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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Goblin Dice
Purpose: combat sim of one goblin against a test dummy
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Author: Horst JENS,
Licence: gpl, see
import random
# Grunty, the untrained goblin, has some attack skill
grunty_attack = 0.3 # float value
# the wooden, unmovable testdummy has poor defense, but many hitpoints
testdummy_hitpoints = 200 # integer value
testdummy_defense = 0.1
logfile = " Grunty vs. the wooden testdummy" # string
combatround = 0
while testdummy_hitpoints > 0:
combatround += 1 # the same as: combatround = combatround +1
logfile += "\n*** Round: {} *** The Testdummy ".format(combatround)
logfile += "has {} hitpoints left.".format(testdummy_hitpoints)
attack= grunty_attack + random.random()
defense = testdummy_defense + random.random()
# did Grunty hit the testdummy ?
if attack > defense:
logfile += "\n Smack! Grunty hits the testdummy with a most "
logfile += "skilled attack: "
logfile += "({:.2f} > {:.2f})".format(attack, defense)
# calculate damage
damage = random.randint(1,10) # integer value
# make damage
testdummy_hitpoints -= damage
logfile += "\n...and does {} damage!".format(damage)
logfile += "\n Oh no! Grunty does not even hit the testdummy "
logfile += "({:.2f} <= {:.2f})".format(attack, defense)
# vicotry for Grunty !
logfile += "\n------------------"
logfile += "Victory for Grunty after {} rounds".format(combatround)
"""2. file"""
# noch nix da, aber bald
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this was an experiment for my ThePythonGameBook repository on Github. Please see there for all necessary files

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