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Created May 24, 2016 12:42
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root = `(1, eval)('this')`
ARGUMENT_NAMES = /([^\s,]+)/g
getParamNames = (func) ->
fnStr = func.toString()
from = fnStr.indexOf('(') + 1
to = fnStr.indexOf(')')
result = fnStr.slice(from, to).match(ARGUMENT_NAMES)
if result? then result else []
env = jasmine.getEnv()
# Expose angular injected variables to global test environment
expose = (variableNames, values, to = window)->
testEnvironment = _.chain(variableNames).zip(values).object().value()
console.log "EXPOSED: #{ _.keys(testEnvironment)[0..-2].join(', ') }"
angular.extend to, testEnvironment
afterEach ->
delete window[name] for val, name in testEnvironment
injectFunction = (fn, lazy = false)->
injectedVariables = getParamNames(fn)
if injectedVariables.length
injectedVariables.push (injectedVariableValues...)->
expose(injectedVariables, injectedVariableValues)
fn.apply(null, injectedVariableValues)
inject injectedVariables
else fn = _.wrap, (wit)->
[wrapped, desc, fn, t] = arguments
wit(desc, injectFunction(fn), t)
env.beforeEach = _.wrap env.beforeEach, (wBeforeEach)->
[wrapped, fn] = arguments
root.using = (fn)->
beforeEach fn
) jasmine
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