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Created January 6, 2014 12:26
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AHK wake-up-timer #ahk #script #function
; AHK wake-up-timer
; scheduler provides some of the functions of Window's Task Scheduler or the command line tool "schtasks" as an AHK-script.
; Unlike Windows' Scheduled Tasks this function works with accounts without passwords
; Author: boskoop (http://
Month=8 ;1-12
Day=30 ;1-31
Hour=21 ;0-23
Minute=16 ;1-59
Hibernate=0 ;0, 1, 2
Resume=1 ;0,1
WakeUp(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Hibernate, Resume, Name)
msgbox, I'm awake and working!
WakeUp(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Hibernate, Resume, Name)
;Awaits duetime, then returns to the caller (like some sort of "sleep until duetime").
;If the computer is in hibernate or suspend mode
;at duetime, it will be reactivated (hardware support provided)
;Parameters: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute together produce duetime
;Hibernate: If Hibernate=1, the function hibernates the computer. If Hibernate=2 the computer is set to
; suspend-mode
;Resume: If Resume=1, the system is restored from power save mode at due time
;Name: Arbitrary name for the timer
duetime:=GetUTCFileTime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute)
,"char *", 0
,"Str",name, "UInt")
,"Uint", handle
,"Int64*", duetime ;duetime must be in UTC-file-time format!
,"Int", 1000
;Hibernates the computer, depending on variable "Hibernate":
If Hibernate=1 ;Hibernate
DllCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", 1, "int", 0, "int", 0)
If Hibernate=2 ;Suspend
DllCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0)
,"Uint", handle
DllCall("CloseHandle", uint, Handle) ;Closes the handle
GetUTCFiletime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min)
;Converts "System Time" (readable time format) to "UTC File Time" (number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 in Coordinated Universal Time UTC)
;Converts System Time to Local File Time:
VarSetCapacity(MyFiletime , 64, 0)
VarSetCapacity(MySystemtime, 32, 0)
InsertInteger(Year, MySystemtime,0)
InsertInteger(Month, MySystemtime,2)
InsertInteger(DayOfWeek, MySystemtime,4)
InsertInteger(Day, MySystemtime,6)
InsertInteger(Hour, MySystemtime,8)
InsertInteger(Min, MySystemtime,10)
InsertInteger(Second, MySystemtime,12)
DllCall("SystemTimeToFileTime", Str, MySystemtime, UInt, &MyFiletime)
LocalFiletime := ExtractInteger(MyFiletime, 0, false, 8)
;Converts local file time to a file time based on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC):
VarSetCapacity(MyUTCFiletime , 64, 0)
DllCall("LocalFileTimeToFileTime", Str, MyFiletime, UInt, &MyUTCFiletime)
UTCFiletime := ExtractInteger(MyUTCFiletime, 0, false, 8)
Return UTCFileTime
ExtractInteger(ByRef pSource, pOffset = 0, pIsSigned = false, pSize = 32)
; Documented in Autohotkey Help
Loop %pSize%
result += *(&pSource + pOffset + A_Index-1) << 8*(A_Index-1)
if (!pIsSigned OR pSize > 4 OR result < 0x80000000)
return result
return -(0xFFFFFFFF - result + 1)
InsertInteger(pInteger, ByRef pDest, pOffset = 0, pSize = 4)
; Documentated in Autohotkey Help
Loop %pSize%
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt, &pDest + pOffset + A_Index-1
, UInt, 1, UChar, pInteger >> 8*(A_Index-1) & 0xFF)
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