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Created August 12, 2022 08:13
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# generic menu for pygame. see for a simplier version
import os
import pygame
class MenuItem:
def __init__(self, name="dummy", choices=[], cindex=0, helptext=None, rect=None):
Menu Item. For use inside of a Menu.items list.
:param name: the name of the Item (Menupoint).
:param choices: a list of Strings with the valid values this Menupoint can have (for example font sizes)
:param cindex: the index of the currently selected choice
:param helptext: optional helptext for this menupoint
:param rect: pygame.Rect information, will be automatically written and used by
""" = name
self.choices = choices
self.cindex = cindex
self.helptext = helptext
self.rect = rect
class Menu:
# TODO: better nested datastructure, maybe ChainMap?
def __init__(self, name="root", items=[], rect=None):
Menu , a list of Menu Items and Submenus
Every Submenu (except the 'root' main menu) get's automatically added an Item('back')
:param name: Name of the submenu or 'root'
:param items: a list of Item or Menu instances
:param rect: pygame.Rect information, will be automatically written and used by
""" = name
self.items = items
self.rect = rect
self.add_back_item() # autoexec: add 'back' as first item if necessary
def add_back_item(self):
if != "root":
if "back" not in [ for i in self.items]:
self.items.insert(0, MenuItem("back"))
class Viewer:
"""pygame Viewer, initializes pygame screen and has a method with a main loop"""
width: int
height: int
screenrect: pygame.Rect
screen = None
background = None
font = None
menu = None
def __init__(self, width=800, height=600):
# ---- pygame init
Viewer.width = width
Viewer.height = height
self.setup_screen(width, height)
# -------- autoexec ------
def setup_screen(self, width, height, backgroundcolor=(255,255,255)):
Viewer.screenrect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, width, height)
Viewer.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
(width, height), pygame.DOUBLEBUF
Viewer.background = pygame.Surface((width, height))
def create_menu(self):
# ----------- create menu ----------------------
# start with the submenus, work your way up to the root menu.
# ---- audio (submenu of settings)----
audiomenu = Menu(name="audio", items=[
MenuItem("sound effects", choices=["on", "off"], cindex=0),
MenuItem("music", choices=["on", "off"], cindex=0),
# ---- video (submenu of settings) ----
# ----list of possible video resolutions without double entries -> set ----
reslist = list(set(pygame.display.list_modes(flags=pygame.FULLSCREEN)))
reslist.sort() # sort the list from smalles resolution to biggest
# concert list of tuples( int,int) into list of strings
# print("reslist", reslist)
reslist = ["x".join((str(x), str(y))) for (x, y) in reslist]
# print("reslist", reslist)
videomenu = Menu(name="video", items=[
MenuItem("toggle fullscreen"), #, choices=["on", "off"], cindex=0),
MenuItem("screen resolution", choices=reslist, cindex=4)
# --- color (sub-menu of settings)----
# --- prepare lists for acceptable values -----
# --- list of some hexadecimal color tuples: red, green, blue ----
colors = [str(hex(r))[-2:].replace("x", "0") + str(hex(g))[-2:].replace("x", "0") +str(hex(b))[-2:].replace("x", "0")
for r in (0,128,255) for g in (0,128,255) for b in (0,128,255)]
colormenu = Menu(name="colors", items=[
MenuItem("color_background", choices=colors, cindex=-2, helptext="hexadecimal values for red, green, blue. (00=0, ff=255)"),
MenuItem("color_small_font1", choices=colors, cindex=3, helptext="hexadecimal values for red, green, blue. (00=0, ff=255)"),
MenuItem("color_small_font2", choices=colors, cindex=7, helptext="hexadecimal values for red, green, blue. (00=0, ff=255)"),
MenuItem("color_big_font", choices=colors, cindex=4, helptext="hexadecimal values for red, green, blue. (00=0, ff=255)"),
# ------ fontsize (submenu of settings) ------
# --- prepare list for acceptable values ---
# create a list of fontsizes and convert it into string
fontsizes1 = [str(x) for x in range(8, 24, 1)]
fontsizes2 = [str(x) for x in range(10, 42, 2)]
fontsizemenu = Menu(name="fontsizes", items=[
MenuItem("fontsize_small", choices=fontsizes1, cindex=3),
MenuItem("fontsize_big", choices=fontsizes2, cindex=8),
# ---- settings (submenu of root) ---
settingsmenu = Menu(name="settings", items=[
# ---- merge all submenus into root menu ------
rootmenu = Menu("root", [MenuItem("play"), MenuItem("credits"), settingsmenu, MenuItem("quit")])
# ---- create a PygameMenu and store it into the class variable Viewer.menu1 ----
Viewer.menu1 = PygameMenu(rootmenu)
## to set the active menu at start to a submenu, give the whole historylist as argument:
#Viewer.menu1 = PygameMenu([rootmenu, settingsmenu, audiomenu])
r = Viewer.menu1.make_choices_dict(rootmenu)
def run(self):
# ---- main loop ----
running = True
while running:
# ---------get a command from the menu ---------------
# --------- save the current values of the menu -------------
#menuvalues_old = {}
#for k, v in Viewer.menu1.make_choices_dict(Viewer.menu1.rootmenu).items():
# menuvalues_old[k] = v
menuvalues_old = Viewer.menu1.make_choices_dict(Viewer.menu1.rootmenu).copy()
#print("old:", menuvalues_old)
# ------- get new command ------
command, choice =
menuvalues_new = Viewer.menu1.make_choices_dict(Viewer.menu1.rootmenu)
print("command is:", command, "choice is:", choice)
# ---- excecute commands ----
#if command == "cancel":
# # write old menus back into menu
# for k, v in menuvalues_old:
# Viewer.menu1.update_choice(k,v) # TODO write choices back into menu
if command == "play":
## start game code here
print("playing a game...")
elif command == "cancel":
print("cancel new values, restoring previous values...")
for k, v in menuvalues_old.items():
rootmenu = Viewer.menu1.history[0]
print("restoring", k, "to", v)
Viewer.menu1.set_choice(rootmenu, k, v)
elif command == "quit":
running = False
elif command == "toggle fullscreen":
print("Fullscreen is now:", pygame.display.toggle_fullscreen())
# --------------update all game settings that have been changed ------------
for k, v in menuvalues_new.items():
#print("comparing:", k,v, menuvalues_old[k])
if menuvalues_old[k] != v:
#print("change in ", k, v)
# value has changed. update:
if k == "color_background":
# color is hex value change back into decimal
Viewer.menu1.background.fill(pygame.Color(int(v[0:2],16), int(v[2:4], 16), int(v[4:6],16)))
if k == "color_small_font1":
Viewer.menu1.helptextcolor1 = pygame.Color(int(v[0:2],16), int(v[2:4], 16), int(v[4:6],16))
if k == "color_small_font2":
Viewer.menu1.helptextcolor2 = pygame.Color(int(v[0:2],16), int(v[2:4], 16), int(v[4:6],16))
if k == "color_big_font":
Viewer.menu1.textcolor = pygame.Color(int(v[0:2],16), int(v[2:4], 16), int(v[4:6],16))
if k == "fontsize_small":
Viewer.menu1.helptextfontsize = int(v)
if k == "fontsize_big":
Viewer.menu1.fontsize = int(v)
if k == "screen resolution":
# resolution is string like '800x600' -> create integer values for x,y:
x, y = int(v.split("x")[0]), int(v.split("x")[1])
#pygame.display.set_mode((x, y))
(x,y), pygame.DOUBLEBUF
self.setup_screen(x, y)
Viewer.menu1.screen = self.screen
Viewer.menu1.background = self.background
# -------------------------
print("end of mainloop")
class PygameMenu:
def __init__(self,
startIndex = 0,
cursorTextList = ["→ ", "-→ ", "--→"],
cursorAnimTime = 550,
helptextheight = 100,
helptextcolor1 = (0,0,0),
helptextcolor2=(0, 200, 200),
helptextfontsize = 15,
) -> (str, str):
A pygame Menu. It returns a list of strings: [selected MenuItem, selected choice (or None)]
command starting with _
:rtype: selected Menupoint (string)
:param rootmenu_or_historylist: Menu or list of Menus. If list of menu is given, it must be a walkable history like [rootmenu, settingsmenu, audiomenu] complete Menu structure, including all submenus
:param cursortext: string to be used as cursor, like '-->'
:param startIndex: where to set the cursor
:param cycle_up_down: when set to True, the cursor cycles throug Items. When set to False, the cursor stop at first/last item
:param cursorTextList: a list of cursor strings, for cursor animation
:param cursorAnimTime: how many seconds each Cursor string stays visible. if cursorTextList has 4 strings and AnimTime is set to 1 second, then each string is shown 1/4 = 0.25 seconds
:param menutime: age of menu in seconds
:param textcolor: color for (big) text of Menu Items
:param background: pygame Surface
:param screen: pygame Surface
:param fontsize: font size for (big) text of Menu Items
:param fontname: pygame Font name, default to 'mono'
:param yspacing: distance in pixel below each Menu Item
:param helptextheight: distance from top screen before Menu Items are blitted ( top border, reserved for helptext)
:param helptextcolor1: color1 of (small) help text
:param helptextcolor2: color2 of (small) help text
:param helptextfontsize: fontsize of small help text
# --- start--------
# if rootmenu is a list of Menus, fill history with it. Otherwise, only rootmenu is in history
if type(rootmenu_or_historylist) == Menu:
self.rootmenu = rootmenu_or_historylist
self.history = [rootmenu_or_historylist,] # traceback, must be empty list at start
elif type(rootmenu_or_historylist) == list:
self.rootmenu = rootmenu_or_historylist[0]
self.history = rootmenu_or_historylist
raise ValueError("rootmenu must be a Menu instance or a list of Menuinstances ") = self.history[-1] # active menu is the last item in history
self.i = startIndex
self.cursortext = cursortext
self.cycle_up_down = cycle_up_down
#---- pygame variables
self.cursorTextList = cursorTextList
self.cursorAnimTime = cursorAnimTime
self.menutime = menutime # age of menu in seconds
if background is None:
self.background = Viewer.background # pygame surface to blit
self.background = background
if screen is None:
self.screen = Viewer.screen
self.screen = screen
self.screenrect = self.screen.get_rect()
self.textcolor = textcolor # black
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
self.fps = 400
self.fontsize = fontsize
self.fontname = fontname
self.yspacing = yspacing # pixel vertically between text lines
self.helptextheight = helptextheight # pixel distance to top border of window, to display helptext
self.helptextcolor1 = helptextcolor1
self.helptextcolor2 = helptextcolor2
self.helptextfontsize = helptextfontsize
# ------
def font(self):
"""read only attribute, influened by fontname and fontsize"""
return pygame.font.SysFont(name=self.fontname, size=self.fontsize, bold=True, italic= False)
def smallfont(self):
"""read only attribute, influened by fontname and helptextfontsize"""
return pygame.font.SysFont(name=self.fontname, size=self.helptextfontsize, bold=True, italic=False)
def cursor_up(self, menupoints):
""" move cursor up to previous menupoint """
self.i -= 1
if self.i < 0:
if self.cycle_up_down:
self.i = len(menupoints) - 1
self.i = 0
def cursor_down(self, menupoints):
""" move cursor down to next menupoint """
self.i += 1
if self.i >= len(menupoints):
if self.cycle_up_down:
self.i = 0
self.i = len(menupoints) - 1
def cursor_back(self):
"""go back in history to previous menu"""
if len(self.history) <= 1: = self.rootmenu
print("you are already at root menu... going back is not possible from here")
self.history.pop() # delete last entry in history list
# start from root until the desired menu is found = self.history[-1]
self.i = 0
def cursor_goto_menu(self, targetname, menu):
"""recursive serach over ALL menus to go to targetname"""
for item in menu.items:
print("searching", targetname , " checking item:", item, "in menu:",
if type(item) == Menu:
if == targetname: = item
self.i = 0
return True
if self.cursor_goto_menu(targetname, item):
return True
return False
def cursor_goto_submenu(self, name):
"""change menu into 'name', witch must be on of the current Menu Items """
if name not in [ for item in if type(item) == Menu]:
raise ValueError(f"no submenu named {name} in current Menuitems: {}")
for item in
if == name and type(item) == Menu: = item
self.i = 0
raise ValueError("no matching menu found...")
def next_choice(self):
"""select next choice for the active Item"""
activeitem =[self.i]
if type(activeitem) != MenuItem:
return # it's not an Item
if len(activeitem.choices) <= 1:
return # nothing to change here
activeitem.cindex += 1
if activeitem.cindex >= len(activeitem.choices):
activeitem.cindex = len(activeitem.choices) - 1
def previous_choice(self):
"""select previous choice for the active Item"""
activeitem =[self.i]
if type(activeitem) != MenuItem:
return # it's not an Item
if len(activeitem.choices) <= 1:
return # nothing to change here
activeitem.cindex -= 1
if activeitem.cindex < 0:
activeitem.cindex = 0
def make_choices_dict(self, menu, result={}):
recursive crawl over all items and return a dict with all choices and their currently ativce values
asserts that all Items have unique names
for item in menu.items:
if type(item) == MenuItem:
if len(item.choices) > 0:
result[] = item.choices[item.cindex]
result = self.make_choices_dict(menu=item, result=result)
return result
def set_choice(self, menu, itemname, choicevalue ):
"""recursive crawl over all items and set the cindex of choices to the corresponding key,value pair of choicesdict."""
for item in menu.items:
if type(item) == MenuItem:
if == itemname:
for i, choice in enumerate(item.choices):
if choice == choicevalue:
item.cindex = i # found it!
return True
raise ValueError(f"found {itemname} in menu but not {choicevalue} in choices: {item.choices}")
elif type(item) == Menu:
return self.set_choice(item, itemname, choicevalue)
return False
def run(self):
runs the Menu and returns [selected Item, selected Choice].
if is called inside a game loop it stays visible, until Viewer.screen is changed
cx = 100 # topleft point for menu (cursor is LEFT of this!)
cy = 100
helpx = 10 # topleft of helptext (several rows!)
helpy = 10 #
historyx = 10 # topleft of history text
historyy = cy - 30
dy = 25 # y-distance between lines of menuitems
choicedistancex = 50 # padding between right screen edge and choiceslist
choicedistancey = 5 # between each line
running = True
# ---------------------- main loop -------------------------
while running:
milliseconds = self.clock.tick(self.fps) #
seconds = milliseconds / 1000
self.menutime += seconds
# ---------- clear all --------------
self.screen.blit(self.background, (0, 0))
# pygame.display.set_icon(self.icon)
# ----- get current menupoints and selection ------
menupoints = [p for p in]
selection =[self.i] # self.menudict[self.menuname][self.i]
# ------- cursor animation --------
maxcursordistance = 20
# how many seconds each Cursor string stays visible
anim = int(self.menutime // self.cursorAnimTime) % len(self.cursorTextList)
cursortext = self.cursorTextList[anim]
cursordistance = 0
cursorcolor = self.textcolor
# ----------- writing history on screen ----------
#if len(self.history) == 0:
# historytext = "You are here: root"
# historytext = "You are here: root>{}".format(">".join(self.history))
historytext = "You are here: {}".format(self.history[0].name if len(self.history)==1 else ">".join([ for h in self.history]))
write(self.screen, historytext, historyx, historyy, self.textcolor, self.smallfont, origin="topleft" )
# ------- write cursor and entry --------
maxwidth = 0
for i, entry in enumerate(menupoints):
if i == self.i:
# ----write cursor ---
write(self.screen, cursortext, cx - maxcursordistance + cursordistance, cy + dy * i ,
cursorcolor, self.font, origin="topright")
# ----------- write entry ---
w,h = write(self.screen,, cx, cy + dy * i, self.textcolor, self.font, origin="topleft")
entry.rect = pygame.Rect(cx, cy + dy*i, w, h) # update rect information
#pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (50,50,50), entry.rect, 1)
# ----write indicator to the right if entry is a submenu ----
maxwidth = max(maxwidth, w)
if type(entry) == Menu:
w2, h2 = write(self.screen, " >", cx + w, cy+dy*i, self.textcolor, self.font, origin="topleft")
maxwidth = max(maxwidth, w+w2)
elif type(entry) == MenuItem and len(entry.choices) > 0:
# ----- write currently selected choice if entry is an Item --------
w2, h2 = write(self.screen, ": "+ entry.choices[entry.cindex], cx+w, cy+dy*i, self.textcolor, self.font, origin="topleft")
maxwidth = max(maxwidth, w+w2)
# --- maxwitdth is now calculated for all items in this menu ---
# ---- write list of choices for active Item ----
activeitem =[self.i]
# ---- write general helptext ---
t = "press \u2191 \u2193 to navigate, ESC to quit {}".format("\u21D0 for previous menu " if != "root" else "")
w, h = write(self.screen,t , helpx, helpy, self.helptextcolor1, self.smallfont, origin="topleft")
# ----- write specific helptext ----
if type(activeitem) == Menu:
write(self.screen, ", ENTER/Leftclick for submenu", helpx + w, helpy, self.helptextcolor1, self.smallfont, origin="topleft" )
elif type(activeitem) == MenuItem:
if len(activeitem.choices) <= 1:
# write in same line
w, h2= write(self.screen, ", ENTER/Leftclick to activate", helpx + w, helpy, self.helptextcolor1, self.smallfont, origin="topleft")
elif len(activeitem.choices) > 1:
# write in new line
w,h2 = write(self.screen, "press \u2190 \u2192 /Mousewheel/PgUp/PgDn to select, ENTER/Leftclick to accept, c to cancel", helpx, helpy+h , self.helptextcolor1, self.smallfont, origin="topleft")
if activeitem.helptext is not None:
write(self.screen, activeitem.helptext, helpx, helpy+h+h2, self.helptextcolor2, self.smallfont, origin="topleft")
if type(activeitem) == MenuItem and len(activeitem.choices) > 1:
# ----------------- write list of choices ---------------------
# topleft startpoint for choices:
ox, oy = Viewer.width - maxwidth - choicedistancex, 0
choicerects = []
max_w, max_h = 0,0
# ----- calculate y position of choice entries -----
for ctext in activeitem.choices:
if[0:9] == "fontsize_":
font = pygame.font.SysFont(name=self.fontname, size=int(ctext), bold=True, italic=False)
font = self.smallfont
w, h = font.size(ctext)
max_w = max(max_w, w)
choicerects.append(pygame.Rect(ox, oy, w, h))
oy += choicedistancey + h
max_h = oy + h
# make one giant surface with all choicetextes
choices_surface = pygame.Surface((max_w, max_h))
choices_surface.fill((255,255,255)) # choices_surface always has a white background
# ----- write choice entry into choice surface --------
for i,ctext in enumerate(activeitem.choices):
# special colors if it is a hex-value
if[0:6] == "color_":
color = (int(ctext[0:2], 16), int(ctext[2:4], 16), int(ctext[4:6],16)) # hex -> decimal
color = self.textcolor
# special fontsize for fonsize-choices
if[0:9] == "fontsize_":
font = pygame.font.SysFont(name=self.fontname, size=int(ctext), bold=True, italic= False)
font = self.smallfont
write(choices_surface, ctext, 0, choicerects[i].y, color, font, origin="topleft" )
##pygame.draw.rect(choices_surface, (5,5,5), (0,0, max_w, max_h), 3)
# ----- blit the choice-surface on self.screen ,
y1 =[self.i].rect.y +[self.i].rect.height // 2
self.screen.blit(choices_surface, (Viewer.width-max_w-50, y1-choicerects[0].height//2-choicerects[activeitem.cindex].y))
# ---- paint line from active item to currently active choice -----
x1 = cx + maxwidth + 5
x3 = Viewer.width - choicedistancex - max_w - 5
y1 =[self.i].rect.y +[self.i].rect.height //2
pygame.draw.line(self.screen, self.textcolor, (x1, y1), (x3,y1), 1)
# --------- event handler -----------------
# ------ mouse pointer over menu item ------
for i, item in enumerate(
if item.rect.collidepoint(item.rect.centerx, pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]):
self.i = i
# -------- events ------
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# ------- mouse wheel -----
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button == 4: #
self.next_choice() # mouse wheel up
elif event.button == 5:
self.previous_choice() # mouse wheel down
# ----------- left mouse click ----------
elif event.button == 1:
# left mouse click
if == "back":
self.cursor_back() # go back to previous menu
elif type(selection) == Menu:
self.cursor_goto_submenu( # jump into submenu
return, selection.choices[selection.cindex] if len(selection.choices) > 0 else None
# ------- pressed and released key ------
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
return "quit", None
if event.key == pygame.K_c:
return "cancel", None
if event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_KP8:
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_KP2:
if event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE:
if event.key in (pygame.K_SPACE, pygame.K_RIGHT, pygame.K_PLUS, pygame.K_KP_PLUS, pygame.K_KP_6):
if event.key in (pygame.K_LEFT, pygame.K_MINUS, pygame.K_KP_MINUS, pygame.K_KP_4):
if event.key == pygame.K_PAGEUP:
for _ in range(15):
if event.key == pygame.K_PAGEDOWN:
for _ in range(15):
if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN or event.key == pygame.K_KP_ENTER:
if == "back":
self.cursor_back() # go back to previous menu
elif type(selection) == Menu:
self.cursor_goto_submenu( # jump into submenu
return, selection.choices[selection.cindex] if len(selection.choices) > 0 else None
# ---------- end of event handler -----
# --- special sprites ---
# self.menusprites.update(seconds)
# self.menusprites.draw(self.screen)
#-------- update screen -------------
#pygame.display.set_caption(f"mouse xy: {pygame.mouse.get_pos()}")
# ----- useful functions -------
def write(
color=(0, 0, 0),
font= None,
"""blit text on a given pygame surface (given as 'background')
:rtype: object
:param background: where to blit. pygame.Surface.
:param text: text to blit
:param x: x position of origin
:param y: y position of origin
:param color: pygame.Color object
:param font: pygame.Font object
:param origin: origin can be 'center', 'centercenter', 'topleft', 'topcenter', 'topright', 'centerleft', 'centerright',
'bottomleft', 'bottomcenter', 'bottomright'
:return: width, height
if font is None:
font=pygame.font.SysFont("mono", 24, True),
width, height = font.size(text)
surface = font.render(text, True, color)
if origin == "center" or origin == "centercenter":
background.blit(surface, (x - width // 2, y - height // 2))
elif origin == "topleft":
background.blit(surface, (x, y))
elif origin == "topcenter":
background.blit(surface, (x - width // 2, y))
elif origin == "topright":
background.blit(surface, (x - width, y))
elif origin == "centerleft":
background.blit(surface, (x, y - height // 2))
elif origin == "centerright":
background.blit(surface, (x - width, y - height // 2))
elif origin == "bottomleft":
background.blit(surface, (x, y - height))
elif origin == "bottomcenter":
background.blit(surface, (x - width // 2, y))
elif origin == "bottomright":
background.blit(surface, (x - width, y - height))
return width, height
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' #try to center pygame window on screen
v = Viewer(800,640) # initialize pygame, create Viewer instance
v.create_menu() # create PygameMenu instance as Viewer.menu1 # call mainloop
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