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Created March 25, 2014 11:26
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RegEx Class #ahk #class
Created by Frankie Bagnardi
Forum topic:
Licensed under the MIT license:
Modified by R3gX -
class RegEx
Needle := "."
static EMAIL := "i)(?:\b|^)[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}(?:\b|$)"
static EMAIL2 := "[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_``{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_``"
. "{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2}|com|org|"
. "net|edu|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|asia|jobs|museum)\b"
__New(N) {
If StrLen(N)
this.Needle := N
; All matches are stored in a 2-dimentional object
; The format is Matches[MatchNumber, Subpattern]
; In many cases Subpattern is a number
; When using a named Subpattern, e.g., (?P<SubpatternName>pattern),
; the result will be stored in SubpatternName also
Match(H, N="") {
If !Strlen(N)
N := this.Needle ; Set default
Matches := {}
Subpatterns := this.GetSubpatterns(N)
Pos := 1, Match_ := ""
While ( Pos := RegExMatch(H, N, Match_, Pos+StrLen(Match_)) )
MatchIndex := A_Index
for Index,Subpattern in Subpatterns
Match := Match_%Subpattern%
Matches[MatchIndex, Index] := Match
If not (Subpattern=Subpattern*1) ; Subpattern is alpha or alnum
Matches[MatchIndex, Subpattern] := Match
Matches.Count := MatchIndex
return Matches
; MatchCall is a callout function
; It calls function F each time your needle matches
; F can be a string like "MyFuncName", or an object reference,
; e.g., Class.MyFuncName
; Do not include the parenthesis and parameters. Use C.F not C.F(Param)
; Each subpattern is sent as a parameter
MatchCall(H, F, N="") {
If !Strlen(N)
N := this.Needle ; Set default
If !IsFunc(F)
If !IsObject(F)
F := Func(F) ; Make it an object
Pos := 1, Match_ := "", Results := {}
While ( Pos := RegExMatch(H, N, Match_, Pos+StrLen(Match_)) ) {
Params := []
For Key,Subpattern in this.GetSubpatterns(N)
( R := F.(Params*) ) ? Results.Insert(R)
Return, Results
; This is essentially a one line RegExMatch, as apposed to a command
; Subpattern refers to the numbered or named subpatern to be returned
; For example, 1 or NamedSubpattern
; Omit this parameter or use "" to return the entire match
; To capture multiple matches use Match()
MatchSimple(H, Subpattern="", N="") {
If !Strlen(N)
N := this.Needle ; Set default
RegExMatch(H, N, Match_)
return Match_%Subpattern%
; Returns true if any mach is found, false otherwise
Test(H, N="") {
If !Strlen(N)
N := this.Needle ; Set default
Return !!RegExMatch(H, N)
; For each match in haystack H with needle N the function F will be called
; F must either be a function object or the plain text name of a function
; In your function F the return value will be used as a replacement
; The first argument is the entire match and the others are the subpatterns
ReplaceCall(H, F, N="", Start=1) {
If !Strlen(N)
N := this.Needle ; Set default
If !IsFunc(F)
If !IsObject(F)
F := Func(F) ; Make it an object
Pos := 1, Match_ := "", Results := {}
While ( Pos := RegExMatch(H, N, Match_, Pos+StrLen(Match_)) ) {
Params := []
For Key,Subpattern in this.GetSubpatterns(N)
R := F.(Params*)
; Credit to majkinetor for the next two lines
Result .= SubStr(H, Start, Pos-Start) . R ; R is the return value
Start := Pos + StrLen(Match_)
Return Result . SubStr(H, Start)
; Return all subpatterns in the needle
; Subpatterns and named subpatterns will be found
; Results will be returned in an array
GetSubpatterns(N="") {
If !Strlen(N)
N := this.Needle ; Set default
Subpatterns := [] , Subpatterns[0] := ""
Pos := 0 , Subpatterns_Needle := "\(\?P<(?P<Name>.+?)>.+?\)|\(.+?\)"
While ( Pos:=RegExMatch(N, Subpatterns_Needle, Subpattern, Pos+1) )
If SubpatternName
return Subpatterns
; Sanatize a part of a needle to be literal
; This is most useful when receiving input from the user
; The following characters are escaped:
; \.?*+[]{}()|^$
Literal(N="") {
If !Strlen(N)
N := this.Needle ; Set default
return RegExReplace(N, "([\\\.\?\*\+\[\]\{\}\(\)\|\^\$])", "\$1")
; Add one or more options to the needle
AddOptions(Options, N="")
static OptionsList := "imsxACDJOPSUX`r`n`a"
If !Strlen(N)
N := this.Needle ; Set default
If not RegExMatch(Options, "[" OptionsList "]")
Return, N
Else If (StrLen(Options)>1)
Loop, Parse, Options
N := this.AddOptions(A_LoopField, N)
Return, N
OptionsRx := "^([" OptionsList "]+?\))?(.+)"
RegExMatch(N, OptionsRx, M)
NewN := (not M1) ? Options ")" M2
: InStr(M1, Options) ? N
: Options . N
Return, (this.Needle := NewN)
; Sample for using Class RegEx
; by Frankie/ R3gX -
#Include Class_RegEx.ahk
<h1>Simple Page</h1>
<p>Lets match this ok?</p>
<p class="Get_This">This too</p>
NdlRx := "<(p).*?>(?P<Contents>.*?)</p>"
rx := new RegEx(NdlRx)
Matches := rx.Match(HTML)
For MIndex,Match in Matches
For SP,Value in Match
MsgBox, % "Match #" MIndex "`nSubpattern = " SP "`nValue = " Value
rx.MatchCall(HTML, "Handle_Tag")
MsgBox, % rx.MatchSimple(HTML, "Contents")
MsgBox, % "<html>.+?</html> match in HTML ? " rx.Test(HTML, "<html>.+?</html>")
MsgBox, % rx.ReplaceCall(HTML, "Replace", "class|\s+</?div>\s+")
MsgBox, % "literal needle =`n`n" rx.Literal()
MsgBox, % "Add 'O' to needle`n" rx.AddOptions("O")
MsgBox, % "Add 'x' to needle`n" rx.AddOptions("x")
MsgBox, % "Add 'A' to needle`n" rx.AddOptions("A")
MsgBox, % "Add 'x' to needle`n" rx.AddOptions("x")
MsgBox, % "Add 'OiPA' to needle`n" rx.AddOptions("OiPA")
If (m~="class")
Return, "id"
Else If (m~="</?div>")
Return, "`n"
Handle_Tag(M, Tag, Contents) {
Msgbox, % A_ThisFunc "`nIn a <" Tag ">, the contents are """ Contents """"
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