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Created September 10, 2014 13:47
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module Main (main) where
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), shiftL, shiftR)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Numeric (showHex)
import Data.List (intercalate, isInfixOf)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Network.Socket (HostAddress, HostAddress6)
type IPv6 = (Word64, Word64)
showIPv4 :: HostAddress -> String
showIPv4 x = intercalate "." . map (show . (.&. 0xff) . shiftR x) $ [24, 16, 8, 0]
hostAddress6ToIPv6 :: HostAddress6 -> IPv6
hostAddress6ToIPv6 (a, b, c, d) = (e, f)
where e = (fromIntegral a `shiftL` 32) .|. fromIntegral b
f = (fromIntegral c `shiftL` 32) .|. fromIntegral d
test1 :: HostAddress6
test1 = (704850048,4027320832,4207849484,1)
test2 :: IPv6
test2 = (2595313635555608576,4114)
-- 21DA:D3:0:2F3B:2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A
test3 :: IPv6
test3 = (2439263054412656443, 191967033597402202)
test4 :: IPv6
test4 = (0, 1)
test5 :: IPv6
test5 = (18338657682652659712, 1)
test6 :: HostAddress6
test6 = (536939960,0,0,3221225985)
test7 :: HostAddress6
test7 = (0, 0, 0, 3221225985)
test8 :: IPv6
test8 = (0, 0)
-- this function compress the first-longest zero sequence
-- if you want to shorten a single block of 0s, use
-- zeros = scanl (++) ":0:" (repeat "0:")
compressZeros :: String -> String
compressZeros str = without . longest $ zeros
where zeros = scanl (++) ":0:0:" (repeat "0:")
longest = listToMaybe . reverse . takeWhile ((== True) . fst) . map (\z -> (z `isInfixOf` str, z))
without = dropWhile (== '0') . maybe str (\(_, z) -> intercalate "::" . splitOn z $ str)
showIPv6 :: IPv6 -> String
showIPv6 addr@(a, b)
| a == 0x0 && b `shiftR` (64-32) == 0xffff = "::ffff:" ++ showIPv4 (fromIntegral $ b .&. 0xffffffff)
| a == 0x0 && b `shiftR` (64-32) == 0x0 && b .&. 0xffffffff >= 0x10000 = "::" ++ showIPv4 (fromIntegral $ b .&. 0xffffffff)
| otherwise = compressZeros $ formatIPv6 addr ""
formatIPv6 :: IPv6 -> ShowS
formatIPv6 (a, b) = showA1 . (':':) . showA2 . (':':) . showA3 . (':':). showA4 . (':':)
. showB1 . (':':) . showB2 . (':':) . showB3 . (':':) . showB4
where showA1 = showHex (a `shiftR` (64-16))
showA2 = showHex (a `shiftR` (64-32) .&. 0x0000ffff)
showA3 = showHex (a `shiftR` (64-48) .&. 0x0000ffff)
showA4 = showHex (a .&. 0x0000ffff)
showB1 = showHex (b `shiftR` (64-16))
showB2 = showHex (b `shiftR` (64-32) .&. 0x0000ffff)
showB3 = showHex (b `shiftR` (64-48) .&. 0x0000ffff)
showB4 = showHex (b .&. 0x0000ffff)
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (putStrLn . showIPv6) [hostAddress6ToIPv6 test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, hostAddress6ToIPv6 test6, hostAddress6ToIPv6 test7, test8]
{-- output:
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