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Last active July 19, 2019 09:26
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  • Save hossain-khan/5351153 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hossain-khan/5351153 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Snippet for parsing KML file and then converting to polygon shapes of Android Google Maps V2
* Dirty way to parse the KML file and create equivalent polygons for android maps V2
* What it does:
* - Reads local KML file and looks for "Polygon" data, and converts them
* to equivalent simple polygon data for Android Maps V2
* What it does NOT do / Limitations:
* - Consider all possible DOM tree structure
* (manually need to update selector for placemark,
* eg. "$kml->Document->Placemark as $pm")
* - use altitude values
* - Create complex Polygon with hole
* - Style polygon based on KML style document
* - and many more
* Why create this?
* - I needed quick way to generate tons of polygon data from KML.
* Since, android maps v2 does not support KML data, needed something like this script
* References:
* - KML Reference:
// enable error reporting - helpful when working on this script
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
echo 'Begin Script <br/><hr/>';
$polygonDataArray = array();
$kml = simplexml_load_file('data.kml');
//print_r($kml->Document); // debug the whole document data
/* You MUST update this selector to math your KML document tree */
foreach($kml->Document->Placemark as $pm){
// Process polygon datas
// Get coordinates for 'outerBoundaryIs', other possible data not considered is 'innerBoundaryIs'
$coordinates = $pm->Polygon->outerBoundaryIs->LinearRing->coordinates;
$cordsData = trim(((string) $coordinates));
// check if coordinate data is available
if(isset($cordsData) && !empty($cordsData)){
$explodedData = explode("\n", $cordsData);
$explodedData = array_map('trim', $explodedData);
// next for each of the points build the polygon data
$points = "";
foreach ($explodedData as $index => $coordinateString) {
$coordinateSet = array_map('trim', explode(',', $coordinateString));
if(count($coordinateSet) == 3){
// lon,lat[,alt] | Index 0 = lon, index 1 = lat, index 2 = alt [optional]
$points .= " new LatLng({$coordinateSet[1]}, {$coordinateSet[0]}),";
} else {
echo '<br/>Unhandled case for data set : ' . print_r($coordinateSet, true);
// at the end, remove the last ','
$polygonDataArray[] = "new PolygonOptions().add(" . substr($points, 0, -1) . ")";
} else {
echo '<br/>Not a polygon - skipping';
$androidMapJava = "
private static List<PolygonOptions> polygonOptionsList = new ArrayList<PolygonOptions>();
static {
foreach ($polygonDataArray as $polyDataSet) {
// add polygon to list - add a
$androidMapJava.= "\tpolygonOptionsList.add({$polyDataSet}.strokeColor(Color.BLACK));\n";
$androidMapJava .= "}";
echo "
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