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Last active December 18, 2015 13:09
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littlealchemy formula
water = ice + fire
water = egg + hourglass
fire : final
earth : final
air : final
steam = water + fire
steam = water + energy
lava = earth + fire
pressure = earth + earth
pressure = air + air
volcano = lava + earth
sea = water + water
ocean = water + sea
energy = air + fire
energy = plant + sun
mud = water + earth
rain = water + air
rain = cloud + water
dust = earth + air
dust = sun + vampire
cloud = air + steam
storm = energy + cloud
storm = cloud + electricity
geyser = steam + earth
isle = ocean + volcano
earthquake = earth + energy
earthquake = earth + wave
wind = pressure + air
eruption = volcano + energy
sky = air + cloud
hurricane = wind + energy
plant = rain + earth
gunpowder = fire + dust
explosion = gunpowder + fire
stone = air + lava
sand = air + stone
ash = volcano + energy
coal = pressure + plant
diamond = pressure + coal
diamond = coal + time
glass = fire + sand
glass = sand + electricity
hourglass = sand + glass
aquarium = water + glass
aquarium = glass + fish
glasshouse = plant + glass
metal = fire + stone
rust = air + metal
rust = metal + oxygen
rust = metal + oxygen
boiler = steam + metal
bullet = gunpowder + metal
steel = metal + coal
time = sand + glass
tree = plant + time
swamp = mud + plant
life = swamp + energy
life = love + time
plankton = water + life
bird = life + sky
bird = egg + air
bird = egg + sky
phoenix = fire + bird
human = earth + life
egg = life + stone
egg = bird + bird
egg = turtle + turtle
egg = lizard + lizard
clay = sand + mud
golem = clay + life
pottery = fire + clay
tool = metal + human
steam engine = boiler + tool
blade = metal + stone
wood = tool + tree
axe = blade + wood
forest = tree + tree
love = human + human
lumberjack = axe + human
train = steam engine + steel
train = steam engine + metal
steamboat = steam engine + water
steamboat = steam engine + boat
campfire = fire + wood
hard roe = egg + water
hard roe = fish + fish
hard roe = egg + sea
hard roe = egg + ocean
omelette = egg + fire
caviar = hard roe + human
turtle = egg + sand
fish = hard roe + time
lizard = egg + swamp
field = earth + tool
farmer = field + human
farmer = human + plant
house = wood + human
house = human + brick
house = tool + brick
house = wall + wall
livestock = farmer + life
livestock = wild animal + human
chicken = livestock + bird
grass = plant + earth
cow = grass + livestock
milk = farmer + cow
milk = cow + human
cheese = time + milk
moon = sky + cheese
tobacco = plant + fire
pipe = tobacco + wood
wheel = tool + wood
bicycle = wheel + wheel
wheat = field + farmer
flour = wheat + stone
flour = windmill + wheat
dough = water + flour
bread = flour + fire
bread = dough + fire
fruit = tree + farmer
fruit = sun + tree
pie = dough + fruit
meat = cow + tool
meat = pig + tool
sandwich = bread + ham
sandwich = cheese + bread
smoke = fire + wood
ham = meat + smoke
gun = metal + bullet
corpse = human + gun
corpse = human + grim reaper
zombie = corpse + life
zombie = human + zombie
zombie = human + zombie
coffin = wood + corpse
grave = coffin + earth
grave = corpse + earth
graveyard = grave + grave
boat = water + wood
desert = sand + sand
cactus = sand + plant
cactus = desert + plant
seaweed = plant + sea
seaweed = plant + ocean
dragon = lizard + fire
cyclist = bicycle + human
fireman = human + fire
beach = sea + sand
beach = ocean + sand
beach = water + sand
sun = fire + sky
palm = isle + tree
rainbow = rain + sun
tsunami = ocean + earthquake
blood = human + blade
sailboat = boat + wind
electricity = metal + energy
electricity = solar cell + sun
electricity = wind turbine + wind
light bulb = electricity + glass
christmas tree = light bulb + tree
clock = time + electricity
clock = time + wheel
frankenstein = zombie + electricity
frankenstein = electricity + corpse
wire = electricity + metal
chainsaw = axe + electricity
electrician = human + electricity
electrician = flashlight + electricity
light = light bulb + electricity
electric eel = fish + electricity
sunflower = plant + sun
oil = sunflower + pressure
day = sun + time
day = night + sun
night = moon + time
solar cell = sun + tool
eclipse = sun + moon
wave = sea + wind
wave = ocean + wind
tide = sea + moon
tide = ocean + moon
fireplace = house + campfire
sundial = clock + sun
double rainbow! = rainbow + rainbow
scythe = blade + grass
scythe = blade + wheat
gravestone = grave + stone
twilight = day + night
flute = wood + wind
water pipe = water + pipe
wild animal = forest + life
snake = wild animal + wire
sickness = human + rain
sickness = human + sickness
sickness = human + sickness
cold = human + rain
snow = rain + cold
seasickness = sickness + sea
seasickness = sickness + ocean
snowman = snow + human
toast = sandwich + fire
toast = bread + fire
ice = water + cold
sword = blade + metal
sword = blade + steel
penguin = ice + wild animal
penguin = ice + bird
windmill = house + wind
windmill = wheel + wind
acid rain = rain + smoke
airplane = bird + metal
airplane = bird + steel
algae = water + plant
algae = ocean + plant
algae = sea + plant
allergy = human + dust
alligator = lizard + swamp
warrior = sword + human
angel = human + bird
antarctica = snow + desert
antarctica = ice + desert
archipelago = isle + isle
armor = tool + metal
armor = tool + steel
astronaut = human + moon
astronaut = rocket + human
atmosphere = air + pressure
atmosphere = sky + pressure
atomic bomb = energy + explosion
pig = livestock + mud
bacteria = swamp + life
barn = livestock + house
barn = cow + house
bayonet = gun + blade
beaver = wild animal + wood
birdhouse = bird + house
blizzard = snow + wind
blizzard = snow + storm
brick = clay + fire
brick = mud + fire
brick = mud + sun
brick = clay + sun
owl = night + bird
butcher = human + meat
car = wheel + metal
charcoal = tree + fire
charcoal = wood + fire
star = sky + night
knight = human + armor
cuckoo = clock + bird
dinosaur = lizard + time
dog = wild animal + human
duck = water + bird
dune = sand + wind
dune = desert + wind
dune = beach + wind
engineer = human + tool
glasses = glass + metal
glasses = glass + glass
family = human + house
fruit tree = fruit + tree
orchard = fruit tree + fruit tree
fireworks = explosion + sky
flood = rain + rain
flood = rain + time
fog = earth + cloud
garden = plant + plant
garden = plant + grass
grenade = explosion + metal
hail = rain + ice
hail = ice + storm
hail = ice + cloud
hay = grass + scythe
hay = farmer + grass
hero = knight + dragon
horizon = sky + earth
horizon = sea + sky
horizon = ocean + sky
horse = hay + livestock
hospital = house + sickness
ice cream = milk + cold
ice cream = milk + ice
mountain = earthquake + earth
glacier = ice + mountain
alcohol = fruit + time
alcohol = juice + time
nerd = human + glasses
cart = wheel + wood
wagon = cart + horse
doctor = human + hospital
paper = wood + pressure
newspaper = paper + paper
salt = sea + sun
salt = ocean + sun
vampire = human + blood
vampire = human + vampire
sunglasses = sun + glasses
igloo = house + ice
sandstorm = sand + storm
sandstorm = sand + hurricane
sandstorm = sand + energy
oasis = desert + water
robot = metal + life
robot = steel + life
sushi = fish + seaweed
sushi = caviar + seaweed
treehouse = tree + house
unicorn = rainbow + horse
unicorn = rainbow + life
unicorn = double rainbow! + horse
unicorn = double rainbow! + life
bacon = pig + fire
cigarette = tobacco + paper
pilot = airplane + human
pilot = seaplane + human
seahorse = horse + sea
seahorse = ocean + horse
fossil = dinosaur + time
fossil = dinosaur + earth
ring = diamond + metal
ring = diamond + gold
pegasus = bird + horse
pegasus = sky + horse
shark = blood + ocean
shark = sea + blood
shark = ocean + wild animal
shark = sea + wild animal
space = sky + star
space = sun + star
space = moon + star
yogurt = milk + bacteria
computer = tool + nerd
computer = electricity + nerd
mouse = cheese + wild animal
baker = human + bread
baker = human + flour
pencil = wood + coal
pencil = wood + charcoal
starfish = fish + star
starfish = sea + star
starfish = ocean + star
wine = fruit + alcohol
telescope = glass + sky
telescope = glass + star
pizza = cheese + dough
cat = wild animal + milk
sound = air + wave
lightsaber = light + sword
lightsaber = energy + sword
lightsaber = electricity + sword
jedi = lightsaber + human
jedi = knight + lightsaber
wolf = wild animal + dog
wolf = wild animal + moon
wolf = dog + forest
werewolf = wolf + human
werewolf = werewolf + human
werewolf = werewolf + human
grim reaper = human + scythe
grim reaper = corpse + scythe
sailor = human + boat
sailor = human + sailboat
camel = desert + horse
camel = desert + wild animal
wall = brick + brick
planet = earth + space
rocket = airplane + space
swordfish = fish + sword
drunk = human + alcohol
drunk = beer + human
music = human + flute
music = human + sound
smog = smoke + fog
beer = alcohol + wheat
seagull = bird + sea
seagull = bird + ocean
seagull = bird + beach
juice = water + fruit
juice = pressure + fruit
village = house + house
scissors = blade + blade
story = human + campfire
letter = paper + pencil
coconut = palm + fruit
coconut milk = coconut + tool
sugar = fruit + energy
sugar = juice + fire
sugar = juice + energy
bat = mouse + bird
bat = mouse + sky
squirrel = mouse + tree
river = mountain + water
cookie = dough + sugar
iceberg = sea + ice
iceberg = ocean + ice
iceberg = sea + antarctica
iceberg = ocean + antarctica
vulture = bird + corpse
bone = corpse + time
castle = house + knight
centaur = horse + human
nest = bird + tree
nest = bird + hay
lion = wild animal + cat
doghouse = dog + house
skyscraper = house + sky
dynamite = gunpowder + wire
goat = livestock + mountain
cereal = wheat + milk
black hole = star + pressure
lighthouse = light + house
lighthouse = light + beach
lighthouse = light + ocean
lighthouse = light + sea
surfer = human + wave
monkey = tree + wild animal
idea = human + light bulb
galaxy = star + star
lamp = metal + light bulb
mirror = glass + metal
meteoroid = stone + space
meteor = meteoroid + atmosphere
platypus = beaver + duck
pirate = sword + sailor
lava lamp = lava + lamp
hamburger = meat + bread
email = letter + computer
prism = glass + rainbow
sandpaper = sand + paper
kite = wind + paper
origami = bird + paper
darth vader = jedi + fire
darth vader = jedi + lava
statue = stone + tool
city = village + village
city = skyscraper + skyscraper
eagle = mountain + bird
watch = human + clock
ambulance = hospital + car
ambulance = doctor + car
manatee = cow + sea
ski goggles = glasses + snow
swim goggles = glasses + water
cyborg = human + robot
mermaid = human + fish
sheep = cloud + livestock
alien = life + space
book = paper + wood
book = paper + story
batman = bat + human
dam = beaver + river
dam = beaver + tree
dam = beaver + wood
dam = wall + river
internet = computer + computer
internet = computer + wire
motorcycle = bicycle + energy
motorcycle = bicycle + steel
avalanche = energy + snow
leather = cow + blade
leather = pig + blade
wizard = human + energy
faun = goat + human
gold = metal + sun
moss = plant + stone
moss = algae + stone
egg timer = egg + clock
butter = milk + pressure
oxygen = plant + sun
pyramid = desert + grave
pyramid = desert + stone
sand castle = sand + castle
yoda = jedi + swamp
umbrella = tool + rain
pond = water + garden
wool = sheep + tool
scarecrow = human + hay
carbon dioxide = human + oxygen
carbon dioxide = plant + night
carbon dioxide = tree + night
king = human + castle
bridge = river + wood
bridge = river + metal
bridge = river + steel
broom = wood + hay
leaf = tree + wind
fridge = metal + cold
fridge = electricity + cold
fridge = metal + ice
printer = paper + computer
scorpion = wild animal + dune
scorpion = wild animal + sand
santa = human + christmas tree
reindeer = santa + wild animal
sledge = snow + cart
sledge = snow + wagon
candy cane = sugar + christmas tree
christmas stocking = wool + fireplace
chimney = house + fireplace
sweater = wool + tool
gift = santa + christmas tree
gift = santa + christmas stocking
gift = santa + cookie
gift = santa + chimney
gift = santa + fireplace
snowball = snow + human
snowboard = wood + snow
armadillo = wild animal + armor
pigeon = bird + city
pigeon = bird + letter
pigeon = bird + statue
seaplane = airplane + water
seaplane = airplane + ocean
seaplane = airplane + sea
narwhal = unicorn + ocean
narwhal = unicorn + water
piranha = fish + blood
titanic = steamboat + iceberg
obsidian = lava + water
mummy = corpse + pyramid
money = paper + gold
flying fish = fish + bird
tank = car + armor
tank = car + gun
solar system = sun + planet
paper airplane = airplane + paper
banana = fruit + monkey
sandstone = stone + sand
parrot = bird + pirate
dry ice = carbon dioxide + cold
flashlight = tool + light
dew = fog + grass
trojan horse = horse + wood
catnip = cat + plant
scalpel = blade + doctor
skateboard = snowboard + wheel
alarm clock = clock + sound
water gun = water + gun
wind turbine = windmill + electricity
piggy bank = pig + money
sloth = wild animal + time
marshmallows = sugar + campfire
seal = dog + sea
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