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Last active August 4, 2023 09:26
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# roguelike
import os
import random
def dice(dicestring):
1d6 -> random integer between 1 and 6
2d6 -> random integer between 2 and 12
1d20+5 -> random integer between 6 and 26
1D6 -> random integer between
if dicestring.count("d") != 1:
raise ValueError("dicestring does not have one 'd'")
left, right = dicestring.split("d")
number_of_dice = int(left)
if ("+" in right) or ("-" in right):
sign = "+" if "+" in right else "-"
sides, delta = right.split(sign)
sides = int(sides)
delta = int(delta)
if sign == "-":
delta = -delta
delta = 0
sides = int(right)
text = dicestring+": "
result = 0
for d in range(number_of_dice):
roll = random.randint(1, sides)
result += roll
if d > 0:
text+= f"{roll}"
result += delta
if delta != 0:
if delta > 0:
text += f"+{delta}={result}"
text += f"{delta}={result}"
return result, text
# das legend dictionary {key:value, key2:value2, ...}
legend = {"#":"wall",
d1 = """
d2 = """
dungeon = []
for d in (d1, d2):
lines = [list(line) for line in d.splitlines() if len(line.strip())>0]
hero = "@"
hx,hy,hz = 1,1,0
keys = 0
gold = 0
messages = []
turn = 0
while True:
turn += 1
for y, line in enumerate(dungeon[hz]):
for x, char in enumerate(line):
if (hx==x) and (hy==y):
print(hero, end="")
print(char, end="")
# messages printen
for m in messages:
messages = []
# user input
command = input(f"turn: {turn} dungeon: {hz+1} keys: {keys} gold: {gold}\nYour command: >>>")
if command.lower() in ("help","?"):
for key, value in legend.items():
print(key, "..........", value)
input("press Enter to continue")
if command.lower() in ("q", "quit", "exit"):
if command.lower() == "down":
if dungeon[hz][hy][hx] == ">":
messages.append("You climb the stairs down")
hz += 1
if command.lower() == "up":
if dungeon[hz][hy][hx] == "<":
messages.append("You climb the stairs up")
hz -= 1
dx, dy = 0, 0
if command.lower() == "w":
dy = -1
if command.lower() == "a":
dx = -1
if command.lower() == "s":
dy = 1
if command.lower() == "d":
dx = 1
# crash into wall ?
target = dungeon[hz][hy+dy][hx+dx]
if target in "#":
dx, dy = 0, 0
messages.append("You ran into a wall. Ouch!")
# door ?
if target == "d":
if keys == 0:
messages.append("You ran into a closed door. Ouch!")
keys -= 1
messages.append("You heroically opened a door with a key. Cunning!")
dungeon[hz][hy+dy][hx+dx] = "."
dx, dy = 0, 0
# movement
hx += dx
hy += dy
new_tile = dungeon[hz][hy][hx]
# items?
# gold?
if new_tile == "$":
dicestring = f"{hz+1}d20+{hz*2}"
amount, text = dice(dicestring)
gold += amount
messages.append(f"You found gold. Calculation: {text}")
dungeon[hz][hy][hx] = "."
# key?
if new_tile == "k":
messages.append("You found a key! Lucky!")
keys += 1
dungeon[hz][hy][hx] = "."
# stairs ?
if new_tile == "<":
messages.append("You can go up the stairs by typing 'up'")
if new_tile == ">":
messages.append("You can go down the stairs by typing 'down'")
# roguelike
import os
import random
from dice2 import diceroll
class Game:
zoo = {}
hero = None
class Monster:
number = 0
def __init__(self, x,y,z, name=""):
self.number = Monster.number
Monster.number += 1
Game.zoo[self.number] = self = name
self.friendly = False
self.can_strike = True
self.can_counterstrike = True
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.hp = 10
self.attack = 10 # +2D6
self.defense = 8 # +2D6
self.armor = 5
self.damage = 10 # +2D6
self.speed = 10 # +2D6
def __repr__(self):
text = f"{self.__class__.__name__} instance: "
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
text += f"{key}: {value}"
text += ", "
return text[:-2] # remove the last 2 chars
class Hero(Monster):
def __init__(self, x,y,z, name):
self.friendly = True
self.char = "@"
self.keys = 0 = 0
self.hp = 20
self.attack = 10 # +2D6
self.defense = 10 # +2D6
self.armor = 8
self.damage = 10 # +2D6
self.speed = 10 # +2D6
self.xp = 0 # experience points = 0 # mana points
self.satuation = 10
class Warden(Monster):
def __init__(self, x,y,z):
super().__init__(x,y,z, name="Warden")
self.attack = 10
self.defense = 3
self.armor = 10
self.damage = 15
self.speed = 1
self.friendly = True
self.char = "W"
self.hp = 30
def attack(attacker, defender):
text = []
# attack vs. defense
roll_a, text_a = diceroll(f"2D6+{attacker.attack}") # 2D6 + 10
roll_b, text_b = diceroll(f"2D6+{defender.defense}") # 2D6 + 8
if roll_b >= roll_a:
text.append(f"{} misses {} (attack {text_a} <= defense {text_b})")
return text
text.append(f"{} strikes {} (attack {text_a} > defense {text_b})" )
# damage vs. armor
roll_c, text_c = diceroll(f"2D6+{attacker.damage}")
roll_d, text_d = diceroll(f"2D6+{defender.armor}")
if roll_d >= roll_c:
text.append(f"but can not penetrate {}'s armor (damage {text_c} <= armor {text_d})")
return text
text.append(f"and inflicts {roll_c-roll_d} damage! (damage {text_c} > armor {text_d})")
damage = roll_c - roll_d
defender.hp -= damage
if defender.hp <= 0:
text.append(f"{} dies! {} wins the fight!")
text.append(f"{} has {defender.hp} hp left")
return text
def fight(attacker, defender):
text = ["===---- strike! ----===="]
text.append(f"{} ({attacker.hp} hp) strikes first vs. {} ({defender.hp} hp)")
text.extend(attack(attacker, defender))
if defender.hp > 0:
text.append("====---- counterstrike! ----====")
text.extend(attack(defender, attacker))
text.append(f"result: {}: {attacker.hp} hp, {}: {defender.hp} hp")
return text
def clear():
if == 'nt':
# das legend dictionary {key:value, key2:value2, ...}
legend = {"#":"wall",
d1 = """
d2 = """
dungeon = []
for d in (d1, d2):
lines = [list(line) for line in d.splitlines() if len(line.strip())>0]
# create Monster instances in the dungeon
for z, lines in enumerate(dungeon):
for y, line in enumerate(lines):
for x, char in enumerate(line):
if char == "W":
dungeon[z][y][x] = "."
# hero?
if char == "@":
Game.hero = Hero(x,y,z,"heroic You")
#print("created hero", x,y,z)
dungeon[z][y][x] = "."
messages = []
turn = 0
while True:
turn += 1
for y, line in enumerate(dungeon[Game.hero.z]):
for x, char in enumerate(line):
for monster in Game.zoo.values():
if (monster.z == Game.hero.z) and (monster.y==y) and (monster.x==x):
if monster.hp > 0:
print(monster.char, end="")
print(char, end="")
# messages printen
for m in messages:
messages = []
# game over?
if Game.hero.hp <= 0:
# user input
status = f"turn: {turn} lvl: {Game.hero.z+1} keys: {Game.hero.keys}"
status += f" $: {} hp: {Game.hero.hp} mp: {}"
status += f" xp: {Game.hero.xp}"
command = input("Your command: >>>")
if command.lower() == "heal":
Game.hero.hp += 5
if command.lower() in ("help","?"):
for key, value in legend.items():
print(key, "..........", value)
input("press Enter to continue")
if command.lower() == "quit":
if (command.lower() == "exit") and (dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x] == "o"):
answer = input("Really leave the dungeon? type 'YES' >>>")
if answer == "YES":
if command.lower() == "down":
if dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x] == ">":
messages.append("You climb the stairs down")
Game.hero.z += 1
if command.lower() == "up":
if dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x] == "<":
messages.append("You climb the stairs up")
Game.hero.z -= 1
dx, dy = 0, 0
if command.lower() == "w":
dy = -1
if command.lower() == "a":
dx = -1
if command.lower() == "s":
dy = 1
if command.lower() == "d":
dx = 1
# run into enemy?
for monster in Game.zoo.values():
if ((monster.number != Game.hero.number) and
(monster.z == Game.hero.z) and
(monster.y == Game.hero.y + dy) and
(monster.x == Game.hero.x + dx) and
(monster.hp > 0)):
monster.friendly = False
messages.extend(fight(Game.hero, monster))
dx,dy = 0, 0
# crash into wall ?
target = dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y+dy][Game.hero.x+dx]
if target in "#":
dx, dy = 0, 0
messages.append("You ran into a wall. Ouch!")
# door ?
if target == "d":
if Game.hero.keys == 0:
messages.append("You ran into a closed door. Ouch!")
Game.hero.keys -= 1
messages.append("You heroically opened a door with a key. Cunning!")
dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y+dy][Game.hero.x+dx] = "."
dx, dy = 0, 0
# movement
Game.hero.x += dx
Game.hero.y += dy
new_tile = dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x]
# items?
# gold?
if new_tile == "$":
dicestring = f"{Game.hero.z+1}D20+{Game.hero.z*2}"
amount, text = diceroll(dicestring) += amount
messages.append(f"You found gold. Calculation: {text}")
dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x] = "."
# key?
if new_tile == "k":
messages.append("You found a key! Lucky!")
Game.hero.keys += 1
dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x] = "."
# exit ?
if new_tile == "o":
messages.append("Type 'exit' to leave the dungeon (and end the game)")
# stairs ?
if new_tile == "<":
messages.append("You can go up the stairs by typing 'up'")
if new_tile == ">":
messages.append("You can go down the stairs by typing 'down'")
print("Game Over")
# roguelike
import os
import random
from dice2 import diceroll
class Game:
zoo = {}
hero = None
dungeon = []
turn = 0
messages = []
class Monster:
number = 0
def __init__(self, x,y,z, name=""):
self.number = Monster.number
Monster.number += 1
Game.zoo[self.number] = self = name = False
self.peaceful = False
self.can_strike = True
self.can_counterstrike = True
self.can_move = True
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.hp = 10
self.attack = 10 # +2D6
self.defense = 8 # +2D6
self.armor = 5
self.damage = 10 # +2D6
self.speed = 10 # +2D6
self.sight_range = 5
self.state = "roam" # roam - hunt - flee
def __repr__(self):
text = f"{self.__class__.__name__} instance: "
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
text += f"{key}: {value}"
text += ", "
return text[:-2] # remove the last 2 chars
def distance_to(self,monster):
"""returns None if both monsters
are on different dungeon levels.
Otherwise, returns distance in dungeon tiles
if monster.z != self.z:
return None
delta_x = self.x - monster.x
delta_y = self.y - monster.y
return int((delta_x**2+delta_y**2)**0.5)
def vector_to(self, monster):
"""return None if both monsters
are on different dungeon levels.
Otherwise, returns, dx, dy from self to monster
(in dungeon tiles)"""
if monster.z != self.z:
return None
dx = monster.x - self.x
dy = monster.y - self.y
return dx, dy
def foes_nearby(self, distance=1):
"""returns a list of foes in radius distance"""
result = []
for m in Game.zoo.values():
if m.hp <= 0:
if m.z != self.z:
if ==
if m.peaceful:
if m.number == self.number:
if self.distance_to(m) <= distance:
return result
def ai(self):
"""returns dx, dy if no enemies are nearby"""
#possible directions
if not self.can_move:
return 0,0
vectors = []
x,y = int(self.x), int(self.y)
for dy in (-1,0,1):
for dx in (-1,0,1):
if any([x+dx < 0, y+dy < 0,
x+dx >= len(Game.dungeon[self.z][0]),
y+dy >= len(Game.dungeon[self.z])]):
monsters = [m for m in Game.zoo.values() if all([
m.number != self.number,
m.z == self.z,
m.x == x+dx,
m.y == y+dy])]
if len(monsters) > 0:
if Game.dungeon[self.z][y+dy][x+dx] in "#d":
if len(vectors) <= 1:
return 0,0
# choose one of several possible vectors..
if self.peaceful:
return random.choice(vectors)
# any enemy inside sight radius? choose closest enemy
enemies = [m for m in Game.zoo.values() if all([
m.hp > 0,
m.number != self.number,
m.z == self.z, !=,
if len(enemies) == 0:
self.state = "roam"
return random.choice(vectors)
# choose closest enemy to hunt/flee
min_distance, opponent = None, None
for e in enemies:
d = self.distance_to(e)
if (min_distance is None) or d < min_distance:
min_distance = d
opponent = e
if (min_distance is None) or (min_distance > self.sight_range):
self.state = "roam"
return random.choice(vectors)
self.state = "hunt"
ex,ey = self.vector_to(opponent)
normv = (ex/abs(ex) if ex != 0 else 0, ey/abs(ey) if ey != 0 else 0)
# 90% chance to hunt, 10% chance do something else
if random.random() < 0.9:
if normv in vectors:
return normv
return random.choice(vectors)
class Cat(Monster):
def __init__(self,x,y,z,name="Kitty"):
super().__init__(x,y,z,name) = True
self.char = "°"
self.hp = 7
self.attack= 9
self.damage = -2
self.armor = 0
self.speed = 11
class Hero(Monster):
def __init__(self, x,y,z, name):
#self.friendly = True = True
self.char = "@"
self.keys = 0 = 0
self.hp = 20
self.attack = 10 # +2D6
self.defense = 10 # +2D6
self.armor = 8
self.damage = 10 # +2D6
self.speed = 10 # +2D6
self.xp = 0 # experience points = 0 # mana points
self.satuation = 10
class Rat(Monster):
def __init__(self,x,y,z,name="Rat"):
self.attack = 7
self.defense = 10
self.armor = 0
self.speed = 8
self.char = "R"
self.hp = 5
self.damage = -5
class Warden(Monster):
def __init__(self, x,y,z):
super().__init__(x,y,z, name="Warden")
self.can_move = False
self.attack = 10
self.defense = 3
self.armor = 10
self.damage = 15
self.speed = 1
self.peaceful = True
self.char = "W"
self.hp = 30
self.sight_range = 1
def attack(attacker, defender):
text = []
# attack vs. defense
roll_a, text_a = diceroll(f"2D6+{attacker.attack}") # 2D6 + 10
roll_b, text_b = diceroll(f"2D6+{defender.defense}") # 2D6 + 8
if roll_b >= roll_a:
text.append(f"{} misses {} (attack {text_a} <= defense {text_b})")
return text
text.append(f"{} strikes {} (attack {text_a} > defense {text_b})" )
# damage vs. armor
roll_c, text_c = diceroll(f"2D6+{attacker.damage}")
roll_d, text_d = diceroll(f"2D6+{defender.armor}")
if roll_d >= roll_c:
text.append(f"but can not penetrate {}'s armor (damage {text_c} <= armor {text_d})")
return text
damage = max(0,roll_c - roll_d)
text.append(f"and inflicts {damage} damage! (damage {text_c} > armor {text_d})")
defender.hp -= damage
if defender.hp <= 0:
text.append(f"{} dies! {} wins the fight!")
text.append(f"{} has {defender.hp} hp left")
return text
def fight(attacker, defender):
text = ["===---- strike! ----===="]
text.append(f"{} ({attacker.hp} hp) strikes first vs. {} ({defender.hp} hp)")
text.extend(attack(attacker, defender))
if defender.hp > 0:
text.append("====---- counterstrike! ----====")
text.extend(attack(defender, attacker))
text.append(f"result: {}: {attacker.hp} hp, {}: {defender.hp} hp")
return text
def clear():
if == 'nt':
# das legend dictionary {key:value, key2:value2, ...}
legend = {"#":"wall",
d1 = """
d2 = """
def create_dungeon(*levels):
for d in levels:
lines = [list(line) for line in d.splitlines() if len(line.strip())>0]
# create Monster instances in the Game.dungeon
for z, lines in enumerate(Game.dungeon):
for y, line in enumerate(lines):
for x, char in enumerate(line):
match char:
case "R":
Game.dungeon[z][y][x] = "."
case "@" :
Game.hero = Hero(x,y,z,"heroic You")
Game.dungeon[z][y][x] = "."
case "W":
Game.dungeon[z][y][x] = "."
case "°":
Game.dungeon[z][y][x] = "."
def paint_dungeon():
for y, line in enumerate(Game.dungeon[Game.hero.z]):
for x, char in enumerate(line):
for monster in Game.zoo.values():
if (monster.z == Game.hero.z) and (monster.y==y) and (monster.x==x):
if monster.hp > 0:
print(monster.char, end="")
print(char, end="")
def player_status():
status = f"turn: {Game.turn} lvl: {Game.hero.z+1} keys: {Game.hero.keys}"
status += f" $: {} hp: {Game.hero.hp} mp: {}"
status += f" xp: {Game.hero.xp}"
return status
def main():
Game.messages = []
message_index = 0
Game.turn = 0
while True:
Game.turn += 1
# messages printen
for m in Game.messages[message_index: len(Game.messages)]:
#messages = []
message_index = len(Game.messages)
# game over?
if Game.hero.hp <= 0:
# status
# user input
command = input("Your command: >>>")
if command.lower() == "heal":
Game.hero.hp += 5
if command.lower() in ("help","?"):
for key, value in legend.items():
print(key, "..........", value)
input("press Enter to continue")
if command.lower() == "quit":
if (command.lower() == "exit") and (Game.dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x] == "o"):
answer = input("Really leave the dungeon? type 'YES' >>>")
if answer == "YES":
if command.lower() == "down":
if Game.dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x] == ">":
Game.messages.append("You climb the stairs down")
Game.hero.z += 1
if command.lower() == "up":
if Game.dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x] == "<":
Game.messages.append("You climb the stairs up")
Game.hero.z -= 1
dx, dy = 0, 0
if command.lower() == "w":
dy = -1
if command.lower() == "a":
dx = -1
if command.lower() == "s":
dy = 1
if command.lower() == "d":
dx = 1
# run into / attack Monster?
for monster in Game.zoo.values():
if all((monster.hp > 0,
monster.number != Game.hero.number,
monster.z == Game.hero.z,
monster.y == Game.hero.y + dy,
monster.x == Game.hero.x + dx,
nx,ny = monster.x, monster.y
monster.x, monster.y = Game.hero.x, Game.hero.y
Game.hero.x, Game.hero.y = nx, ny
Game.messages.append("Your swap places with your ally")
if monster.peaceful:
Game.messages.append("You attack a peaceful creature. Not nice!")
monster.peaceful = False
Game.messages.extend(fight(Game.hero, monster))
dx,dy = 0, 0
break # player can only attack one monster per turn
# crash into wall ?
target = Game.dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y+dy][Game.hero.x+dx]
if target in "#":
dx, dy = 0, 0
Game.messages.append("You ran into a wall. Ouch!")
# door ?
if target == "d":
if Game.hero.keys == 0:
Game.messages.append("You ran into a closed door. Ouch!")
Game.hero.keys -= 1
Game.messages.append("You heroically opened a door with a key. Cunning!")
Game.dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y+dy][Game.hero.x+dx] = "."
dx, dy = 0, 0
# Player movement
Game.hero.x += dx
Game.hero.y += dy
# other monster movement
# ally movement / attack
allies = [m for m in Game.zoo.values() if all([
m.hp > 0,
m.number != Game.hero.number,,
m.z == Game.hero.z])]
for a in allies:
enemies = a.foes_nearby()
if len(enemies) > 0:
opponent = random.choice(enemies)
Game.messages.append(f"Your ally {} attacks a foe!")
Game.messages.extend(fight(a, opponent))
dx,dy =
a.x += dx
a.y += dy
# enemy move / attack
monsters = [m for m in Game.zoo.values() if all([
m.hp > 0,
m.number != Game.hero.number,
m.z == Game.hero.z])]
for m in monsters:
foes = m.foes_nearby()
if (len(foes) > 0) and not m.peaceful :
opponent = random.choice(foes)
if opponent.number == Game.hero.number:
text = "You"
text = "Your ally"
Game.messages.append(f"An hostile monster strikes against {text}")
Game.messages.extend(fight(m, opponent))
dx, dy =
m.x += dx
m.y += dy
# movement is done
new_tile = Game.dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x]
# items?
# gold?
if new_tile == "$":
dicestring = f"{Game.hero.z+1}D20+{Game.hero.z*2}"
amount, text = diceroll(dicestring) += amount
Game.messages.append(f"You found gold. Calculation: {text}")
Game.dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x] = "."
# key?
if new_tile == "k":
Game.messages.append("You found a key! Lucky!")
Game.hero.keys += 1
Game.dungeon[Game.hero.z][Game.hero.y][Game.hero.x] = "."
# exit ?
if new_tile == "o":
Game.messages.append("Type 'exit' to leave the dungeon (and end the game)")
# stairs ?
if new_tile == "<":
Game.messages.append("You can go up the stairs by typing 'up'")
if new_tile == ">":
Game.messages.append("You can go down the stairs by typing 'down'")
print("Game Over")
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
command = input("type OK to end the game")
if command == "OK":
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