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Created December 30, 2012 09:17
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lnmp的设置补丁以适应awstats日志统计, 在服务器上chmod +x 之后即可以运行,修改的文件均会被备份
* lnmp的设置补丁以适应awstats日志统计
* @author: horsley <>
* 可用于lnmp和lnmpa,已在0.8和0.9版本上面测试过,默认状态的日志格式有误,少了双引号
$vhost_sh = '/root/';
$vhost_conf_dir = array(
$nginx_conf = '/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf';
//日志文件 @todo: 现有日志文件的格式修正?
$nginx_logs = '/home/wwwlogs'; //*.log
$apache_logs = '/usr/local/apache/logs'; //*_log
$old_str = array('"\$request"', '"\$http_referer"', '"\$http_user_agent"', '\$http_x_forwarded_for\''); //forward这一个特殊处理 不会被重复替换
$new_str = array('\"\$request\"', '\"\$http_referer\"', '\"\$http_user_agent\"', '\"\$http_x_forwarded_for\"\'');
$old_conf = array(' $request ', ' $http_referer ', '$http_user_agent ', ' $http_x_forwarded_for');
$new_conf = array(' "$request" ', ' "$http_referer" ', '"$http_user_agent" ', ' "$http_x_forwarded_for"');
echo 'Modifying ...';
do_replacement($vhost_sh, $old_str, $new_str);
echo "Completed.\n";
echo 'Modifying nginx.conf ...';
do_replacement($nginx_conf, $old_conf, $new_conf);
echo "Completed.\n";
foreach ($vhost_conf_dir as $dir) {
if (!file_exists($dir)) continue; //only lnmp
echo '>Enter Config dir ' . $dir . "\n";
$confs = scandira($dir);
foreach ($confs as $conf_file) {
if (substr($conf_file, -5) != '.conf') continue; //保护其他文件,包括备份文件
echo "Modifying $conf_file...";
do_replacement($dir . '/' . $conf_file, $old_conf, $new_conf);
echo "Completed.\n";
function do_replacement($filename, $old_str, $new_str) {
//echo $filename;
$tmp = file_get_contents($filename);
$tmp = str_replace($old_str, $new_str, $tmp, $count);
if ($count > 0) {
copy($filename, $filename . '.bak');
file_put_contents($filename, $tmp);
} else {
echo 'target string not found. ';
function scandira($dir, $sortorder = 0) {
if(is_dir($dir)) {
$dirlist = opendir($dir);
while( ($file = readdir($dirlist)) !== false) {
if(!is_dir($file)) {
$files[] = $file;
($sortorder == 0) ? asort($files) : rsort($files);
return $files;
} else {
return FALSE;
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