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Created April 28, 2017 03:27
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Example of how to use Pyramids, a pure-Python rule-based natural language parser
# Installation note: Unless you plan to write your own grammar, you will need to install not only the pyramids package
# itself, but the pyramids_categories package as well. The pyramids package should automatically detect the presence of
# the pyramids_categories package and use its contents to initialize the default parser instance.
import time
import pyramids
def main():
# If your input method supports long sections of text, it is recommended that you first split your text into
# sentences using another NLP tool before passing them to the parser. Parser performance may also degrade
# significantly for very long inputs, particularly for those containing the words "and" or "or".
sentence = input("> ")
max_time = 10 # Maximum seconds to spend parsing.
# Parsing takes place in two phases: identification and disambiguation. The parser reduces the combinatorial
# explosion of possible combinations of subtrees that must be considered, by combining subtrees of similar type
# together during the identification phase. Then, once a valid structure covering the entirety of the input has been
# identified, the combined structures must be separated again, which is the disambiguation phase. Both phases
# can be interrupted by the timeout. If there is insufficient time to disambiguate because the identification phase
# timed out, a fast heuristic mechanism is used to pick out the most likely forest, to avoid returning nothing at
# all. This is called "emergency disambiguation", and the like-named flag is returned to indicate whether the fast
# heuristic mechanism had to be used. The timeout flags indicate whether the phase had to be interrupted before it
# was finished considering every option.
forests, # The actual parses. Each parse can contain multiple trees which together attempt to cover the input.
emergency_disambiguation, # Whether emergency disambiguation was used.
identification_timed_out, # Whether identification timed out before all options were considered.
disambiguation_timed_out # Whether disambiguation timed out before all options were considered.
) = pyramids.parse(
sentence, # The sentence to be parsed
'sentence', # The grammatical category to be parsed
timeout=time.time() + max_time # The (optional) time at which parsing is terminated if it is not complete
if emergency_disambiguation:
print("Emergency disambiguation! The parse forest is probably incorrect.")
if identification_timed_out:
print("Identification phase timed out. The parse forest is less likely to be correct.")
if disambiguation_timed_out:
print("Disambiguation phase timed out. The parse forest is less likely to be correct.")
# Eliminate any forest that contains zero trees or has gaps in its coverage of the input text.
forests = [forest for forest in forests if forest.parse_trees and not forest.has_gaps()]
if not forests:
print("No proper parses were identified.")
# Eliminate any forests with more than the minimum number of trees required to cover the input text.
best_size = min(len(forest.parse_trees) for forest in forests)
forests = [forest for forest in forests if len(forest.parse_trees) == best_size]
for index, forest in enumerate(forests[:3]):
print("Parse #%s" % (index + 1))
print("Score: %s avg / %s sum" % forest.get_weighted_score())
graphs = pyramids.get_parse_graphs(forest)
for tree, graph in zip(forest.parse_trees, graphs):
if tree.category.has_properties('command'):
print("Possible command.")
if tree.category.has_properties('question'):
print("Possible question.")
if tree.category.has_properties('statement'):
print("Possible statement.")
# The graph can be accessed as an indexed sequence, ordered by token position. There are also several
# different methods for getting additional information about a token position.
_, # Disregard
spelling, # The spelling for the token at the root node in the tree.
span, # The span of the token in the original input string
category # The grammatical category for the token
) = graph[graph.root_index]
print("Root token: %s" % spelling)
print("Root token position: %s" % graph.root_index)
print("Root token category: %s" % category)
print("Root phrase category: %s" % graph.get_phrase_category(graph.root_index))
print("Root token starts at string index %s and ends at string index %s." % span)
print("Root token has outbound directed edges to these token positions: %s" %
for sink_index in sorted(graph.get_sinks(graph.root_index)):
labels = graph.get_labels(graph.root_index, sink_index)
print("There is a directed edge from %s to %s with the following labels: %s" %
(graph.root_index, sink_index, sorted(labels)))
# You will likely have some additional criteria which help you to pick the best parse forest from among those
# that were generated. If so, you can adjust the scoring for each parse by providing a score between 0 and 1.
best_forest = forests[0]
for forest in forests:
if forest is best_forest:
score = 1
score = 0
# If you want your scores to affect parsing on future runs, you have to save the parser's scoring measures
# before your program terminates. Unfortunately, I haven't yet defined a function to access the default parser,
# so you'll have to access a "private" variable to do this. I don't plan on removing _default_parser anytime in
# the foreseeable future, so this should be safe despite its ugliness.
if __name__ == "__main__":
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I am getting issues in running your example:

> I am your friend.

Parse #1
Score: 0.8147313593151475 avg / 60.49815613599532 sum

Possible statement.
    OBJECT: friend
    SELECTOR: your

Root token: am
Root token position: 1
Root token category: verb(aux,be_form,cop,first,lower_case,present,singular)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 121, in <module>
  File "", line 88, in main
    print("Root phrase category: %s" % graph.get_phrase_category(graph.root_index))
AttributeError: 'ParseGraph' object has no attribute 'get_phrase_category'

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