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Last active January 26, 2018 05:47
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Sample code on how to correctly implement `Equatable` protocol for class types.
// The correct implementation of `Equatable` (and `Comparable`) can be tricky for class
// hierarchies. To make it easier, it is better to follow a well-defined pattern. Here
// is my suggestion on how to do it:
// 1. Define a protocol for polymorphic test function for equality (or comparison):
// Note: operators are not polymorphic (not virtual in C++ terms)). The function to
// call is determined and hard-coded at compile time.
/// A protocol to ammend `Equatable` for use with `class` types.
protocol EquatableClass: class, Equatable {
/// Equality test function. Returns `true` if `other` is equal to `self`.
/// :param: `other` The target of equality test.
/// :returns: Returns `true` if `other` is equal to `self`.
func equals(other: Self) -> Bool
// 2. Implement the protocol in a very specific way. There are two cases:
// 2.1 Stateless base class:
class Base: EquatableClass {
// An identical function works correctly for *any* stateless base class:
func equals(other: Base) -> Bool {
// For a stateless object, any `other` with identical type is equal to `self`.
return other.dynamicType.self === self.dynamicType.self
// 2.2 Stateful base class:
class StatefulBase: EquatableClass {
var state = 0
func equals(other: StatefulBase) -> Bool {
// Similar to stateless, but we need to AND it with the equality of its state:
return other.dynamicType.self === self.dynamicType.self // Check identical type
&& other.state == state // AND THEN Check equality of states
// 3. Implement `Equatable` for the base class:
// To conform to `Equatable`, you have to define == operator for each class in the hierarchy, but the implementatrion will be
// identical to this, just change `Super` to the name of your (sub)class:
// 3.1 For stateless base class:
func == (lhs: Base, rhs: Base) -> Bool { return lhs.equals(rhs) }
// 3.2 For stateful base class, it is the same as any subclass of any of these two:
func == (lhs: StatefulBase, rhs: StatefulBase) -> Bool { return lhs.equals(rhs) }
// 4. Any subclass that adds to the object state should override `equals`, both of
// the above cases of base class should follow the following pattern:
class Sub: Base {
var subState = 0
// more state declarations...
override func equals(other: Base) -> Bool {
return super.equals(other) // ALWAYS call `super` first
&& subState == (other as Sub).subState // If we get here, cast will always succeed.
// && more state equality tests
// 5. As notedd above, you need to define == operator for each class in the hierarchy in an identical way:
func == (lhs: Sub, rhs: Sub) -> Bool { return lhs.equals(rhs) }
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How about using generic version of ==?

func ==<T where T: Base>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
    return lhs.equals(rhs)

This way there's no need to write separate version of == for each subclass.

I also tried an approach like this

class AA: Equatable {
    let a: Int
    init(a: Int) {
        self.a = a

    func equals<T where T: AA>(other: T) -> Bool {
        return a == other.a

func ==<T where T: AA>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
    return lhs.equals(rhs)

class BB: AA {
    let b: Int
    init(a: Int, b: Int) {
        self.b = b
        super.init(a: a)

    override func equals<T where T : BB>(other: T) -> Bool {
        return super.equals(other) && b == other.b

This way I have to define == only once, same as before, but I also get rid of type casting like other as B (or other as! B if it's Swift 2.0). Though I must agree that in your initial version this type case is 100% safe at all times, unless someone does crazy stuff like

let a: Base
let b: Base
print((a as! Sub) == (b as! Sub))

Which is really just crazy. If you want to break the code, nothing can stop you :)

The only thing that I don't like about the version I have so far, is that there's no protocol like EquatableClass, which can enforce the equals function and which I can reuse for other class hierarchies. If only there was a way to combine both protocol and templates, but I couldn't figure it out. And then when I override the equals and change requirements for T, this is almost identical to doing other as! Sub anyway.

Anyways, thanks for sharing this useful code!

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