I had a very difficult time following this tutorial so I am writing this to help me and other people. I would recommend following the directions in the tutorial using this page for reference if things go wrong.
I did this whole process on my Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian OS.
Following the GitHub doc
First things first: clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/SiliconLabs/thundercloud.git
I believe this is what you need to install node.js and npm on the Raspberry Pi 3
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
Once you have installed you will need to run gulp
When I tried to run gulp at first I had issues with missing modules. This is what I used
sudo npm install gulp-browserify gulp-plumber
... including all the rest you will need. You may need to do
sudo npm install -g
to add things globally but I don't know what that means so I didn't worry about it.
Here is the reference: installing gulp modules
After you get gulp watch
to work (not sure what it does), you will want to run gulp build
Once this runs you will want to enter your thundercloud folder
cd thundercloud
I extracted the zip file from the tutorial to the the thundercloud folder.
Following these instructions you will see
sudo apt-get install python-pip libglib2.0-dev
sudo pip install bluepy
You will need the command line tools. The link on the GitHub is outdated. Use this one.
Following the directions there all you will have to do is
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
You will then login with your Google account and should now be able to use Firebase commands.
You will then run
firebase deploy --project <your firebase project id>
Make sure you are in the thundercloud folder when you run this.
*When you create a Firebase account you will create a project. The project will have a project ID. This will be "yourprojectname-5555" or something similar. This is the project name you will be using throughout the tutorial. Don't just use "yourprojectname"
Make sure your Thunderboard is turned on and run
sudo python tbsense_scan.py
This script will scan for Thunderboards and every time it detects your Thunderboard it will return the sensing data.
I still was unable to get the Silicon Labs app to work on the firebaseapp.com URL. I was able to see the real time database updating in Firebase but I was unable to see the visual Firebase app.
Here are the files from the original tutorial that you will need to download if you didnt already http://community.silabs.com/mgrfq63796/attachments/mgrfq63796/9/513/1/thunderpi.zip
.... i cant do any thing about this board...
where is tbsense_scan.py? , i could not find this file.
PS: i even could not use app to get the information, just discover this board device id.(Thunder Sense #49078)
really trouble here.
every time, i ran the gulp command, it would be
and my browser got a blank page on localhost:8080