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Forked from aliendeveloper/SudokuSolver.class.php
Created April 15, 2013 17:09
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* Bootstrap file
* This is an example of how to use the SudokuSolver Class
* Here the input array has been hardcoded. It could be send
* as get or post in the real application.
* @author Anush Prem <>
* @package Solver
* @subpackage Sudoku
* @version 0.1
* Required Class files
include_once "SudokuSolver.class.php";
// The application could take longer than normal php execution
// time. So set the execution time limit to 0(unlimited).
// input sudoku array in the format row == col array mapping
$sudoku = array(
// create an object of SudokuSolver.
$solver = new SudokuSolver();
// Pass the input sudoku to the $solver object.
$solver -> input ($sudoku);
// Solve the sudoku and return the solved sudoku.
$solved = $solver -> solve ();
// printing the formated input sudoku
print "<B>Input Sudoku:</B><br />";
foreach ($sudoku as $row){
foreach ($row as $col ){
print $col . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
print "<br />";
print "<hr />";
// printing the formated solved sudoku.
print "<B>Solved Sudoku:</B><br />";
foreach ($solved as $row){
foreach ($row as $col ){
print $col . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
print "<br />";
* @author Anush Prem <>
* @package Solver
* @subpackage Sudoku
* @version 0.1
* <i>Sudoku Solver</i> class
* This class solves the sudoku in my own logic.
* This solver takes time to execute according to the
* complexity of the sudoku.
* @author Anush Prem <>
* @package Solver
* @subpackage Sudoku
* @version 0.1
Class SudokuSolver{
* To store the input Sudoku
* @access private
* @var array $_input row == column mapping
private $_input;
* To store the currently solved sudoku at any moment of time
* @access private
* @var array $_currentSudoku row == column mapping
private $_currentSudoku;
* To store the probable values for each cell
* @access private
* @var array $_probable [row][col] == possible values array mapping
private $_probable;
* to store weather the sudoku have been solved or not
* @access private
* @var bool
private $_solved = false;
* store weather each cell is solved or not
* @access private
* @var array $_solvedParts row == column (bool) values
private $_solvedParts = array (
array ( false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ),
array ( false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ),
array ( false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ),
array ( false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ),
array ( false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ),
array ( false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ),
array ( false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ),
array ( false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ),
array ( false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false )
* SudokuSolver constructor
* If the input sudoku is provided it will store to the {@link _input} property.
* @access public
* @param array $input row == column mapping
* @return void
public function __construct($input = null){
// check if the input sudoku is provided, if yes then
// store it in $_input
if ( $input !== null ) $this -> _input = $input;
* Input Method
* Explictly give a new input array if its not already provided in
* the constructor. If already provieded in the constructore then
* it will be replaced
* @access public
* @param array $input row == column mapping
* @return void
public function input($input){
// store the received input into $_input
$this -> _input = $input;
* Solve Method
* The main function to start solving the sudoku and return the
* solved sudoku
* @access public
* @return array row == column mapping of solved sudoku
public function solve (){
// Copy the input sudoku to _currentSudoku
$this -> _currentSudoku = $this -> _input;
// update _solvedParts of the given sudoku
$this -> _updateSolved ();
// Start solving the sudoku
$this -> _solveSudoku();
// return the solved sudoku
return $this -> _currentSudoku;
* updateSolved Method
* Update the _solvedParts array to match the values of
* _currentSudoku.
* @access private
* @return void
private function _updateSolved(){
// loop for rows
for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++ )
// loop for columns
for ($j = 0; $j < 9; $j++ )
// if the value exists for the corresponding row, column
// then update the _solvedParts corresponding row, column
// to true
if ( $this -> _currentSudoku[$i][$j] != 0 )
$this -> _solvedParts[$i][$j] = true;
* _solveSudoku Method
* Main sudoku solving method
* @access private
* @return void
private function _solveSudoku(){
// continue running untill the sudoku is completly solved
// calculate the probable values for each cell an solve
// available cells
$this -> _calculateProbabilityAndSolve();
// check weather the sudoku is completly solved
$this -> _checkAllSolved();
}while (!$this -> _solved); // run till the _solved value becomes true
* _calculateProbabilityAndSolve Method
* Find the possible values for each cell and
* solve it if possible
* @access private
* @return void
private function _calculateProbabilityAndSolve(){
// find possible values for each cell
$this -> _findPosibilites();
// check if each cell is solveable and if yes solve it
$this -> _solvePossible();
* _findPosibilites Method
* Find possible values for each cell
* @access private
* @return void
private function _findPosibilites(){
// loop for rows
for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++ ){
// loop for columns
for ($j = 0; $j < 9; $j++ ){
// if the ixj cell is not solved yet
if ( !$this -> _solvedParts[$i][$j] ){
// find all possible values for cell ixj
$this -> _findAllProbables ($i, $j);
* _solvePossible Method
* Solve possible cells using probable values calculated
* @access private
* @return void
private function _solvePossible(){
// loop for rows
for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++ ){
// loop for column
for ($j = 0; $j < 9; $j++ ){
// if cell ixj is not solved yet
if ( !$this -> _solvedParts[$i][$j] ){
// solve the cell ixj if possible using probable values
// calculated
$this -> _solveIfSolveable ($i, $j);
* _checkAllSolved Method
* check if all the cells have been solved
* @access private
* @return void
private function _checkAllSolved(){
// pre assign all solved as true
$allSolved = true;
// loop for rows
for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++ ){
// loop for columns
for ($j = 0; $j < 9; $j++ ){
// if allSolved is still true an the cell iXj is not
if ( $allSolved and !$this -> _solvedParts[$i][$j] ){
// set all solved as false
$allSolved = false;
// copy the value of allSolved into _solved.
$this -> _solved = $allSolved;
* _solveIfSolveable Method
* Solve a single cell $rowx$col if it is solveable using
* available probable datas
* @access private
* @param int $row 0-8
* @param int $col 0-8
* @return bool
private function _solveIfSolveable ($row, $col){
// if there is only one probable value for the cell $rowx$col
if ( count ($this -> _probable[$row][$col]) == 1 ){
// copy the only possible value to $value
$value = $this -> _probable[$row][$col][0];
// set the value of cell $rowx$col as $value an update solvedParts
$this -> _setValueForCell ($row, $col, $value);
// return true as solved
return true;
// pre assign $value as 0. ie; not solved
$value = 0;
// loop through all the possible values for $row x $col
// and check if any possiblity can be extracted from it
// by checking if its possible for the same number to be
// positioned anywhere else thus confilicting with current
// cell. If a possibility is not a possibility for any other
// cell in the confilicting places then it is the value for
// current cell
foreach ($this -> _probable[$row][$col] as $possible){
// a try-catch exception handling used here
// as a control statement for continuing the main loop
// if a value is possible in some place.
// loop through the current column
for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++ ){
// if the cell is solved continue the loop
if ($this -> _currentSudoku[$i][$col] != 0)
// if the possible is also possible in the $i x $col cell
// then throw a ContinueException to continue the outer loop
if (in_array($possible, $this -> _probable[$i][$col]))
throw new ContinueException ("Exists");
// loop through the current row
for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++ ){
// if the cell is solved continue the loop
if ($this -> _currentSudoku[$row][$i] != 0)
// if the possible is also possible in the $i x $col cell
// then throw a ContinueException to continue the outer loop
if (in_array($possible, $this -> _probable[$row][$i]))
throw new ContinueException ("Exists");
// find the start of the 3x3 grid with $row x $col cell
$gridRowStart = $this -> _findGridStart($row);
$gridColStart = $this -> _findGridStart($col);
// loop row through the current 3x3 grid
for ($i = $gridRowStart; $i < $gridRowStart + 3; $i++){
// loop column through the current 3x3 gri
for ($j = $gridColStart; $j < $gridColStart + 3; $j++){
// if its the current $row x $col cell then
// continue the loop
if ($i == $row && $j == $col )
// if the cell is already solved then
// continue the loop
if ($this -> _currentSudoku[$row][$i] != 0)
// if the possible is also possible in the
// $i x $j cell then throw a ContinueException
// to continue the outer loop
if (in_array($possible, $this -> _probable[$i][$j]))
throw new ContinueException ("Exists");
// if the loop is not continued yet,
// then that means this possible value is
// not possible in any other conflicting
// cells. So assign the value of $value to
// $possible and break the loop.
$value = $possible;
}catch (ContinueException $e){
// if a ContinueException is thrown then contine
// the outer loop
// if the value of $value is not 0 then the value of
// the cell is $value.
if ($value != 0){
// set the value of cell $rowx$col as $value an update solvedParts
$this -> _setValueForCell ($row, $col, $value);
// return true as solved
return true;
// return false as not solved yet.
return false;
* _setValueForCell Method
* If a cell is solved then update the value for
* that cell, and also update the {@link _solvedParts}.
* @access private
* @param int $row 0-8
* @param int $col 0-8
* @param int $value 1-9
* @return void
private function _setValueForCell($row, $col, $value){
// update the solved parts in _currentSudoku.
$this -> _currentSudoku[$row][$col] = $value;
// update the corresponding _solvedParts.
$this -> _solvedParts[$row][$col] = true;
* _findAllProbables Method
* Find all possible values for any given cell using
* other already solved or given cell values.
* @access private
* @param int $row 0-8
* @param int $col 0-8
* @return void
private function _findAllProbables ($row, $col){
// initially set the $probable as array 1 to 9.
$probable = range(1,9);
// loop through current column
for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++ )
// if the cell $i x $col is solved and the value of
// cell $ix$col is in the $probable array then remove
// that element.
if (
( $current = $this -> _currentSudoku[$i][$col] ) != 0
( $key = array_search($current, $probable) ) !== false
unset ($probable[$key]);
// loop through the current row
for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++ )
// if the cell $row x $i is solved and the value of
// cell $rowx$i is in the $probable array then remove
// that element.
if (
( $current = $this -> _currentSudoku[$row][$i] ) != 0
( $key = array_search($current, $probable) ) !== false
unset ($probable[$key]);
// find the start of the 3x3 grid with $row x $col cell
$gridRowStart = $this -> _findGridStart($row);
$gridColStart = $this -> _findGridStart($col);
// loop row through the current 3x3 grid
for ($i = $gridRowStart; $i < $gridRowStart + 3; $i++)
// loop column through the current 3x3 grid
for ($j = $gridColStart; $j < $gridColStart + 3; $j++)
// if the cell $i x $j is solved and the value of
// cell $ix$j is in the $probable array then remove
// that element.
if (
( $current = $this -> _currentSudoku[$i][$j] ) != 0
( $key = array_search($current, $probable) ) !== false
unset ($probable[$key]);
// Store the rest of the probable values to
// _probable[$row][$col]
$this -> _probable[$row][$col] = array_values($probable);
* _findGridStart Method
* Find the start of the 3x3 grid in which the value
* comes
* @access private
* @param int $value 0-9
* @return int
private function _findGridStart ($value){
// return the start of the current 3x3 grid
return floor( $value / 3 ) * 3;
* <i>ContinueException</i> class
* Extends Exception. Used to throw exception for
* continue the outer most loop.
Class ContinueException extends Exception{}
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