func convertFromExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral(value: StringLiteralType) -> Notification {
return Notification(name: value)
/// Basic notification center protocol:
public protocol NotificationCenter: class, PostsNotifications {
func post(Notification)
func addObserver(AnyObject, criteria: Notification, handler: (AnyObject, Notification) -> Void)
func removeObserver(ObjectIdentifier)
var didAddObserver: Notification {get} // notification data is (observer, criteria, handler)
var didRemoveObserver: Notification {get} // notification data is observer
/// Optional protocol for a type to reveal its posted notifications:
public protocol PostsNotifications {
var notifications: [Notification] { get }
public func notificationsOf(observables: PostsNotifications...) -> [Notification] {
return { $0.notifications } .reduce([], + )
/// Primary interface for observer is this generic helper class.
/// Part 1: Main skeleton of observer session helper class. (Internal details)
public class ObservationSession<T: AnyObject> {
weak var observer: T?
let observerId: ObjectIdentifier
unowned let center: NotificationCenter
var observeCount: Int = 0
required public convenience init (observer: T) {
self.init(observer: observer, notificationCenter: notificationCenter)
public init (observer: T, notificationCenter: NotificationCenter) { = observer
self.observerId = ObjectIdentifier(observer) = notificationCenter
center.addObserver(self, criteria: center.didAddObserver[observer]) { myself, _ in
let me = myself as ObservationSession
me.observeCount = me.observeCount + 1
deinit {
println("deinit: ObservationSession")
if observeCount > 0 { center.removeObserver(observerId) }
/// Primary interface for observer is this generic helper class.
/// Part 2: The public interface of session helper class:
/// See the last section of the playground version for example usage.
public extension ObservationSession {
typealias HandlerClosure = (T, Notification) -> Void
typealias HandlerMethod = (T) -> (Notification) -> Void
func observe (notification:Notification, with handler: HandlerClosure) -> ObservationSession {
assert(observer.hasValue, "ObservationSession.observe(): observer deallocated.")
center.addObserver(observer!, criteria: notification) { handler($0 as T, $1) }
return self
func observe (notification:Notification, with handler: HandlerMethod) -> ObservationSession {
assert(observer.hasValue, "ObservationSession.observe(): observer deallocated.")
center.addObserver(observer!, criteria: notification) { handler($0 as T)($1) }
return self
/// Generic box to define observable property using our notification module.
/// The basic interface for posting notifications is a post() free function.
/// This is a utility to help model classes publish observable properties.
/// See the last section of the playground version for example usage.
public final class Observable<T>: PostsNotifications {
public var $: T { didSet { prop.didSet(from: oldValue, to: $) } }
private let prop: Notification
public var name: String { get { return } }
public var type: Any.Type { get { return! as Any.Type} }
public var notifications: [Notification] { get { return [prop] } }
required public init(
prototype: Observable<T>? = nil,
name: String? = nil,
initValue: T? = nil,
owner: AnyObject? = nil,
ownerClass: AnyClass? = nil)
if prototype.hasValue {
self.prop = Notification(prototype: prototype!.prop, kind: .DidSet, name: name, sender: owner, senderClass: ownerClass, data: T.self)
} else {
self.prop = Notification(kind: .DidSet, name: name, sender: owner, senderClass: ownerClass, data: T.self)
if initValue.hasValue {
self.$ = initValue!
} else if prototype.hasValue {
self.$ = prototype!.$
} else {
fatalError("Observable: Property has no initial value")
public func with(
name: String? = nil,
initValue: T? = nil,
owner: AnyObject? = nil,
ownerClass: AnyClass? = nil) -> Observable<T>
return Observable(prototype: self, name: name, initValue: initValue, owner: owner, ownerClass: ownerClass)
//// Skip to next part to see the rest of public interface, then examples.
extension Optional: BooleanType {
public var boolValue: Bool {
get {
switch self {
case .Some(_): return true
case .None: return false
typealias NotificationHandlerClosure = (AnyObject, Notification) -> Void
/// NotificationCenter implementation:
/// Part 1: Main skeleton of the class. (ivars)
class NaïveNotificationCenter {
var observations: [Observation] = [ ]
var observers: Dictionary<ObjectIdentifier, Weak<AnyObject>> = [ : ]
let didAddObserver = Notification(kind: .NotificationCenter, name: "didAddObserver")
let didRemoveObserver = Notification(kind: .NotificationCenter, name: "didRemoveObserver")
/// NotificationCenter implementation:
/// Part 2.1: NotificationCenter protocol implementation:
extension NaïveNotificationCenter: NotificationCenter {
var notifications: [Notification] { get { return [didAddObserver, didRemoveObserver] } }
func post(notification: Notification) {
for observation in observations.filter({ notification ~= $0.criteria }) {
if let observer: AnyObject = observers[observation.observerId]?.$? {
observation.handler(observer, notification)
func addObserver(observer: AnyObject, criteria: Notification, handler: NotificationHandlerClosure) {
let id = ObjectIdentifier(observer)
didAddObserver.postWith(data: (id, criteria))
let observation = Observation(observer: observer, criteria: criteria, handler: handler)
observers[id] = Weak(observer)
func removeObserver(observerId: ObjectIdentifier) {
var removeCount: Int = 0
didRemoveObserver.postWith(data: observerId)
observers[observerId] = nil
for (var i = observations.count-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if observations[i].observerId == observerId { observations.removeAtIndex(i); removeCount++ }
if removeCount == 0 { fatalError("NotificationCenter.removeObserver: Nothing removed.") }
/// NotificationCenter implementation:
/// Part 2.2: Observer registry records kept by NaïveNotificationCenter:
struct Observation {
let observerId: ObjectIdentifier
let criteria: Notification
let handler: NotificationHandlerClosure
init(observer: AnyObject, criteria: Notification, handler: NotificationHandlerClosure) {
self.observerId = ObjectIdentifier(observer)
self.criteria = criteria
self.handler = handler
/// NotificationCenter implementation:
/// Part 2.3: Matching posted notification with registered observers:
func match (notification: Notification, with pattern: Notification) -> Bool {
// Determines who should be notified.
return notification.kind == pattern.kind
&& ( || == )
&& match( notification.senderId, with: pattern.senderId )
&& match( notification.senderClass, with: pattern.senderClass )
func ~= (lhs: Notification, rhs: Notification) -> Bool {
return match(lhs, with: rhs)
func match<T: Equatable> (value: T?, with pattern: T?) -> Bool {
// is a match if criteria does not specify any value
// or the two values are equal
switch (value, pattern) {
case let (.Some(value), .Some(pattern)): return value == pattern
case ( _ , .None) : return true
case (.None, .Some( _ )) : return false
func match(cls: AnyClass?, with pattern: AnyClass?) -> Bool {
// Is a mach is criteria has no class or if classes are identical
if !pattern.hasValue { return true }
return cls === pattern
/// Generic boxing utility to keep a weak reference in a dictionary or array.
class Weak<T: AnyObject> {
weak var $: T?
required init(_ object: T) {$ = object }
/// Enhaced version of Weak that supports locking (retaining).
class LockableWeak<T: AnyObject>: Weak<T> {
var locked: Bool {
get { return lock$.hasValue }
set(lock) { if lock { lock$ = $? } else { lock$ = nil } }
required init(_ object: T) { super.init(object) }
private var lock$: T?
/// This singleton is rarely used, unless you want to add other convenience API:
public let notificationCenter: NotificationCenter = NaïveNotificationCenter()
/// This free function is the basic interface for observable objects and notification publishers:
public func post(notification:Notification) {
/// General utility base class to support id --> obj conversion.
public class Object {
internal struct S {
static var objects = Dictionary<ObjectIdentifier,Weak<Object>>()
final class func downcast<T: Object>(object: Object) -> T? { return object as? T }
final public class func fromId(id:ObjectIdentifier) -> /*Self*/ Object? {
if let obj = S.objects[id]?.$ { return /*downcast(obj)*/ obj } else { return nil }
final public class func fromId(id:ObjectIdentifier?) -> /*Self*/ Object? {
return id.hasValue ? fromId(id!) : nil
public func toId() -> ObjectIdentifier { return ObjectIdentifier(self) }
init() { S.objects[toId()] = Weak(self) }
deinit { S.objects[toId()] = nil }
/// A pure-Swift plain model class. This is the model layer.
public class Model: Object, Printable, DebugPrintable {
public let name: String
public var i:Int = 0
public var d:Double = 0
public var s:String = ""
public init(name: String) { = name
public var description: String { return "Model(\(name))" }
public var debugDescription: String { get { return description } }
/// The observable subclass of the above. This is model adapter is part of the control layer.
class ObservableModel: Model, PostsNotifications {
override var i: Int { didSet { didSet("i", oldValue, i) } }
override var d: Double { didSet { didSet("d", oldValue, d) } }
override var s: String { didSet { didSet("s", oldValue, s) } }
var notifications: [Notification] {
get {
let didSet = Notification(kind: .DidSet, sender: self)
[ didSet["i"].with(data: i.dynamicType), // data is ignored for matching
didSet["d"].with(data: d.dynamicType), // but it provides type info
didSet["s"].with(data: s.dynamicType) ] // for the client observer
func didSet<T>(propName: String, _ oldVal: T, _ newVal: T) {
Notification(name: propName, sender: self).didSet(from: oldVal, to: newVal)
deinit { println("deinit: \(self)") }
/// Alternate method: Use boxing to make observable properties from the begining.
class ObservableModel2: Object, Printable, DebugPrintable, PostsNotifications {
let name: String
// If binding to class is sufficient you can fully initialize here
// by adding ownerClass: ObservableModel2.self parameter, below:
let i = Observable(name: "i", initValue: 0)
let d = Observable(name: "d", initValue: 0 as Double)
let s = Observable(name: "s", initValue: "")
var notifications: [Notification] {
get { return notificationsOf(i, d, s) }
var description: String { get { return "ObservableModel2(\"\(name)\")" } }
var debugDescription: String { get { return description } }
init(name: String) {
// Phase 1: = name
// Phase 2:
// If you need to bind to object, clone it with self here:
i = i.with(owner: self)
d = d.with(owner: self)
s = s.with(owner: self)
deinit { println("deinit: ObservableModel2") }
/// A simple pure-Swift observer class. This is the brain of the control layer.
class Controller {
// Controller (observer) knows ObservableModel (the subject of observation)
// Actually, ObservableModel is part of the control layer. Like early Java
// days, we can write a code generator to automatically generate Observable
// subclass and handleDidSet skeleton. I hope we get something better soon.
let session: ObservationSession<Controller>!
init() {
let modelDidSet = Notification(kind: .DidSet, senderClass: ObservableModel.self)
let model2DidSet = modelDidSet.with(senderClass: ObservableModel2.self)
session = ObservationSession(observer: self)
.observe ( modelDidSet ) {
print("* "); $0.handleDidSet($1)
.observe ( model2DidSet, with: Controller.handleDidSet )
func handleDidSet(notification:Notification) {
typealias Ints = (Int, Int)
typealias Doubles = (Double, Double)
typealias Strings = (String, String)
// If you comment out this if, everything else seems to work:
if let obj = Object.fromId(notification.senderId) {
switch obj {
case let model as ObservableModel: print("From \(model.description).") //COMPILER_BUG: Runtime error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS
case let model as ObservableModel2: print("From \(model.description)).")
default: fatalError("Notification from an unexpected sender")
switch (,!) {
case let ("i", value as Ints): println("i: \(value.0) -> \(value.1).")
case let ("d", value as Doubles): println("d: \(value.0) -> \(value.1).")
case let ("s", value as Strings): println("s: \"\(value.0)\" -> \"\(value.1)\".")
default: fatalError("Observer.handleSubjectUpdate: Unexpected .DidSet notification")
deinit { println("deinit: Controller") }
// Now lets play with this model/controller a little bit:
var s1 = ObservableModel(name: "Bob")
var s2 = ObservableModel2(name: "Jack")
var o: Controller! = Controller()
s1.i = 6
s1.d = 3.14
s1.s = "bearded"
s2.i.$ = 7
s2.d.$ = 3.1416
s2.s.$ = "mustache"
s1.i = 19
s1.d = 33964.147
s1.s = "shaven"
s2.i.$ = 921
s2.d.$ = 8678.456
s2.s.$ = "hippie"
o = nil // This does not cause deinit in playground, since playground keeps the object alive, but works elsewhere.
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