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Last active March 5, 2022 09:07
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Save horstle/f3680902708084a11abb6428fb5fcff4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python script to extract from a Chrome OS recovery image (as .bin or .zip) in the same directory as the script.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
import os
from struct import calcsize, unpack
from zipfile import ZipFile
from io import UnsupportedOperation
class ChromeOSImage:
The main class handling a Chrome OS image
Information related to ext2 is sourced from here:
def __init__(self, imgpath):
"""Prepares the image"""
self.imgpath = imgpath
self.bstream = self.get_bstream(imgpath)
self.part_offset = None
self.sb_dict = None
self.blocksize = None
self.blk_groups = None
def gpt_header(self):
"""Returns the needed parts of the GPT header, can be easily expanded if necessary"""
header_fmt = '<8s4sII4x4Q16sQ3I'
header_size = calcsize(header_fmt)
lba_size = 512 # assuming LBA size
# GPT Header entries: signature, revision, header_size, header_crc32, (reserved 4x skipped,) current_lba, backup_lba,
# first_usable_lba, last_usable_lba, disk_guid, start_lba_part_entries, num_part_entries,
# size_part_entry, crc32_part_entries
_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, start_lba_part_entries, num_part_entries, size_part_entry, _ = unpack(header_fmt, self.read_stream(header_size))
return (start_lba_part_entries, num_part_entries, size_part_entry)
def chromeos_offset(self):
"""Calculate the Chrome OS losetup start offset"""
part_format = '<16s16sQQQ72s'
entries_start, entries_num, entry_size = self.gpt_header() # assuming partition table is GPT
lba_size = 512 # assuming LBA size
self.seek_stream(entries_start * lba_size)
if not calcsize(part_format) == entry_size:
print(4, 'Partition table entries are not 128 bytes long')
return 0
for index in range(1, entries_num + 1): # pylint: disable=unused-variable
# Entry: type_guid, unique_guid, first_lba, last_lba, attr_flags, part_name
_, _, first_lba, _, _, part_name = unpack(part_format, self.read_stream(entry_size))
part_name = part_name.decode('utf-16').strip('\x00')
if part_name == 'ROOT-A': # assuming partition name is ROOT-A
offset = first_lba * lba_size
if not offset:
print(4, 'Failed to calculate losetup offset.')
return 0
return offset
def extract_file(self, filename, extract_path):
"""Extracts the file from the image"""
self.part_offset = self.chromeos_offset()
self.sb_dict = self.superblock()
self.blk_groups = self.block_groups()
bin_filename = filename.encode('ascii')
chunksize = 4 * 1024**2
chunk1 = self.read_stream(chunksize)
while True:
chunk2 = self.read_stream(chunksize)
if not chunk2:
print(4, 'File {filename} not found in the ChromeOS image'.format(filename=filename))
return False
chunk = chunk1 + chunk2
if bin_filename in chunk:
i_index_pos = chunk.index(bin_filename) - 8
dir_dict = self.dir_entry(chunk[i_index_pos:i_index_pos + len(filename) + 8])
if dir_dict['inode'] < self.sb_dict['s_inodes_count'] and dir_dict['name_len'] == len(filename):
chunk1 = chunk2
blk_group_num = (dir_dict['inode'] - 1) // self.sb_dict['s_inodes_per_group']
blk_group = self.blk_groups[blk_group_num]
i_index_in_group = (dir_dict['inode'] - 1) % self.sb_dict['s_inodes_per_group']
inode_pos = self.part_offset + self.blocksize * blk_group['bg_inode_table'] + self.sb_dict['s_inode_size'] * i_index_in_group
inode_dict, _ = self.inode_table(inode_pos)
return self.write_file(inode_dict, os.path.join(extract_path, filename))
def superblock(self):
"""Get relevant info from the superblock, assert it's an ext2 fs"""
names = ('s_inodes_count', 's_blocks_count', 's_r_blocks_count', 's_free_blocks_count', 's_free_inodes_count', 's_first_data_block',
's_log_block_size', 's_log_frag_size', 's_blocks_per_group', 's_frags_per_group', 's_inodes_per_group', 's_mtime', 's_wtime',
's_mnt_count', 's_max_mnt_count', 's_magic', 's_state', 's_errors', 's_minor_rev_level', 's_lastcheck', 's_checkinterval',
's_creator_os', 's_rev_level', 's_def_resuid', 's_def_resgid', 's_first_ino', 's_inode_size', 's_block_group_nr',
's_feature_compat', 's_feature_incompat', 's_feature_ro_compat', 's_uuid', 's_volume_name', 's_last_mounted',
's_algorithm_usage_bitmap', 's_prealloc_block', 's_prealloc_dir_blocks')
fmt = '<13I6H4I2HI2H3I16s16s64sI2B818x'
fmt_len = calcsize(fmt)
self.seek_stream(self.part_offset + 1024) # superblock starts after 1024 byte
pack = self.read_stream(fmt_len)
sb_dict = dict(list(zip(names, unpack(fmt, pack))))
sb_dict['s_magic'] = hex(sb_dict['s_magic'])
assert sb_dict['s_magic'] == '0xef53' # assuming/checking this is an ext2 fs
block_groups_count1 = sb_dict['s_blocks_count'] / sb_dict['s_blocks_per_group']
block_groups_count1 = int(block_groups_count1) if float(int(block_groups_count1)) == block_groups_count1 else int(block_groups_count1) + 1
block_groups_count2 = sb_dict['s_inodes_count'] / sb_dict['s_inodes_per_group']
block_groups_count2 = int(block_groups_count2) if float(int(block_groups_count2)) == block_groups_count2 else int(block_groups_count2) + 1
assert block_groups_count1 == block_groups_count2
sb_dict['block_groups_count'] = block_groups_count1
self.blocksize = 1024 << sb_dict['s_log_block_size']
return sb_dict
def block_group(self):
"""Get info about a block group"""
names = ('bg_block_bitmap', 'bg_inode_bitmap', 'bg_inode_table', 'bg_free_blocks_count', 'bg_free_inodes_count', 'bg_used_dirs_count', 'bg_pad')
fmt = '<3I4H12x'
fmt_len = calcsize(fmt)
pack = self.read_stream(fmt_len)
blk = unpack(fmt, pack)
blk_dict = dict(list(zip(names, blk)))
return blk_dict
def block_groups(self):
"""Get info about all block groups"""
if self.blocksize == 1024:
self.seek_stream(self.part_offset + 2 * self.blocksize)
self.seek_stream(self.part_offset + self.blocksize)
blk_groups = []
for i in range(self.sb_dict['block_groups_count']): # pylint: disable=unused-variable
blk_group = self.block_group()
return blk_groups
def inode_table(self, inode_pos):
"""Reads and returns an inode table and inode size"""
names = ('i_mode', 'i_uid', 'i_size', 'i_atime', 'i_ctime', 'i_mtime', 'i_dtime', 'i_gid', 'i_links_count', 'i_blocks', 'i_flags',
'i_osd1', 'i_block0', 'i_block1', 'i_block2', 'i_block3', 'i_block4', 'i_block5', 'i_block6', 'i_block7', 'i_block8',
'i_block9', 'i_block10', 'i_block11', 'i_blocki', 'i_blockii', 'i_blockiii', 'i_generation', 'i_file_acl', 'i_dir_acl', 'i_faddr')
fmt = '<2Hi4I2H3I15I4I12x'
fmt_len = calcsize(fmt)
inode_size = self.sb_dict['s_inode_size']
pack = self.read_stream(fmt_len)
inode = unpack(fmt, pack)
inode_dict = dict(list(zip(names, inode)))
inode_dict['i_mode'] = hex(inode_dict['i_mode'])
blocks = inode_dict['i_size'] / self.blocksize
inode_dict['blocks'] = int(blocks) if float(int(blocks)) == blocks else int(blocks) + 1
self.read_stream(inode_size - fmt_len)
return inode_dict, inode_size
def dir_entry(chunk):
"""Returns the directory entry found in chunk"""
dir_names = ('inode', 'rec_len', 'name_len', 'file_type', 'name')
dir_fmt = '<IHBB' + str(len(chunk) - 8) + 's'
dir_dict = dict(list(zip(dir_names, unpack(dir_fmt, chunk))))
return dir_dict
def iblock_ids(self, blk_id, ids_to_read):
"""Reads the block indices/IDs from an indirect block"""
seek_pos = self.part_offset + self.blocksize * blk_id
fmt = '<' + str(int(self.blocksize / 4)) + 'I'
ids = list(unpack(fmt, self.read_stream(self.blocksize)))
ids_to_read -= len(ids)
return ids, ids_to_read
def iiblock_ids(self, blk_id, ids_to_read):
"""Reads the block indices/IDs from a doubly-indirect block"""
seek_pos = self.part_offset + self.blocksize * blk_id
fmt = '<' + str(int(self.blocksize / 4)) + 'I'
iids = unpack(fmt, self.read_stream(self.blocksize))
ids = []
for iid in iids:
if ids_to_read <= 0:
ind_block_ids, ids_to_read = self.iblock_ids(iid, ids_to_read)
ids += ind_block_ids
return ids, ids_to_read
def seek_stream(self, seek_pos):
"""Move position of bstream to seek_pos"""
self.bstream[1] = seek_pos
except UnsupportedOperation:
chunksize = 4 * 1024**2
if seek_pos >= self.bstream[1]:
while seek_pos - self.bstream[1] > chunksize:
self.read_stream(seek_pos - self.bstream[1])
self.bstream[1] = 0
self.bstream = self.get_bstream(self.imgpath)
while seek_pos - self.bstream[1] > chunksize:
self.read_stream(seek_pos - self.bstream[1])
def read_stream(self, num_of_bytes):
"""Read and return a chunk of the bytestream"""
self.bstream[1] += num_of_bytes
return self.bstream[0].read(num_of_bytes)
def get_block_ids(self, inode_dict):
"""Get all block indices/IDs of an inode"""
ids_to_read = inode_dict['blocks']
block_ids = [inode_dict['i_block' + str(i)] for i in range(12)]
ids_to_read -= 12
if not inode_dict['i_blocki'] == 0:
iblocks, ids_to_read = self.iblock_ids(inode_dict['i_blocki'], ids_to_read)
block_ids += iblocks
if not inode_dict['i_blockii'] == 0:
iiblocks, ids_to_read = self.iiblock_ids(inode_dict['i_blockii'], ids_to_read)
block_ids += iiblocks
return block_ids[:inode_dict['blocks']]
def read_file(self, block_ids):
"""Read blocks specified by IDs into a dict"""
block_dict = {}
for block_id in block_ids:
seek_pos = self.part_offset + self.blocksize * block_id
block_dict[block_id] = self.read_stream(self.blocksize)
return block_dict
def write_file_chunk(opened_file, chunk, bytes_to_write):
"""Writes bytes to file in chunks"""
if len(chunk) > bytes_to_write:
return 0
return bytes_to_write - len(chunk)
def write_file(self, inode_dict, filepath):
"""Writes file specified by its inode to filepath"""
bytes_to_write = inode_dict['i_size']
block_ids = self.get_block_ids(inode_dict)
block_ids_sorted = block_ids[:]
block_dict = self.read_file(block_ids_sorted)
write_dir = os.getcwd()
with open(filepath, 'wb') as opened_file:
for block_id in block_ids:
bytes_to_write = self.write_file_chunk(opened_file, block_dict[block_id], bytes_to_write)
if bytes_to_write == 0:
return True
return False
def get_bstream(imgpath):
"""Get a bytestream of the image"""
if imgpath.endswith('.zip'):
bstream = ZipFile(imgpath, 'r').open(os.path.basename(imgpath).strip('.zip'), 'r') # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
bstream = open(imgpath, 'rb') # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
return [bstream, 0]
if __name__ == '__main__':
for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
if filename.startswith('chromeos'):
ChromeOSImage(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)).extract_file('', os.getcwd())
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