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Created May 4, 2013 18:31
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Save horstjens/5518306 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
quiz for dennis with functions, while loops and an for loop ( iterating over a list of questions )
# python3
# hi dennis. first, let us define parts that repeat themself a lot
# programmers hate typing the same thing over and over and prefer
#to define (def) function and call them over and over ... it's less typing
# let's define a function that simply prints the different possibilitys for the user
# ask the user for an answer, checks the answer (ask again if answer was invalid)
# and return the correct answer. (0,1,2 or 3). Note that those answers are strings.
def ask_how_much_you_agree():
'''displays help text and ask the user for one of those possible choices:
0,1,2,3. Ask again if answer is invalid. returns correct answer as string'''
while True: # never ending loop begins, because True is always True
print ("type 0 = this doesn't apply to me")
print ("type 1 = there is some truth to this")
print ("type 2 = I agree")
print ("type 3 =strongly agree")
answer = input("Your answer please ( press number and ENTER ):")
if answer in ["0","1","2","3"]:
break # the answer was valid, escape out of the endless while loop
print ("i will ask until you give an valid answer") # and back to the start of the while loop
# the while-loop was sucessfully escaped...
return answer
# the second part that always repeat itself is asking the user for an detailed answer. let's also
# write a function for it
def ask_details():
'''ask for details until the user enters at least something (even a single char). returns the details
as string.'''
while True: # never ending loop begins
answer = input("Why do you say that? Please write some details and press Enter:")
if len(answer) > 0:
break # escape out of the loop
print("if you just hit enter, i just ask again...")
# the while loop was sucessfully escaped
return answer
### now let's make a big list of the possible questions.
# ( the python line can stretch of multiple lines because it has brackets [ ]
questionlist = ["I am an amateur artist\n",
"I have musical talent.\n",
"I enjoy planning home make overs.\n",
"I am good at performing on stage.\n" ]
# now let's iterate over the questions and write questions and answers in a file until the user say stop
artscore = 0
target = open("/home/dennis/Desktop/answers.txt",'w')
for actualquestion in questionlist:
more = input("Another question ? \n type yes and press ENTER for another question")
if more[0] not in ["Y","y"]: # check first char of answer
break # break out of the loop
print("\n" + actualquestion + "\n") # no quotes inseide print because it's a variable (the loop variable)
answer1 = ask_how_much_you_agree()
answer2 = ask_details()
artscore += int(answer1)
# end of the iteration loop
target.close() # escaped the loop ( or no more questions ).
print ("Your art interest score of {} is most interesting.\n".format(artscore))
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