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GoToTilla - jump to tokens within AHK sourcecode #ahk #script
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/* | |
##################### | |
GoToTilla v0.22 by hoppfrosch - Added parsing of properties (AHK > 1.1.16.*) | |
http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/95536-gototilla-a-combination-of-goto-and-tillagoto/ | |
GoToTilla v0.21 by budRich | |
http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/95536-gototilla-a-combination-of-goto-and-tillagoto/ | |
A combination of: GoTo by Avi Aryan | |
http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/95009-goto-hotkeys-hotstrings-functions-and-labels-in-any-editor/ | |
and TillaGoto by TheGood | |
http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=41575 | |
TheGood was inspired by Rajats Active GoTo | |
http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/10936-active-goto-v4/ | |
##################### | |
Go To functions, labels, hotkeys and hotstrings in any editor. | |
The only requirement is that the Editor shows file full path in Title Bar and has a Goto (Ctrl+G) option. | |
Examples of such editors - Notepad++, Sublime Text, PSPad, ConTEXT | |
Ctrl+Space to show a list of all functions,hotkeys,hotstrings and labels. | |
Type to narrow list down, navigate with mouse or arrowkeys, select with doubleclick or Enter. | |
*/ | |
;------- CONFIGURE ------------------- | |
GoTo_AutoExecute() ;1 = Gui is movable, A_temp = Working Directory | |
+F7::Reload | |
#if GetActiveFile() ;If ahk window is active | |
^Space:: | |
Activefileindex := fileiscached( GetActiveFile() ) | |
if ( Activefile_old != Activefileindex ) | |
FreshList("-all", activefileindex) | |
GuiControl,, txtSearch,% "" | |
WinShow, GoToTilla | |
WinActivate, GoToTilla | |
ControlFocus,, ahk_id %htxtSearch% | |
Activefile_old := Activefileindex | |
return | |
#if | |
#IfWinActive, GoToTilla | |
^Space::WinHide, GoToTilla | |
Up::ControlSend,, {Up}, ahk_id %hlblList% | |
Down::ControlSend,, {Down}, ahk_id %hlblList% | |
Enter::Gosub, SelectItem | |
#IfWinActive | |
GoTo_AutoExecute(resizable=true, WorkingDir=""){ | |
global | |
#SingleInstance force | |
SetTitleMatchMode, 3 | |
SetWorkingDir,% ( WorkingDir == "" ) ? A_scriptdir : WorkingDir | |
SetBatchLines, -1 | |
FileCreateDir, gotoCache | |
FileDelete, gotoCache\*.gotolist | |
SetTimer, filecheck, 200 | |
goto_cache := {} | |
if resizable | |
OnMessage(0x201, "DragGotoGui") ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN | |
Gosub, NewGui | |
} | |
NewGui: | |
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow | |
Gui, Margin, 3, 3 | |
Gui, Font, s11, Consolas | |
Gui, Add, Edit, h20 w200 vtxtSearch hwndhtxtsearch gtxtSearch_Event | |
Gui, Add, ListBox, sort w200 h275 vlblList glblList_Event hwndhlblList -HScroll +256 ;LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | |
Gui, Show, Hide AutoSize, GoToTilla | |
return | |
GoTo_Readfile(File) { | |
Critical, On | |
static filecount , commentneedle := A_space ";|" A_tab ";" | |
if ( filecount_N := fileiscached(File) ) | |
Filename := filecount_N | |
else { | |
Filename := filecount := filecount ? filecount+1 : 1 | |
FileAppend,% file "`n",gotoCache\filelist.gotolist | |
} | |
FileDelete, gotoCache\%Filename%-* | |
loop, read, %file% | |
{ | |
readline := Trim( A_LoopReadLine ) | |
if block_comments | |
if Instr(readline, "*/") = 1 | |
{ | |
block_comments := 0 | |
continue | |
} | |
else continue | |
if Instr(readline, ";") = 1 | |
continue | |
if Instr(readline, "/*") = 1 | |
{ | |
block_comments := 1 | |
continue | |
} | |
readline := Trim( Substr(readline, 1, SuperInstr(readline, commentneedle, 1) ? SuperInstr(readline, commentneedle, 1)-1 : Strlen(readline)) ) | |
if ( readline_temp := Check4Hotkey(readline) ) | |
CreateCache(filename, "hotkey", readline_temp, A_index) | |
else if ( Instr(readline, ":") = 1 ) and ( Instr(readline, "::", 0, 0) > 1 ) | |
CreateCache(filename, "hotstr", Substr(readline, 1, Instr(readline, "::", 0, 0)-1), A_index ) | |
else if !SuperInstr(readline, "``|`t| |,", 0) and Substr(readline,0) == ":" | |
CreateCache(filename, "label", readline, A_index) | |
else if Check4func(readline, A_index, file) | |
CreateCache(filename, "func", Substr(readline, 1, Instr(readline, "(")) ")", A_index) | |
else if Check4prop(readline, A_index, file) | |
CreateCache(filename, "prop", Substr(readline, 1, Instr(readline, "[")) "]", A_index) | |
} | |
} | |
CreateCache(hostfile, type, data, linenum){ | |
if type = func | |
if ( Substr( data, 1, SuperInstr(data, " |`t|,|(", 1)-1 ) == "while" ) | |
return | |
;Exceptions are listed above | |
FileAppend,% data ">" linenum "`n",% "Gotocache\" hostfile "-all.gotolist" | |
} | |
Check4Hotkey(line) { | |
;The function assumes line is trimmed using Trim() and then checked for ; comment | |
if ( Instr(line, "::") = 1 ) and ( Instr(line, ":", false, 0) = 3 ) ;hotstring | |
return "" | |
hK := Substr( line, 1, ( Instr(line, ":::") ? Instr(line, ":::")+2 : ( Instr(line, "::") ? Instr(line, "::")+1 : Strlen(line)+2 ) ) - Strlen(line) - 2) | |
if hK = | |
return | |
if !SuperInstr(hK, " | ", 0) | |
if !SuperInstr(hK, "^|!|+|#", 0) And RegExMatch(hK, "[a-z]+[,(]") | |
return | |
else | |
return hK | |
else | |
if Instr(hK, " & ") or ( Substr(hK, -1) == "UP" ) | |
return hK | |
} | |
Check4func(readline, linenum, file){ | |
if RegExmatch(readline, "i)[A-Z0-9#_@\$\?\[\]]+\(.*\)") != 1 | |
return | |
if ( Substr(readline, 0) == "{" ) | |
return 1 | |
loop, { | |
FileReadLine, cl, %file%,% linenum+A_index | |
if Errorlevel = 1 | |
return | |
cl := Trim( Substr(cl, 1, Instr(cl, ";") ? Instr(cl, ";")-1 : Strlen(cl)) ) | |
if cl = | |
continue | |
if block_comments | |
if Instr(readline, "*/") = 1 { | |
block_comments := 0 | |
continue | |
} | |
else continue | |
if Instr(readline, "/*") = 1 { | |
block_comments := 1 | |
continue | |
} | |
return Instr(cl, "{") = 1 ? 1 : 0 | |
} | |
} | |
Check4prop(readline, linenum, file){ | |
if A_AhkVersion < "" | |
return | |
if RegExmatch(readline, "i)[A-Z0-9#_@\$\?]+\[.*\]") != 1 | |
return | |
if ( Substr(readline, 0) == "{" ) | |
return 1 | |
loop, { | |
FileReadLine, cl, %file%,% linenum+A_index | |
if Errorlevel = 1 | |
return | |
cl := Trim( Substr(cl, 1, Instr(cl, ";") ? Instr(cl, ";")-1 : Strlen(cl)) ) | |
if cl = | |
continue | |
if block_comments | |
if Instr(readline, "*/") = 1 { | |
block_comments := 0 | |
continue | |
} | |
else continue | |
if Instr(readline, "/*") = 1 { | |
block_comments := 1 | |
continue | |
} | |
return Instr(cl, "{") = 1 ? 1 : 0 | |
} | |
} | |
filecheck: | |
FileGetTime, Timeforfile,% goto_tempfile := GetActiveFile(), M | |
if ( goto_cache[goto_tempfile] != Timeforfile ) | |
goto_cache[goto_tempfile] := Timeforfile , Goto_Readfile(goto_tempfile) | |
return | |
fileiscached(file){ | |
loop, read, gotoCache\filelist.gotolist | |
if ( file == A_LoopReadLine ) | |
return A_index | |
} | |
GUIEscape: | |
WinHide, GoToTilla | |
return | |
FreshList(mode, fileindex){ | |
global aLst,lblList | |
aLst := Object() | |
lblList := "" | |
GuiControl,, lblList,| | |
if !fileindex | |
return | |
loop, read, gotoCache\%fileIndex%%Mode%.gotolist | |
{ | |
StringSplit, toadd, A_LoopReadLine, > | |
aLst.Insert(toadd1, toadd2) | |
lblList .= "|" toadd1 | |
} | |
GuiControl, -Redraw, lblList | |
Guicontrol, ,lblList,% !lblList ? "|" : lblList | |
GuiControl, +Redraw, lblList | |
} | |
GetActiveFile(){ | |
WinGetActiveTitle, Title | |
if !( Instr(title, ".ahk") and Instr(title, ":\") ) | |
return "" | |
return Trim( Substr( Title, temp := Instr(Title, ":\")-1, Instr(Title, ".ahk", 0, 0)-temp+4 ) ) | |
} | |
DragGotoGui(){ ;Thanks Pulover | |
PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, A | |
} | |
/* | |
SuperInstr() | |
Returns min/max position for a | separated values of Needle(s) | |
return_min = true ; return minimum position | |
return_min = false ; return maximum position | |
*/ | |
SuperInstr(Hay, Needles, return_min=true, Case=false, Startpoint=1, Occurrence=1){ | |
pos := return_min*Strlen(Hay) | |
if return_min | |
{ | |
loop, parse, Needles,| | |
if ( pos > (var := Instr(Hay, A_LoopField, Case, startpoint, Occurrence)) ) | |
pos := var ? var : pos | |
if ( pos == Strlen(Hay) ) | |
return 0 | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
loop, parse, Needles,| | |
if ( (var := Instr(Hay, A_LoopField, Case, startpoint, Occurrence)) > pos ) | |
pos := var | |
} | |
return pos | |
} | |
lblList_Event: | |
If (A_GuiEvent <> "DoubleClick") | |
Return | |
SelectItem: | |
;Get selected item index. LB_GETCURSEL | |
SendMessage, 0x188, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hlblList% | |
;Check for error. LB_ERR | |
If (ErrorLevel = 0xFFFFFFFF) | |
Return | |
;Get the associated item data | |
i := GetListBoxItem(hlblList, ErrorLevel) | |
BlockInput, On | |
WinHide, GoToTilla | |
SendInput, ^g | |
sleep, 100 | |
SendInput,% aLst[i] "{Enter}" | |
BlockInput, Off | |
Return | |
GetListBoxItem(hLB, i) { | |
;Get length of item. LB_GETTEXTLEN | |
SendMessage 394, %i%, 0,, ahk_id %hLB% | |
;Check for error | |
If (ErrorLevel = 0xFFFFFFFF) | |
Return "" | |
;Prepare variable | |
VarSetCapacity(sText, ErrorLevel * (1 + !!A_IsUnicode), 0) | |
;Retrieve item. LB_GETTEXT | |
SendMessage 393, %i%, &sText,, ahk_id %hLB% | |
;Check for error | |
If (ErrorLevel = 0xFFFFFFFF) | |
Return "" | |
Return sText | |
} | |
;Incremental searching | |
txtSearch_Event: | |
GuiControlGet, s,, txtSearch | |
CreateList(s) | |
Return | |
CreateList(filter = "") { | |
Global hlblList, bShowing, aLst, activefileindex | |
Static sLastfilter := "`n" ;Initialize on an impossible filter | |
;Trim the right side | |
While (SubStr(filter, 0) = A_Space) | |
StringTrimRight, filter, filter, 1 | |
;Trim right side if it ends in " !" since it changes nothing | |
If (StrLen(filter) > 2) And (SubStr(filter, -1) = " !") And (SubStr(filter, -2, 1) <> A_Space) | |
StringTrimRight, filter, filter, 2 | |
;Check if the filter is different | |
If (filter = sLastfilter) ;And bShowing | |
Return | |
sLastfilter := filter | |
GuiControl, -Redraw, lblList | |
GuiControl,, lblList,| | |
lblList := "" | |
If (filter = "") | |
FreshList("-all", activefileindex) | |
Else { | |
For k, v in aLst | |
If (InStr(k, filter) = 1) | |
lblList .= "|" k | |
Guicontrol, ,lblList,% !lblList ? "|" : lblList | |
} | |
;Select the first item. LB_SETCURSEL | |
SendMessage 390, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hlblList% | |
;Redraw | |
GuiControl, +Redraw, lblList | |
} |
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To get it work with Visual Studio Code you need to change the window title user setting to contain the full path e.g.
"window.title": "${dirty}${activeEditorLong}${separator}${rootName}${separator}${appName}",