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Created October 29, 2022 14:07
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[POC] Creating a dynamic generator with dynamic options using node's commander package
"requiredArgs": [
"optionalArgs": [
"templates": [
"templatePath": "modules/core/public/generators/command/command.liquid",
"destinationPath": "%(where)/%(command).liquid"
"templatePath": "modules/core/public/generators/command/build.liquid",
"destinationPath": "%(where)/%(command)/build.liquid"
"templatePath": "modules/core/public/generators/command/check.liquid",
"destinationPath": "%(where)/%(command)/check.liquid"
const fs = require('fs');
const { exit } = require('process');
const { Command } = require('commander');
const program = new Command();
String.prototype.mapReplace = function(map) {
var regex = [];
for(var key in map)
regex.push(key.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"));
return this.replace(new RegExp(regex.join('|'),"g"),function(word){
return map[word];
.description('CLI to generate files based on the given json argument')
.description('Generate files based on the given json argument')
.argument('<jsonPath>', 'path of the generator file')
.action((jsonPath) => {
let generatorRawData = fs.readFileSync(jsonPath);
const generatorData = JSON.parse(generatorRawData);
// Here is the tricky part, we need to collect the additional arguments
// and make key-value pairs from them.
let additionalOptions = {};
for (i=2; i<program.args.length; i++) {
const argument = Object.fromEntries([program.args[i].split("=")])
additionalOptions = {
// magicStrings will contains %(varName): varValue pairs.
let magicStrings = {};
generatorData.requiredArgs.forEach(argumentName => {
// Check that all required options are set.
if (typeof additionalOptions[argumentName] === 'undefined') {
console.error(`Missing required argument. Please set <${argumentName}>=VALUE after --`);
magicStrings[`%(${argumentName})`]= additionalOptions[argumentName];
generatorData.optionalArgs.forEach(argumentName => {
magicStrings[`%(${argumentName})`]= additionalOptions[argumentName];
generatorData.templates.forEach(templateObj => {
console.log(`here we can generate file form ${templateObj.templatePath} to ${templateObj.destinationPath.mapReplace(magicStrings)} using yeoman`)
$ node generator.js generate gen.json -- command=delete where=modules/user/public/views/partials/lib/commands/user
here we can generate file form modules/core/public/generators/command/command.liquid to modules/user/public/views/partials/lib/commands/user/delete.liquid using yeoman
here we can generate file form modules/core/public/generators/command/build.liquid to modules/user/public/views/partials/lib/commands/user/delete/build.liquid using yeoman
here we can generate file form modules/core/public/generators/command/check.liquid to modules/user/public/views/partials/lib/commands/user/delete/check.liquid using yeoman
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