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  • Save hopearmstrong/53f735d6bccb9efa9db547587117bcc2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Rotating loading icon with gradient
<svg id="loading-spinner" xmlns="" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48">
<!-- Notice the gradient defined here and applied to the path below -->
<linearGradient id="spinner-gradient-a" x1="49.892%" x2="55.03%" y1="58.241%" y2="89.889%">
<stop offset="0%"/>
<stop offset="22.44%" stop-opacity=".59"/>
<stop offset="100%" stop-opacity="0"/>
<g fill="none" transform="translate(-8 -8)">
<path d="M32,56 C18.745166,56 8,45.254834 8,32 C8,18.745166 18.745166,8 32,8 C45.254834,8 56,18.745166 56,32 C56,45.254834 45.254834,56 32,56 Z M32,52 C43.045695,52 52,43.045695 52,32 C52,20.954305 43.045695,12 32,12 C20.954305,12 12,20.954305 12,32 C12,43.045695 20.954305,52 32,52 Z"/>
<path fill="url(#spinner-gradient-a)" d="M56,32 C56,33.1045695 55.1045695,34 54,34 C52.8954305,34 52,33.1045695 52,32 C52,20.954305 43.045695,12 32,12 C20.954305,12 12,20.954305 12,32 C12,43.045695 20.954305,52 32,52 C33.1045695,52 34,52.8954305 34,54 C34,55.1045695 33.1045695,56 32,56 C18.745166,56 8,45.254834 8,32 C8,18.745166 18.745166,8 32,8 C45.254834,8 56,18.745166 56,32 Z" transform="rotate(45 32 32)"/>
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