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Created January 14, 2016 06:05
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package chapter3.inheritance
* Created by hoshi on 1/14/16.
class Vehicle(speed: Int) {
val mph: Int = speed
def race() = println("Racing MPH:" + speed)
* Method overriding requires the "override" keyword
* Only the primary constructor can pass parameters to the base constructor
class Car(speed: Int) extends Vehicle(speed) {
override val mph: Int = speed
override def race() = println("Racing Car MPH:" + mph)
class Bike(speed: Int) extends Vehicle(speed) {
override val mph: Int = speed
override def race() = println("Racing Bike MPH:" + mph)
trait flying {
def fly() = println("flying")
trait gliding {
def gliding() = println("gliding")
class Batmobile(speed: Int) extends Vehicle(speed) with flying with gliding {
override def race() = println("Racing Batmobile MPH:" + mph)
override def fly() = println("Flying Batmobile")
object VehicleMain extends App {
val v1 = new Car(200)
val v2 = new Bike(100)
val v3 = new Batmobile(300)
// Using maxBy
val vList = List(v1, v2, v3)
val fastest = vList.maxBy(_.mph)
package chapter3.inheritance
* Created by hoshi on 1/14/16.
* case class provides toString, hashCode, and equals
case class Stuff(name: String, age: Int)
object CaseClassMain {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val s = new Stuff("David", 45)
println(s == Stuff("David", 45))
println(s == Stuff("David", 43))
package chapter3.inheritance
* Created by hoshi on 1/14/16.
class ValueClass(val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
def twice() = i * 2
object ValueClassMain extends App {
def with42(in: Int => Int) = in(42)
val v = new ValueClass(9)
//etc (legal in Scala)
// give a unction
println(with42(33 +))
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